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Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for Sustainable Mobility, Second Edition. Part of the WP.29 “How it works – How to join it “series

ITS for Sustainable Mobility

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has been at the forefront of shaping the future of transport through its Roadmap on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). This roadmap, initially adopted in 2012 and recently revised in 2021, lays out a strategic vision for harnessing cutting-edge technologies to significantly improve transportation across the globe. Since 2012, a comprehensive set of regulations, rules, and norms has been established to support the development of Intelligent Transport Systems accross the different inland transport modes. These regulations span diverse domains, including safety, automation, and connectivity. The year 2021 marked a pivotal moment for the UNECE. Alongside the adoption of the updated ITS Roadmap, significant milestones were reached. For example, provisions addressing cybersecurity and robust cybersecurity management systems were established by the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles. As the digital landscape evolves, safeguarding transport networks against cyber threats remains paramount. This publication serves as a snapshot of recent advancements in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems, relating them to the activities of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee and its working parties.