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National level training workshop on strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in Ukraine

National level training workshop on strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in Ukraine

01 - 04 October 2013
Kiev Ukraine

The workshop aims to enhance understanding of and strengthen capacity for the implementation of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, and in particular the Convention’s Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), in Ukraine. Objective of the workshop is to improve participants understanding of the benefits of and possibilities for using SEA as a tool in strategic decision making and to enable participants to independently utilize SEA in their own work. The workshop is organized in the framework of the “Greening economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood” (EaP GREEN) Programme.

Agenda ENG UKR
List of participants ENG RUS
Report ENG  

Introduction to the Espoo Convention and to its Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment 

Elena Santer, Espoo Convention secretariat


Presentation of the Draft Law on Environmental Impact Assessment, Ukraine

Alexander Tarasenko,  Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine


Legal framework for the implementation of the UNECE Protocol on SEA in Ukraine

Taras Tretyak, PhD


Training materials


Handouts for participants, case study

SEA training manual, slides ENG UKR

Practical examples of application of strategic environmental assessment in Russian Federation, Eastern Europe and Caucasus

Marina Khotuleva, Ecoline Environmental Assessment Centre