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Guide on Poverty Measurement

Guide on Poverty Measurement


In the UNECE region, countries’ approaches to poverty measurement vary significantly. There is a large spectrum of poverty indicators, wide varieties of definitions, methods, thresholds and data sources that are not fully matched by national or international guidelines.
This publication provides guidance on applying various measurement approaches and aims to improve the international comparability of poverty statistics.

Chapter 1 is an introduction describing the need for guidelines on poverty measurement and how is poverty measured today.

Chapter 2 provides an overview of poverty and related concepts such as inequality, social inclusion, vulnerability to poverty, and poverty risk.
Chapter 3 addresses the monetary approach to poverty, including the income and consumption expenditure measures that are most commonly used in measuring monetary poverty.
Chapter 4 introduces non-monetary deprivations, reflecting Agenda 2030’s recognition that poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon.
Chapter 5 addresses the measurement of multidimensional poverty and demonstrates its relevance for policy design and analysis at global, regional and national levels.
Chapter 6 entitled “Challenges for the future” presents an overview of the areas envisaged for further work. 

The publication mainly targets national statistical authorities and provides useful information for policymakers, researchers and other users of poverty data.
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Русская версия опубликована в августе 2018 года: (3.2 Мb)