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Compilation and Utilisation of the Financial Account of the Household Sector (Indonesia)

Compilation and Utilisation of the Financial Account of the Household Sector: Experience, Challenges, and Opportunities

  1. Introduction: Overview of Financial Account and Balance Sheet Indonesia (FABSI)
  2. Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account
  3. Utilisation of Household Sector’s Financial Account
  4. Next Steps
Languages and translations

Compilation and Utilisation of the Financial Account of the

Household Sector: Experience, Challenges, and Opportunities

Brussels, 11 October 2023

Bank Indonesia Statistics Department

Monetary and Fiscal Statistics Division



1 Introduction: Overview of Financial Account and Balance Sheet of Indonesia (FABSI)

2 Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account

3 Utilisation of Household Sector’s Financial Account

4 Next Steps


1. Introduction

• To analyze liquidity, financial imbalances, and intersectoral systemic risks financial system stability assessment. • As data input for Sectoral Account and Balance Sheets (SAB) Indonesia (G20 DGI Phase 2 rec #8)


Concept and Framework

FINANCIAL ACCOUNT (FA) A statement that records net transactions with financial assets and liabilities between institutional sectors in a specific period.

BALANCE SHEET (BS) A statement of the values of the financial assets owned and the liabilities owed by an institutional unit at a specific time.

Non Financial Corporations Households + NPISHOther Depository

Corporations Other Financial Corporations

Central Bank Central Government

Local Government

Rest of the World


EquityMonetary Golds & SDRs

Currency & Deposits

Debt Securities Loans Insurance & Pension Funds

Financial Derivative

Other accounts receivable/payable


MANUAL System of National Accounts (2008)

Description Financial Account and Balance Sheet Indonesia (FABSI) is a quarterly internal publication with a data lag of 4 months.

Balance Sheet (opening)

Financial Account (transaction)

Revaluation and Other Changes (others)

Balance Sheet (closing)


Financial Account and Balance Sheet





Sectoral Account Balance Sheet (SAB) Indonesia –

G20 DGI II.8

Statistics Indonesia

Internal Bank Indonesia

Supply Data for Sectoral Accounts and Balance

Sheet (SAB)

Banks Financial Report

BOP, IIP, Indonesia External Debt Statistics

Gov Finance Stat - MoF


Financial Account Dataset

Balance Sheets Dataset

Sectoral Balance Sheet – CG & LG

Sectoral Balance Sheet - ODC

Sectoral Balance Sheet – CB Sectoral Balance

Sheet - NFC

Whom to Whom Matrix

NFC : Non Financial Corp

CB : Central Bank

ODC : Other Deposit Taking Corporations

OFC : Other Financial Corporations

Gov : Government

HH & NPISHs : Household & Non Profit Institutions serving households

ROW : Rest of the World

CB Financial Report

OFCs Financial Report

State –owned enterprises Financial Report

Tax Report - MoF

Sectoral Balance Sheet – HH &


Sectoral Balance Sheet - ROW

Sectoral Balance Sheet - OFC

1. Introduction

MoF: Ministry of Finance

BOP: Balance of Payments IIP: International Investment Position GFS: Gov Finance Statistics


Central Securities Depository

BI-Scripless Securities Settlement System

Data Source Periodicity Lag Source Notes

Household accounts survey

Annual ~ 4 months Bank Indonesia Samples: around 6,000 households in 21 provinces (~90% HH population).

Instruments: F2, F3, F4, F5, and Non-Financial Assets (NFA).

Tax report Annual ~ 6 months Ministry of Finance Aggregate data.

Instruments: F2--F8 and NFA.

