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Ensuring better air quality and reduced climate emissions through cleaner used vehicles

Ensuring better air quality and reduced climate emissions through cleaner used vehicles

Despite considerable progress in recent years, transport in general, but specifically road transport, remains one of the main contributors to air pollution and Climate Change. This is even more relevant in areas of low- and middle-income countries where the number of road vehicles is dramatically increasing as a result of the otherwise blissful progress in increasing wealth per capita. The increased access to the ownership of a car is also facilitated by the import of used vehicles originating mostly from high-income countries. Increasing lifetime of vehicles however, also contributes to the increased share of obsolete technology on the road and that leads to the risks of more pollution and less safety. 

Internationally recognized experts and policy makers will discuss the root causes of this problem at the conference "Ensuring Better Air Quality and Reduced Climate Emissions through Cleaner Used Vehicles" jointly organized by UNECE and UNEP on 20 February (Salle XII, Palais des Nations, Geneva) in the framework of the 70th anniversary of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee, which will gather some 400 high level participants from governments, international organizations, academia and civil society.

The conference will take stock of national and regional policy measures already in place and reflect on possible ways forward at international level to mitigate these negative effects from transport to our environment and climate. The conference will be moderated by Dr Lewis Fulton, UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies.

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