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Inter-regional workshop on multimodal transport corridor management

Inter-regional workshop on multimodal transport corridor management

04 September 2023 15:00 - 18:00
Room VIII, Palais des Nations: in-person and hybrid Geneva Switzerland

Held in conjunction with the thirty-sixth session of the Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics (WP.5, 4-6 September 2023)

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This inter-regional workshop on “multimodal transport corridor management” is being held as part of the WP.5 cluster of work on “development of transport networks and/ or links” and as per the request of the Working Party at its thirty-fifth session in 2022 inviting the secretariat to continue holding and facilitating consultations on targeted topics of interregional interest.

The workshop, which is gathering interested stakeholders, including from ministries in charge of transport, national railway undertakings, transport infrastructure managers and operators as well as private sector associations, NGOs, and academia is supported by the five United Nations regional commissions (ECE, ESCAP, ESCWA, ECA and ECLAC). It will offer a platform for the exchange of valuable lessons learned in terms of corridor management approaches among policy makers and stakeholders in Europe, Asia, the Near and Middle East, Africa, and Latin America regions. A concept note for the workshop is contained in informal document WP.5 (2023) No. 1.



The workshop is expected to provide a platform for participants to:

  • Exchange views on latest trends, opportunities, and challenges in the field of multimodal transport corridor management with a focus on legal, institutional, and regulatory aspects, across regions.
  • Discuss the role of introducing a formalized corridor management mechanism as a tool to reduce levels of regulatory and institutional fragmentation thereby boosting cross-country/corridor-wide operationalization efforts.
  • Identify a number of universal recommendations and common principles  for enhanced transport corridor management at regional and inter-regional levels.