Capital market statistics Monthly ~ 1 month Central Securities Depository Instrument: F3 5

2. Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account

HH data availability

HH’s financial instruments

Assets Liabilities

F2 Currency and Deposits F4 Loans

F3 Debt securities F7 Financial derivatives

F4 Loans F8 Other accounts payable

F5 Equity

F6 Insurance and Pensions

F7 Financial derivatives

F8 Other accounts receivable


Lagging data

Lack of data availability

Incomplete data from source






1 Data mirroring

2 Estimation: e.g. by proportion

2. Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account


1 Inaccurate data

2 Undervalued data


Loans 120Deposits 10

Deposits owned by HH



Loans to HH 100


Loans to HH 20

Data mirroring

2. Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account

Instruments Households


Non-financial Produced non-financial assets 145.9

Fixed assets 140.8 Inventories - Valuables 5.1

Non-produced non-financial assets 21.3 Total NonFinancial Assets 167.2

Financial Account (Trillion Rp)

Net Lending/Borrowing

Instruments Households


Financial assets Monetary gold and SDRs - Currency and deposits 188.2 Debt securities 35.8 Loans (2.2) Equity 40.3 Insurance and pension (12.7) Financial derivatives (0.0) Other accounts receivable 4.0 Total Financial Assets 253.4 Total NonFinancial Assets 167.2 Total Assets 420.7

Financial Liabilities Monetary gold and SDRs - Currency and deposits - Debt securities - Loans 117.1 Equity - Insurance and pension - Financial derivatives (0.1) Other accounts payable 1.3 Total Financial Liabilities 118.3

135.2 8

Data estimation

Loans flows = 70% NFA flows

87.3% Fixed 96.5% proportion, 0.0% based on 3.5% Household 12.7% Accounts 100% Survey

2. Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account

Data mirroring Fixed proportion, based on Household Accounts Survey





Data source

Code Instrument Data Source - HH Asset On


F1 Mon’ Gold & SDRs

F2 Currency & Deposit Mirroring CB BS (SRF 1SR)

Mirroring Bank Reporting (SRF 2SR)


F3 Debt Securities Central Securities Depository

BI-Scripless Securities Settlement System

Mirroring Bank Reporting (SRF 2SR)

Central Securities Depository

BI-Scripless Securities Settlement System


F4 Loans - Mirroring Bank Reporting (SRF 2SR)

Mirroring OFC Reporting (SRF 4SR)


F5 Equity Bloomberg Mirroring Bank Reporting (SRF 2SR)

Mirroring OFC Reporting (SRF 4SR)


F6 Insurance & Pension Fund

Mirroring OFC Reporting (SRF 4SR)


F7 Financial Derivatives Mirroring Bank Reporting (SRF 2SR)

- N/A

F8 Other Account Receivable

Bloomberg Mirroring CB BS (SRF 1SR)

Mirroring Bank Reporting (SRF 2SR)

Mirroring OFC Reporting (SRF 4SR)

-Ministry of Finance N/A

2. Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account

Not relevant


Data source

Code Instrument Data Source - HH Liab On


F1 Mon’ Gold & SDRs

F2 Currency & Deposit

F3 Debt Securities

F4 Loans - Mirroring CB BS (SRF 1SR)

Mirroring Bank Reporting (SRF 2SR)

Mirroring OFC Reporting (SRF 4SR)

Ministry of Finance


F5 Equity

F6 Insurance & Pension Fund

F7 Financial Derivatives Mirroring Bank Reporting (SRF 2SR)

F8 Other Account Payable Bloomberg, Ministry of Finance

Mirroring CB BS (SRF 1SR)

Mirroring Bank Reporting (SRF 2SR)

Mirroring OFC Reporting (SRF 4SR)

Ministry of Finance

2. Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account

Not relevant


3. Utilisation of Household Sector’s Financial Account Network Analysis

Net lending Net borrowing Net financial assets

Net financial liabilities

Network shows the position of a sector, which is described as nodes , and connected by edges, which are the size of interconnected exposures.

Network is formed using the whom-to-whom matrix which contains information regarding the bilateral exposure position between institutional sectors.

Network analysis using Financial Account (FA) and Balance Sheet (BS) data helps to understand the interconnection and potential risk transmission between sectors.

Bilateral exposure reflects sectoral balance sheets that are interconnected potentially trigger systemic risk when a shock occurs in one of the sectors.



3. Utilisation of Household Sector’s Financial Account


Risk Profile Analysis

Leverage ratio measures the capacity of a sector to repay its debts.

Solvency ratio measures the ability of a sector to meet its long-term obligations


4. Next Steps

Next steps to improve the accuracy of households’ financial accounts:

1 Strengthening institutional cooperation between BI and Ministry of Finance to obtain full tax report, especially to capture Assets/Liabilities of unlisted company to households.

