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Practical application of strategic environmental assessment (SEA): Role of the environmental authorities in the SEA process

Practical application of strategic environmental assessment (SEA): Role of the environmental authorities in the SEA process

12 June 2015
Kiev Ukraine

The aim of the seminar was to raise awareness among the environmental authorities about the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) process, which as a tool for improving sectoral planning, as well as about their roles in this process.

The participants of the seminar were familiarized with the European cases of SEA application in various economic sectors and the benefits of SEA. They will consider the existing experience of Ukraine in conducting a SEA and discuss roles of various stakeholders in the SEA process, as well as the necessary measures for implementing SEA in Ukraine once the new draft Law “On strategic environmental assessment” has been adopted. The new law will require that SEA be conducted in compliance with the provisions of the Protocol on SEA to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention) and the EU SEA Directive (2001/42/EC).

During the seminar, particular attention was paid to the consideration of diverse functions and roles of the environmental authorities in the SEA process and to the discussion of a potential pilot SEA project in Ukraine.

The event gathered the representatives of the environmental authorities, as well as the representatives and specialists from civil society organizations and donor agencies/international financial institutions.

The seminar was organized by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, together with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) within the framework of the European Union (EU) funded Programme “Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood” (EaP GREEN).

The meeting took place at Hotel Rus, 4, Hospitalna Str., Kyiv 01601, Ukraine.

Document title      
Agenda ENG RUS  
Report ENG    
List of participants ENG    

UNECE Protocol on SEA
Technical assistance within EU funded EaP GREEN Programme

Ms. Elena Santer, UNECE Secretariat to the Espoo Convention and its Protocol on SEA


SEA – key principles for effective application, role of environmental authorities, and potential benefits of SEA (illustrative examples of successful SEA cases in EU and worldwide for different economic sectors)

Mr. George Kremlis, Head of Unit, DGENV, "Legal implementation, Cohesion policy, European Semester and SEA/EIA", European Commission with contributions from Ms. Maia Gachechiladze-Bozhesku and Mr. Martin Smutny, International Consultants on SEA


Main requirements of the draft legislation of Ukraine "on Strategic Environment Assessment" (with the focus on practical aspects/steps of SEA)

Mr. Sergej Vyhrist, EU project “Complementary support to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine for the Sector budget support implementation”


Experience in SEA implementation in Ukraine

Mr. Gennadii Marushevskyi, the EBED Project Environmental Advisor
Ms Oksana Aliyeva, Environment Consultant, Ukraine Municipal Local Economic Development


Typical steps of the SEA process and the role of environmental authorities in SEA systems in EU countries

Mr. Martin Smutny and Ms. Maia Gachechiladze-Bozhesku, International Consultants on SEA


Expected role of the environmental authorities in SEA process in Ukraine

Introductory presentation by Natalya Trofimenko, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine