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CoP-11 advance information session

CoP-11 advance information session

30 October 2020 9:30 - 12:30

Online meeting

The CoP-11 advance information session is being organized as a virtual meeting on 30 October 2020, 9:30–12:30, with English and Russian interpretation, via the platform “Kudo”.

The session aims to prepare delegations for participating in the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties, which will be a hybrid meeting in Geneva from 7–9 December 2020, with three 2-hour morning sessions (10:00–12:00), under the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. The advance information session will be organized to brief Parties about the content of CoP-11 as well as the practical and procedural arrangements and conduct of the significantly shortened, hybrid meeting, including arrangements for remote and in-person participation. It will provide an opportunity to clarify any questions related to the meeting organization, on substantive, procedural and practical matters.

The session will also provide information and time for discussion of selected items of the Annotated provisional agenda for the eleventh meeting (ECE/CP.TEIA/41) and the draft decisions and documents, which CoP-11 is invited to adopt or endorse.

A flyer of the event is available in English and Russian.

All delegates intending to participate in CoP-11, whether remotely or in-person, are invited to the advance information session. This includes delegates from the Geneva-based Permanent Missions when they will represent countries in person.

More information about the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP-11), incl. its agenda and all official documents, are available on the CoP-11 webpage.

List of Participants


Item 2 - Content and conduct of the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties

(a)   Annotated provisional agenda and timetable

(b)  Election of officers of the Bureau (CP.TEIA/2020/INF.2 in ENG, RUS) and the Working Group on Implementation (CP.TEIA/2020/INF.3 in ENG, RUS)

(c)   Practical arrangements

Item 3 - Presentation of selected agenda items incl. draft decisions and official documents for adoption or endorsement at the Conference, followed by Q&A by delegations

(a)   Draft operating procedures to facilitate remote participation and decision-making

(b)  Seminar on mine tailings safety (programme in ENG, RUS) and Draft decision on strengthening mine tailings safety in the ECE region and beyond

(c)   Ninth report on the implementation of the Convention and draft decision on strengthening the implementation of the Convention

(d)  Progress report on assistance activities incl. selected evaluations of effectiveness

(e)   Priorities, workplan and resources for the Convention for 2021–2022 (ECE/CP.TEIA/2020/9 in ENG, FRE, RUS) draft decision on guiding principles for financial assistance (ECE/CP.TEIA/2020/10 in ENG, FRE, RUS) and long term strategy (ECE/CP.TEIA/38/Add.1 in ENG, FRE, RUS)

(f)   Session on the implications of the coronavirus disease pandemic for industrial safety