2 Evaluating/improving the sample coverage of Household Accounts Survey, especially for high-income group.

3 Coordinating with Statistics Indonesia to obtain households’ financial account data quarterly.

Thank You

  • Compilation and Utilisation of the Financial Account of the Household Sector:
  • Outline
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account
  • 2. Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account
  • 2. Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account
  • 2. Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account
  • 2. Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account
  • 2. Compilation Practices of Household Sector’s Financial Account
  • 3. Utilisation of Household Sector’s Financial Account
  • 3. Utilisation of Household Sector’s Financial Account
  • 4. Next Steps
  • Thank You

Составление и использование финансового счета сектора

домохозяйств: Опыт, вызовы и возможности

Брюссель, 11 октября 2023 г.

Банк Индонезии Департамент статистики

Отдел монетарной и фискальной статистики



1 Введение: Обзор финансовых счета и баланса активов и пассивов Индонезии (FABSI)

2 Практика составления финансового счета сектора домашних хозяйств

3 Использование финансового счета сектора домашних хозяйств

4 Дальнейшие шаги


1. Введение

• Анализ ликвидности, финансовых дисбалансов и межотраслевых системных рисков оценка стабильности финансовой системы.

• В качестве исходных данных для секторальных счетов и балансов активов и пассивов Индонезии (SAB) (Инициатива по устранению пробелов в данных G20 DGI, фаза 2, зап. #8)


Концепция и структура

ФИНАНСОВЫЙ СЧЕТ (ФС) Отчет, отражающий чистые операции с финансовыми активами и обязательствами между институциональными секторами за определенный период времени.

БАЛАНС АКТИВОВ И ПАССИВОВ (БАП) Отчет о стоимости принадлежащих финансовых активов и обязательств задолженных институциональной единице в определенный момент времени.

Нефинансовые корпорацииs Домохозяйства +


Другие корпораций, принимающие


Другие финансовые корпорации

Центральный банк

Центральные органы

управления Местные

органы управления

Остальной мир


Акционерный капитал

Монетарное золото и СПЗ

Наличная валюта и депозиты

Долговые ценные бумаги

Ссуды Страховые и пенсионные фонды

Производные финансовые инструменты

Прочая дебиторская или кредиторская задолженность


РУКОВОДСТВА Система национальных счетов (2008)

Описание Финансовый счет и баланс активов и пассивов Индонезии (FABSI) является ежеквартальной внутренней публикацией с задержкой публикации данных – 4 месяца.

Баланс активов и пассивов (начальный)

Финансовый счет (операция)

Переоценка и другие изменения (другие)

Баланс активов и пассивов (заключительный)


Анализ финансовых счетов и БАП




Секторальный счет и балансов активов и

пассивов Индонезии (SAB)– G20 DGI II.8

Стат. управление Индонезии

Внутренний банк Индонезии

Поставка данных для секторальных счетов


Финансовая отчетность банков

ПБ, МИП, Статистика внешнего долга Индонезии

Статистика Гос. Финанс. - МФ


Набор данных финансовых счетов

Набор данных БАП

Секторальный БАП – ЦОУ и МОУ

Секторальный БАП - ДКПД

Секторальный БАП – ЦБ Секторальный БАП


Матрица «от кого к


НФК: Нефинансовые корпорации

ЦБ : Центральный банк

ДКПД : Другие корпораций, принимающие депозиты

ДФК : Другие финансовые корпорации

ОУ : Органы госуправления (местные/центральные)

ДХ и НКОДХ: домохозяйства и Некоммерческие организации, обслуживающие домашние хозяйства

ОМ : Остальной мир

Финансовый отчет ЦБ

Финансовый отчет ДФК

Финансовый отчет государственных предприятий

Налоговая отчетность - Мф

Секторальный БАП - ДХ и НКОДХ

Секторальный БАП - ОМ

Секторальный БАП - ДФК

1. Введение

МФ: Министерство финансов ПБ: Платежный баланс МИП: Междун. инвест. позиция СГФ: Статистика госфинансов


Центр. Депозит. ценных бумаг

Сист. расч. по бездокументарным ценным бумагам Банка Индонезии

Presenter Notes
Presentation Notes
МОУ – местные органы госуправления, ЦОУ – центральные органы госуправления

Источники данных Периодичность Задержка Source Notes

Обследование счетов домашних хозяйств

Ежегодно ~ 4 месяца Банк Индонезии Выборки: около 6000 домохозяйств в 21 провинции (~90% населения ДХ).

