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(GE.2) Group of Experts on Road Signs and Signals (9th Informal meeting)

(GE.2) Group of Experts on Road Signs and Signals (9th Informal meeting)

06 December 2022


36408 _ Agenda _ 373607 _ English _ 773 _ 369269 _ pdf


36409 _ Report _ 373941 _ English _ 773 _ 370024 _ pdf

Informal documents

36410 _ Informal document No.1 - Small vehicles - (FSV) _ 373673 _ English _ 773 _ 369498 _ pdf
36410 _ Informal doucment No. 2 - Days of the week - (IROSI) _ 373611 _ English _ 773 _ 369499 _ pdf
36410 _ Informal document No. 3 - “LEZ and ZEZ signs - (Denmark) _ 373615 _ English _ 773 _ 369493 _ pdf
36410 _ Informal document No. 4 - Alternative fuels, e-charging facility and e-vehicle - (FSV) _ 373674 _ English _ 773 _ 369500 _ pdf
36410 _ Informal document No. 5 - Non-Convention signs – zero and low emission zonal signs - (FSV) _ 373675 _ English _ 773 _ 369494 _ pdf