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Webinar: Fostering innovative entrepreneurship through educational curricula in the SPECA sub-region, 19 September 2022

Virtual mode: online platform, (Geneva, Switzerland)

19 September 2022 9:30 - 16:30
Geneva Switzerland

This webinar will be first of the activities of the Network and will focus on the promotion of entrepreneurial culture in the education system as a crucial element of innovative development in the SPECA sub-region, the importance of which has been highlighted by UNECE analytical work and by SPECA stakeholders.

The webinar will consider the project-based learning approach as a potential enabler of entrepreneurial skills and culture to ensure that innovation takes place in a systematic fashion across the economy, starting from the education system, including within university-based BI and BA. It will be an opportunity to feature international best practices from Georgia and other countries, and exchange on recent and upcoming policy initiatives in the SPECA countries.


58066 _ draft Agenda _ 388483 _ English _ 773 _ 406785 _ pdf
58066 _ draft Agenda _ 388483 _ Russian _ 864 _ 406786 _ pdf


58073 _ Report _ 388489 _ English _ 773 _ 406791 _ pdf