Инструменты: F2, F3, F4, F5, and нефинансовые активы (НФА).

Налоговый отчет Ежегодно ~ 6 месяца Министерство финансов Агрегированные данные.

Инструменты: F2--F8 и НФА.

Статистика по рынку капитала

Ежемесячно ~ 1 месяц Центральный депозитарий ценных бумаг

Инструмент: F3 5

2. Практика составления финансового счета сектора домохозяйств

Наличие данных о ДХ

Финансовые инструменты ДХ

Активы Обязательства

F2 Наличная валюта и депозиты F4 Ссуды

F3 Долговые ценные бумаги F7 Производные финансовые инструменты

F4 Ссуды F8 Прочая дебиторская или кредиторская задолженность

F5 Акционерный капитал

F6 Страхование и пенсионное обеспечение

F7 Производные финансовые инструменты

F8 Прочая дебиторская или кредиторская задолженность


Запаздывающие данные

Отсутствие наличия данных

Неполные данные из источников






1 Зеркальное отображение данных

2 Оценка: например, пропорционально

2. Практика составления финансового счета сектора домохозяйств

Слабые стороны

1 Неточные данные

2 Недооценка данных


Ссуды 120Депозиты 10

Депозиты, принадлежащие ДХ



Ссуды выданные Домохозяйствам




Зеркальное отображение данных

2. Практика составления финансового счета сектора домохозяйств

Ссуды выданные Домохозяйствам

Инструменты Домашние

хозяйства (ДХ)

Нефинансовые Произведенные нефинансовые активы 145.9

Основные средства 140.8 Запасы - Ценности 5.1

Непроизведенные нефинансовые активы 21.3 Всего нефинансовых активов 167.2

Финансовый счет (трлн. Rp)

Net Lending/Borrowing

Инструменты Домашние

хозяйства (ДХ) Финансовые активы Монетарное золото и СДР - Наличная валюта и депозиты 188.2 Долговые ценные бумаги 35.8 Ссуды (2.2) Акционерный капитал 40.3 Страхование и пенсионное обеспечение (12.7) Производные финансовые инструменты (0.0) Прочая дебиторская задолженность 4.0 Всего финансовых активов 253.4 Всего нефинансовых активов 167.2 Всего активов 420.7

Финансовые обязательства Монетарное золото и СДР - Наличная валюта и депозиты - Долговые ценные бумаги - Ссуды 117.1 Акционерный капитал - Страхование и пенсионное обеспечение - Производные финансовые инструменты (0.1) Прочая дебиторская задолженность 1.3 Всего фнансовых обязательств 118.3

Чистое кредитование/заимствование 135.2 8

Оценка данных

Потоки ссуд = 70% потоков НФА

87.3% Фиксированная 96.5% пропорция, 0.0% на основе 3.5% обследования 12.7% счетов 100% домохозяйств

2. Практика составления финансового счета сектора домохозяйств

Зеркальное отображение


Фиксированная пропорция, основанная на данных обследования счетов домашних хозяйств





Источники данных

Код Инструмент Источник данных – Активы ДХ


F1 Мон. золото и СДР

F2 Наличная валюта и депозиты

Зеркальное отобр. данных ЦБ БАП (СФО 1SR)

Отчет о зерк. отобр. данных банка (СФО 2SR)

Недоступно (Н/Д)

F3 Долговые ценные бумаги

Центральный депозитарий ценных бумаг

Сист. расч. по бездокументарным ценным бумагам БИ

Отчет о зерк. отобр. данных банка (СФО 2SR)

Центральный депозитарий ценных бумаг

Сист. расч. по бездокументарным ценным бумагам БИ


F4 Ссуды - Отчет о зерк. отобр. данных банка (СФО 2SR)

Отчет о зерк. отобр. данных ДФК (СФО 4SR)


