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10th session of the Group of Experts on Gas

23 March (10:00) - 24 March (18:00) 2023
Tempus, Palais des Nations, Av. de la Paix 8-14 Geneva, Switzerland

The Group of Experts on Gas helps UNECE member States deliver on key political commitments, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development or the global agreements on climate change.

The tenth session will focus on:

• Sustainable Development Goals (nexus gas-health, energy poverty, Africa)

• Hydrogen (blending, emissions, production challenges, and classification)

• System resilience and security of supply and the future of gas supply in Europe

• Carbon capture, use and storage (though the use of depleted gas fields)

• Methane emissions


The session will also feature the first part of a joint meeting of the Group of Experts and the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) Oil and Gas Subcommittee, which will take place on Wednesday, 22 March (14:00-16:00) in room H-207, and will continue during the methane emissions portion of the 10th Session agenda on 23 March. An online connection for virtual participants will be available on Wednesday only.

Click here to register for the GMI Oil & Gas Subcommittee meeting.


UNECE Dialogue on Hydrogen, an event organized by UNECE Group of Experts on Gas: Geneva, 22 March 2023, 16.00-18:00 (the day before the 10th session of the Group of Experts in Gas).

The meeting will be held in hybrid format (in-person and ONLINE). If you plan to participate in person, please register on this page.

This informal and interactive event will review ongoing and planned UNECE activities in hydrogen, as well as current international initiatives in this field.
Some of the topics covered will be:
•    Developing hydrogen value chain in Europe
•    Application of the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) to hydrogen projects
•    Taxonomy on hydrogen based on a life cycle analysis (LCA)
•    Guarantee of Origin for Hydrogen (GOH)
•    Role of gas infrastructure in accelerating hydrogen projects
•    Blending hydrogen with natural gas
•    Hydrogen emissions in the context of climate change
Short presentations will be followed by an open-floor discussions on priorities and next steps.
We look forward to your active participation.


39142 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.8/2023/1 - Provisional agenda for the 10th session of the Group of Experts on Gas _ 375594 _ English _ 773 _ 373905 _ pdf
39142 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.8/2023/3 - Energy system resilience: The future of gas supply in Europe _ 376364 _ English _ 773 _ 375745 _ pdf
39142 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.8/2023/4 - Hydrogen Task Force – Terms of Reference _ 376365 _ English _ 773 _ 375746 _ pdf
39142 _ Timetable and speakers _ 376689 _ English _ 773 _ 376918 _ pdf
39142 _ Draft Work Plan of the Group of Experts on Gas for 2024-2025 _ 376821 _ English _ 773 _ 376639 _ pdf
39142 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.8/2023/2 - Draft report of 10th session of the Group of Experts on Gas _ 376956 _ English _ 773 _ 376943 _ docx


40682 _ How to obtain a badge _ 376735 _ English _ 773 _ 376425 _ pdf
40682 _ Directions to Tempus Building and H building _ 376736 _ English _ 773 _ 376426 _ pdf
40682 _ Logistical note _ 376865 _ English _ 773 _ 376735 _ pdf
