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Hangzhou Forum: Cross-border eCommerce

Hangzhou Forum: Cross-border eCommerce

17 October 2018
Deefly Zhejiang Hotel, Guiyu Room Hangzhou China

This half day Conference will take place in the afternoon of 17 October 2018, during the Hangzhou Forum of United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) (14 to 19 October 2018).

The volume of trade transactions through on-line platforms has been expanding yearly. eCommerce platforms can provide services of one single company selling its goods on-line; eCommerce platforms can also provide tools that allow other companies to showcase and sell their goods. The transaction is initiated on-line and this will result in a number of services (finance, transportation, regulatory clearance, payment) which may be integrated into the platform itself, or which may be handled through an external services.

The implications of these transactions are multi-faceted. On the one hand, it allows consumers (both individuals and companies) to shop all over the world without leaving their living room. To satisfy this individual demand, the packages are often smaller and more frequent than those that are sent to retailers; this results in handling a multiplication of small packages on the logistics side and a high volume of regulatory declarations when entering countries.

These platforms can have some very positive effects such as providing greater opportunities for micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises to sell their goods and services. They can help to promote local products that would not usually meet an international market. They can also help stimulate competition which could bring down prices and encourage innovation.

These platforms can also have some adverse effects as well. Competition issues are difficult to regulate across borders, especially when the platform making the sale is situated in another jurisdiction. Identifying actors (either vendors or consumers) on such platforms can be a challenge and ensuring that the partner with whom we are dealing is trustworthy becomes an issue. Quality-control can be also a challenge, especially for non-low-value products.

This half-day conference will explore the current state of eCommerce and the inherent challenges faced in this type of trade. It will lay down a clear definition of eCommerce and eCommerce platforms as well as the main actors involved in such transactions. It will then explore some of the following questions:

  • How does eCommerce fit in with these traditional types of transactions?
  • What aspects are unique to eCommerce vis-à-vis traditional types of transactions?
  • What electronic business standards are required for these transactions?
  • What standards are required for the declarative aspects?
  • How to perform due diligence and mediation procedures in e-Commerce platforms?
  • How to coordinate between e-commerce platforms when more than one may be involved in a transaction and how to coordinate with national Single Windows?

Target Audience 
All interested in cross-border eCommerce, including UN/CEFACT experts; eCommerce stakeholders; Government agencies; customs officials; … 


14:00 – 14:15 – Opening welcome Address
Ms. Ivonne HIGUERO, Director, Economic Cooperation and Trade Division, UNECE  BIO
Chinese official (tbc)

14:15 – 15:30 – Session 1: Benefits of eCommerce Platforms
Moderator: Ms. Estelle IGWE, Nigerian Export Promotion Council & UN/CEFACT Vice Chair  BIO

A new mode on the practice and standard development of cross-border e-Commerce in Zhengzhou
Ms. Ping (Katherine) XU, Henan Bonded Group  BIO   PPT

Targeted measures in poverty alleviation via e-Commerce
Mr. Yueming QIU, China National Institution of Standardization  BIO   PPT

Supporting MSMEs to access international markets
Ms. Virginia CRAM MARTOS, Triangularity Consulting & UN/CEFACT Domain Coordinator  BIO   PPT

Transaction assurance of cross-border e-Commerce – supplier’s performance management on e-Commerce platforms
Mr. Xin YAO , China Council for the Promotion of International Trade  BIO      PPT

Transaction assurance of cross-border e-Commerce – seller’s performance management and claim management
Mr. Ping WANG,  BIO   PPT

15:30 – 16:00 - Coffee Break

16:00 – 17:15 – Session 2: Challenges
Moderator: Mr. Yueming QIU, National Institution of Standardization  BIO   PPT

Interoperability issues – between platforms and with National Single Windows
Mr. Aleksei BONDARENKO, Eurasian Economic Commission & UN/CEFACT Domain Coordinator  BIO   PPT

International standardization to foster quality improvement in cross-border e-Commerce
Ms. Yang WU, China Certification & Inspection Group  BIO   PPT

Legal issues of e-Commerce
Mr. Saifullah KHAN, Managing Partner, S.U. Khan Associates Corporate & Legal Consultants  BIO   PPT

Practice and standard development of online reputation in Shenzhen
Ms. Xihui ZHANG, Shenzhen e-Commerce Better Service Center  BIO   PPT

Standards for e-Commerce

17:15 – 17:30 – Q&A and Discussion