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UNECE Standard - Porcine Meat Carcases and Cuts

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ECE-TRADE-369-Rev3-E_Porcine_2018.pdf (application/pdf, 443.33 KB)

This standard recommends an international language for raw (unprocessed) pork (porcine) carcases and cuts from domesticated pigs marketed as fit for human consumption. It provides purchaser with a variety of options for meat handling, packing and conformity assessment that conform to good commercial practice for meat and meat products intended to be sold in international trade. To market porcine carcases and cuts across international borders, the appropriate legislative requirements of food standardization and veterinary control must be complied with. The Standard does not attempt to prescribe those aspects, which are covered elsewhere. Throughout the Standard, such provisions are left for national or international legislation, or requirements of the importing country. The Standard contains references to other international agreements, standards and codes of practice that have the objective of maintaining the quality after dispatch and of providing guidance to Governments on certain aspects of food hygiene, labelling and other matters that fall outside the scope of this Standard. Codex Alimentarius Commission Standards, Guidelines, and Codes of Practice should be consulted as the international reference for health and sanitation requirements.