F5 Акционерный капитал

Bloomberg Отчет о зерк. отобр. данных банка (СФО 2SR)

Отчет о зерк. отобр. данных ДФК (СФО 4SR)


F6 Страховые и пенсионные фонды

Отчет о зерк. отобр. данных ДФК (СФО 4SR)


F7 Производные финансовые инструменты

Отчет о зерк. отобр. данных банка (СФО 2SR)

- Н/Д

F8 Прочая дебиторская задолженность

Bloomberg Зеркальное отобр. данных ЦБ БАП (СФО 1SR)

Отчет о зерк. отобр. данных банка (СФО 2SR)

Отчет о зерк. отобр. данных ДФК (СФО 4SR)

-Министерство финансов


2. Практика составления финансового счета сектора домохозяйств

Не имеет отношения

Presenter Notes
Presentation Notes
СФО – стандартизированная форма отчетности


Код Инструмент Источник данных – Обязательства ДХ


F1 Мон. золото и СДР

F2 Наличная валюта и депозиты

F3 Долговые ценные бумаги

F4 Ссуды - Зеркальное отобр. данных ЦБ БАП (СФО 1SR)

Отчет о зеркал. отобр. данных банка (СФО 2SR)

Отчет о зеркал. отобр. данных ДФК (СФО 4SR)

Министерство финансов


F5 Акционерный капитал

F6 Страховые и пенсионные фонды

F7 Производные финансовые инструменты

Отчет о зеркал. отобр. данных банка (СФО 2SR)

F8 Прочая дебиторская задолженность

Bloomberg, Мин. Фин.

Зеркальное отобр. данных ЦБ БАП (СФО 1SR)

Отчет о зеркал. отобр. данных банка (СФО 2SR)

Отчет о зеркал. отобр. данных ДФК (СФО 4SR)

Министерство финансов

2. Практика составления финансового счета сектора домохозяйств

Не имеет отношения

Источники данных


3. Использование финансового счета сектора домохозяйств Анализ сетей

Чистое кредитование Чистое заимствование Чистые финансовые активы

Чистые финансовые обязательства

Сеть показывает положение сектора, который описывается узлами , и соединяется ребрами, которые представляют собой размеры взаимосвязанных экспозиций.

Сеть формируется с использованием матрицы «от кого кому», которая содержит информацию о положении с двусторонним воздействием между институциональными секторами.

Сетевой анализ с использованием данных финансового счета (ФС) и баланса активов и пассивов (БАП) позволяет понять взаимосвязь и потенциальную передачу рисков между секторами.

Двусторонняя экспозиция отражает взаимосвязь БАП секторов → потенциальное возникновение системного риска при возникновении потрясений в одном из секторов.



3. Использование финансового счета сектора домохозяйств


Анализ профиля рисков

Коэффициент финансового рычага измеряет способность отрасли погашать свои долги.

Коэффициент платежеспособности измеряет способность отрасли выполнять свои долгосрочные



4. Дальнейшие шаги

Дальнейшие шаги по повышению точности финансовых счетов домохозяйств:

1 Укрепление институционального сотрудничества между БИ и Министерством финансов для получения полной налоговой отчетности, особенно для отражения активов/обязательств не включенных в листинг компаний перед домашними хозяйствами.

2 Оценка/улучшение охвата выборки обследования счетов домашних хозяйств, особенно для группы с высокими доходами.

3 Координация со Статистическим управлением Индонезии для получения ежеквартальных данных о финансовых счетах домохозяйств.


  • Составление и использование финансового счета сектора домохозяйств:
  • Содержание
  • 1. Введение
  • 1. Введение
  • 2. Практика составления финансового счета сектора домохозяйств
  • 2. Практика составления финансового счета сектора домохозяйств
  • 2. Практика составления финансового счета сектора домохозяйств
  • 2. Практика составления финансового счета сектора домохозяйств
  • 2. Практика составления финансового счета сектора домохозяйств
  • 2. Практика составления финансового счета сектора домохозяйств
  • 3. Использование финансового счета сектора домохозяйств
  • 3. Использование финансового счета сектора домохозяйств
  • 4. Дальнейшие шаги
  • Спасибо

