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Proposed revisions to the standard for dried tomatoes

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ECE_CTCS_WP7_GE2_2024_07E.pdf (application/pdf, 458.5 KB)
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ECE_CTCS_WP7_GE2_2024_07F.pdf (application/pdf, 466.7 KB)
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ECE_CTCS_WP7_GE2_2024_07R.pdf (application/pdf, 561.59 KB)

The Specialized Section is invited to review the following proposals for changes to the standard for dried tomatoes (DDP-19) proposed by the delegation of the United States of America.
The document is based on the document ECE/TRADE/C/WP.7/2007/18 adopted by the Working Party at its sixty-third session in 2007. The text has been aligned with the revised standard layout for standards on dry and dried produce adopted in 2022.
Changes are marked in strike-through for deleted text and underline for added text.