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Hangzhou Forum: IoT in Trade Facilitation - Use Cases and Examples of Implementation

Hangzhou Forum: IoT in Trade Facilitation - Use Cases and Examples of Implementation

15 October 2018
Deefly Zhejiang Hotel, Guiyu Room Hangzhou China

This Conference will take place in the morning of 15 October 2018,  during the Hangzhou Forum of United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) (14 to 19 October 2018).

Over the last few years, IoT appears to be an important new development that allows integration of connected devices into every sphere of life including the area of trade. UN/CEFACT proposes to launch a Whitepaper project to explore

  • How IoT technology could be used to facilitate trade and related business processes
  • How existing UN/CEFACT deliverables could be used by IoT applications
  • Possible changes to existing UN/CEFACT deliverables, or new deliverables, that could be considered in order to support IoT trade-facilitation related applications.

In April 2018, a conference/workshop was organized that went over the different potential use cases of IoT in facilitating trade. The presentations from this are available on the event website. 

The objective of this conference is to look at use cases and examples of implementations of IoT in facilitating trade in areas such as agriculture, transportation, Regulatory, supply chain and benefits that were derived from such implementation.

Target Audience
All interested in finding out more about how IoT could be used to support trade facilitation.


9:00 – 9:15 - Welcome Address
     Ms. Ivonne Higuero, Director, Economic Cooperation and Trade Division, UNECE   BIO
     Mr. Tahseen Khan, Vice Chair, UN/CEFACT   BIO
     Mr. Kaushik Srinivasan, Domain Coordinator, eGovernment  BIO
     Ms. Virginia Cram Martos, Project Leader, IoT for Trade Facilitation  BIO

9:15 – 10:30 - IoT Technology Use Cases and Examples of Implementation
How IoT is shaping agriculture: Things to consider before developing your smart farming solutions
      Mr. Vijay Kumar, Senior Vice President eMudhra  BIO    PPT
How IoT is changing the cyber security landscape
      Mr. Tahseen Khan, Vice Chair, UN/CEFACT  PPT
IoT device identity management using Cryptography
       Mr. Masakazu Azano, Senior Manager, Globalsign KK   BIO   PPT
Asset Tracking and Monitoring using Connected Devices
     Mr. Mas Tanaka, Chief Strategy Officer, Uhuru Corp  BIO   PPT

10:30 – 11:00 – COFFEE BREAK

11:00 – 12:00 - IoT Technology – Use Cases and Implementation Examples
How Internet of Things are powering 24/7 nudge economies
     Mr. Bipin Pradeep Kumar, co-founder, GAIA Smart Cities  BIO   PPT
Use of AI and IoT in eCommerce - a comparison between East and West
      Mr. Marc Gervasi, Founder, The Red Synergy  BIO
Use of IoT in Logistics - Smart Container Project
      Ms. Hanane Becha, UN/CEFACT Smart Container Project Leader  BIO   PPT

12:00 – 12:25 - Privacy and Technology Issues
Open Discussion - IoT input to Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Applications: Implementation Issues
Moderated by: Ms. Virginia Cram Martos, Project Leader, IoT for Trade Facilitation   PPT

12:25 – 12:30 - Closing Remarks
Mr. Tahseen Khan, Vice Chair, UN/CEFACT