E-commerce Data Collection in Indonesia - Brilian Surya Budi, Sugiri, I Gede Putu Dharma Yusa (Statistics Indonesia)

Languages and translations

E-commerce Data Collection in Indonesia

12 - 14 June 2023

UNECE Expert Meeting on Statistical Data Collection 2023

Outline • WHY: collect e-commerce data in Indonesia

• WHO: types of businesses whose data is recorded

• WHAT: data will be recorded

• WHEN: data recording will be conducted

• HOW: the process of e-commerce data recording


Digital transformation

brought by technology


• New Actors • New Products

Change how the economy


Required existing

economic measurement







Social commerce


Business Scheme



2 Electronic retai


Ride hailing


Daily deals

Price comparison

3 4 5 6 7

Data collection in E- commerce is conducted every quarter.

high-frequency macroeconomics updates (lag: H+35)

Minimum time lag policy formulation …

Time Reference: QUARTERLY

Quarter I

1 Jan – 31 Mar

Quarter II

1 Apr – 30 Jun

Quarter III

1 Jul – 30 Sep

Quarter IV

1 Okt – 31 Des

Timelag: 16 days after after the quarter ends

Data collected from E commerce in Indonesia

E Commerce General Identity and Information

E Commerce Income & Expenses





Payment method

Buyer and Seller Information

Other Information Voluntary

Product Category

Data Collection Process


Integrated Statistics Infrastructure System (Sintesis)

Upload Data File

Integrated Collection system

Connect to data sources via ETL tool

Metadata Management System


INDAH Portal

Big Data Platform

Single Source of


Metadata Adjudication

-Bussiness, Operational,

Technical metadata -Katalog Konten

EDL Working Zone

Data Processing Data Analytic

EDL Gold Zone

Data Mart



Dashboard & Visualization

Suporting System (Knowledge Management, Data Ontology, Collaboration Tool, Identity Access Management)

Data Sharing/Access

- API Management - Data Catalog – Data Visualization


Data Sharing API

External System

Data Sources







Hak Akses & Dokumentasi


Data collection infrastructure for E commerce


Integrated Collection

system / FASIH Connect to data sources via ETL


Machine to


INDAH Portal

Platform Ecommerce

Metadata Adjudication

-Bussiness, Operational, Technical metadata

-Content Catalog


Tabulayion data


- API Management - Catalog Data – Tabulaton


Data Sharing API

Ecommerce Business

Collection Mode

File Upload


Access Rights & Documentation

Thank You

Mixed Modes Data Collection Study in Statistics Indonesia - Brilian Surya Budi and Alfatihah Reno MNSPM (Statistics Indonesia)

Languages and translations

Mixed Mode Data Collection

12 – 14 Juni 2023

Study in Statistics Indonesia The 2023 Data Collection Expert Meeting


Why Mixed Mode Data Collection

Business Process

Integrated Collection System

Switching Mode

Respondent Engagement

Why Mixed Mode Data Collection

Pandemic situation, providing more options for interviewers and respondents’ interaction

Increase survey response rate

Maintain engagement with respondents

Business Process Mixed Mode

Interview Scenario : • First attempt : PAPI & CAPI • Second attempt : CATI • Third attempt : CAWI

Integrated Collection System

An integrated data collection system starting from the stages of design (design), development (build), collection (collect), and processing (process) using various

modes of data collection (multimode data collection)

With the process above, the interview with CATI can be done as soon as possible after create ticket

Switching Mode

All data transfer processes between systems are carried out machine-to-machine

Switching Mode (2)

Respondent Engagement

• The contact person for our respondents was obtained from the Frame Register System, which for establishment survey uses the directory in the Statistical Business Register/ using the registration data collection method for companies that are not already in the directory.

• The officer informs in advance that the respondent will be contacted using the official BPS number, this can be done via Whatsapp business or email.

• The officer calls the respondent, and conveys information related to the survey. In certain surveys, data collection is even done by telephone.

• The data collection may end in one call, or be resumed at another time by prior arrangement. Respondents are more flexible in determining the interview schedule, and do not have to meet face to face.

