Sixth Meeting of the Interministerial Coordination Council of the National Dialogue on Water Policy in Kazakhstan
20 November 2020
Nur-Sultan and online Kazakhstan
48697 _ Activities of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: UNECE activities, Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE _ 382028 _ English _ 773 _ 390265 _ pdf
48697 _ European Union – Central Asia: Water, Environment and Climate Change Cooperation (WECOOP), Valts Vilnitis, WECOOP _ 382030 _ Russian _ 864 _ 390267 _ pdf
48697 _ Activities on the implementation of the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE _ 382033 _ English _ 773 _ 390270 _ pdf
48697 _ Draft Work Plan of the National Dialogue on Water Policy in Kazakhstan for 2021, Serik Akhmetov, IWAC _ 382034 _ Russian _ 864 _ 390271 _ pdf