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Business Incubators for Sustainable Development in the SPECA Sub-region

SPECA publication

This handbook covers the key steps and considerations to set up, run, and evaluate business incubation programmes. Section 1 outlines the defining characteristics of BIs and their effectiveness in transition economies. Section 2 describes the stages of business incubator creation, namely: BI feasibility assessments based on environmental factors; setting the goals that determine the type or model of BI; developing a package of client services; designing a financial model and assessing BI’s sustainability; detailing the BI’s organizational structure; choosing a location and planning the premises; activities and events to attract residents to the BI; monitoring the activities of the BI and conducting impact assessment. Section 3 presents two BI models: state and university BIs and their respective peculiarities, while Section 4 deals with incubation programmes and also refers to the experience of the MGIMO "Business Incubator" and the business incubator located at Technopark Strogino (Annexes 2 and 3). Section 5 outlines future perspectives for the development of additional BI services and programmes. Finally, Section 6 provides some examples of BIs from Kazakhstan (NURIS, MOST).  

The recommendations and tools in this handbook target national and local governments, universities, as well as those developing and running business incubators (BIs) and similar institutions, such as pre-incubators, accelerators, and entrepreneurship support centres in the SPECA countries.  

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