BPS Call Center


Exploring Supporting-Phenomenon to Improve Official Statistics by Using Natural Language Processing (NLP): A Case Study in East Java, Indonesia - Joko Ade Nursiyono and Ima Sartika Dewi (Statistics Indonesia)

Languages and translations

Exploring Supporting-Phenomena to Improve Official Statistics by Using Natural Language Processing (NLP): A Case Study in East Java, Indonesia

Joko Ade Nursiyono, [email protected]

Ima Sartika Dewi, [email protected]

BPS - Statistics Indonesia

UNECE Expert Meeting on Statistical Data Collection

12 – 14 Juni 2023

Supporting-Phenomena as Evidence Base of Official Statistics

• Public awareness of official statistics has been raised over time

• Beside maintaining data collection process, data quality can also be improved by obtaining evidence base

• Supporting-phenomena can be very useful to complement survey- based Official Statistics products

• Text-and news-based measures as source of information to provide supporting-phenomena

Data Source and Data Collection

News scraping from several news sites


521 news text data were obtained

Economic growth data of Quarter IV – 2022

(q to q) in East Java Province

Economic Phenomena in East Java Province, Indonesia

Data Processing

Delete duplicate data

Case folding Import Keyword


Headlines Labelling

Labeling Evaluation

Text cleaning Sentiment Labeling

Sentiment per News

Sentiment per Category

Phenomena Relevancy

News Headlines Labeling Phenomena Relevance

News Headlines Labeling using Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Latent Dirichlet Algorithm (LDA).

What we can learn

The accuracy of news headlines labeling To improve the accuracy of news headlines labeling by increasing the effectiveness of the title labeling dictionary

Match 82%

Unmatch 18%

What we can learn (2)

Phenomena data relevancy to economic growth

Category Mean Sentiment q to q Sentiment status q to q status GRDP Accuracy Total Accuracy

Accomodations -2.86 2.89 negative positive

Production Account Component



Manufacturing 4.56 1.44 positive positive

Forestry 5.00 14.07 positive positive

Financial and Insurance Activities

5.66 1.54 positive positive

Construction 0.43 4.06 positive positive

Education 8.00 5.59 positive positive

Water Supply Activities -9.56 -0.66 negative negative

Electricity 6.00 1.98 positive positive

Gas 4.03 6.19 positive positive

Food Service Activities -5.60 4.56 negative positive

Wholesale and Retail Trade 8.00 1.37 positive positive

Agriculture -2.79 -24.76 negative negative

Land Transport -2.86 3.73 negative positive

Sea Transport 1.50 1.34 positive positive

Air Transport -1.78 6.37 negative positive

Export 6.82 -6.60 positive negative Good and Services Account

Component 66.67Import -2.50 -3.45 Negative Negative

Gross Fixed Capital Formation 7.26 2.70 positive positive

“The correlation of sentiment news phenomena with economic growth is weak (namely 0.22), but the majority sentiment is in line with economic growth per category of

business fields"

Concluding Remark

• NLP is able to categorize news item text precisely as much as 82.34% • The accuracy of supporting-phenomena to official statistics on economic growth

by industries is 73.33% and by expenditure is 66.67%

• The accuracy of news phenomena to economic growth in total reaches 72.22%

• Thus, NLP are very helpful in producing supporting phenomena data as an evidence base of official statistics.

In the future…

Add more label dictionary in Natural Language Processing

Improve the quality of the sentiment label dictionary

Build a database of news phenomena

The Use of Alternative Data Source as A Proxy to Approach More Frequent Updates of CPI Expenditure Weight, Indonesia

Languages and translations



Fathia Utami Afdi BPS - Statistics Indonesia

Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices

Geneva, 7th-9th June 2023

The Use of Alternative Data Source as A Proxy to Approach More Frequent Updates of CPI Expenditure Weight


Fathia Utami Afdi Fenanda Dwitha Kurniasari

Zaradia Permatasari BPS - Statistics Indonesia






Conclusion and Implementation Plan














Food Materials Prepared food and beverages

Goods and services

Clothing, footwear, and


Parties and ceremonies

Housing and household



W ei

gh t (

% )

Indonesia Expenditure Weight, 2018-2021





The CPI has an important role in determining a country's entire economy

Lesson Learned

From Pandemic


One of the crucial aspects in the CPI calculation is the weighting method

Facing a dynamic and rapid change in consumption behavior, a fixed expenditure weight over a long period can be no longer relevant in describing the enormous shift in household expenditure patterns.

