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VIENNA CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE HOUSING: "Promoting access to affordable and decent housing through the implementation of the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing"

VIENNA CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE HOUSING: "Promoting access to affordable and decent housing through the implementation of the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing"

12 - 13 April 2018
Vienna Austria

Organisers: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and City of Vienna

Languages: English, German and Russian

The Conference discussed the progress in achieving access to affordable and decent housing for all through the implementation of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, the New Urban Agenda and the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing by national governments, local authorities and relevant stakeholders.

The Conference was organised by the City of Vienna and the UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management, including its Real Estate Market Advisory Group (REM) with the support of Urban Innovation in Vienna (UIV) and Partners for Urbanism and Sustainable Housing (PUSH).

The Conference was held on 12 April at the UN premises in Vienna, Conference Room 4; and on 13 April at the City Hall of Vienna (The Rathaus).

Concept note, draft programme, logistics


Report of the Conference

  Documents Presentations

Vienna Message


Day 1

Opening speech
Andrey Vasilyev, UNECE Deputy Executive Secretary and OIC of FLHD



Welcome remarks
Wolfgang Förster, Chair of the Expert Group for the development of the Charter of the Geneva UN Charter for Sustainable Housing and Coordinator International Building Exhibition “IBA_Wien 2022”



Implementing the 2030 Agenda, the New Urban Agenda and
the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing at international and regional level

Gulnara Roll, Head of UNECE Housing and Land Management Unit



Mark Draek, Industrial Development Officer, Department of Energy, UNIDO



Implementing the 2030 Agenda, the New Urban Agenda and
the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing at national level

Daniela Grabmüllerova, Head of International Department, Ministry of Regional Development, Czech Republic



Ernst Hauri, Director, Federal Office for Housing, Switzerland



Serhii Komnatnyi, Head of State Fund for the Youth Housing under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine



Cédric Van Styvendael, President of Housing Europe, Member of the Executive Committee of L’Union Sociale pour l’Habitat, France



Day 2

Keynote speech
Sasha Tsenkova, Professor for Planning, Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary



Ensuring access to affordable and decent housing for all

Elena Szolgayova, Chair of the UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management



 Wolfgang Förster, Chair of the Expert Group for the development of the Charter of the Geneva UN Charter for Sustainable Housing and Coordinator International Building Exhibition “IBA_Wien 2022”



Susanne Bauer, City of Vienna, Wiener Wohnen Kundenservice, Chair of Eurocities Working Group “Housing”



Domenica Carriero, Associate Economic Affairs Officer, UNECE



Sorcha Edwards, Secretary General at Housing Europe



Kat Grimsley, Director, MS in Real Estate Development, School of Business, George Mason University



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Brooks Rainwater, Senior Executive & Director, Center for City Solutions, Washington, D.C.



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