Source: Indonesia- National Socio Economic Survey


BPS-Statistics Indonesia conducted this preliminary study to examine the feasibility of using Susenas data

as an alternative data source to approach household expenditure weights for compiling the CPI.

Objective of This Study


Overview of Consumer Price Survey and Household Budget Survey

Group (11)

Subgroup (43)

Commodity (835)


Headline CPI

Monthly release CPI and inflation

90 cities and national

Fixed basket and weights currently used from HBS 2018

Using the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP)

Held every 5 years

Currently held in 2022 and will be introduced in January 2024

Expenditure on food and non-food household consumptions

Using the Classification of Individual Consumption by

Purpose (COICOP)

Consumer Price Survey

Household Budget Survey

Presentation Notes
Indonesia conducting the HBS every 5 years. Ini masih sejalan dengan rekomendasi pada CPI Manual untuk mengupdate bobot at least 5 tahun 1 kali


Overview of National Socio-Economy Survey

Capture household consumption/ expenditure in

city level every year

Availability of data on household welfare, including

education, health, and purchasing power

Using The Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP)

Expenditure on food (15 groups) and non-food (6

groups) household consumptions

02 03






1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology 1


Data Source The Indonesian National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), 2018-2021

Total of commodities 296 commodities, 539 fewer than HBS 2018

Estimating total household consumption value per month by commodity

Aggregrate the expenditure value for 90 cities covered in CPI


1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology



HBS2018 commodities Susenas Commodities

011101001-Rice 2-Rice

011101001-Rice 3-Sticky Rice

011101008-Sweet Potatoes 10-Cassava/Sweet Potatoes

054501001- Checkup Rates 252-Health test/early detection/Medical Check Up

054501001- Laboratorium Rates 252-Health test/early detection/Medical Check Up

For example:



1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology



Notation NK’i : Updated expenditure value for ith commodity based on Susenas NKi(hbs) : expenditure value for ith commodity based on HBS NKj(ssn) : Susenas expenditure value for commodity j which is mapped to ith commodity i : index for commodity in HBS. j : index for commodity in Susenas

Commodities Baskets Expenditure Value based on Susenas Data

011101001-Rice The sum of the rice and sticky rice consumption

011101008-Sweet Potatoes Equals to the Cassava/Sweet Potatoes consumption

054501001- Checkup Rates Use the consumption value of “252-Health test/early detection/Medical Check Up” proportionally based on HBS 2018

054501001- Laboratorium Rates Use the consumption value of “252-Health test/early detection/Medical Check Up” proportionally based on HBS 2018



1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology

Estimating the true value of expenditure

Proportional approach: In this case, the proportion of expenditure on more detailed commodities in the HBS is allocated to broader categories in the Susenas data

Excluding the expenditure value of the insurance, and the party and ceremonies category

Adjustments were carried out to overcome the differences in HBS and Susenas commodity details such as:





1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology


Evaluation the Susenas 2018 weight Calculate the correlation

Identify changes in trends of household expenditure

patterns year to year based on Susenas weight


Presentation Notes
Setelah melakukan berbagai adjustment untuk menyesuaikan Susenas dengan cakupan SBH, dilakukan evaluasi dengan menghitung korelasi


1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology


Elementary Level Indices

Use the same published commodity price change

As BPS-Indonesia’s practice, for elementary level we use the Jevon Formula

Upper Level Indices

Method : modified Laspeyres

Price reference period = weight reference period

Linking the index :

In this study, we started by comparing the published CPI with the Susenas price index, to see how feasible it is that Susenas data can be

used as an approach to calculate the CPI



1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology


Calculate the MAPE and RMSE for :

MAPE Interpretation

<10% Highly Accurate Forecasting

10-19% Good Forecasting

20-49% Reasonable Forecasting

>50% Inaccurate Forecasting


HBS18 weight and Susenas 18 weight in the commodity level

CPI and Alternative Price Indices in 2018





The comparison of HBS 2018 Weight & Susenas Weight​



20,45 5,97




2,15 5,62

8,67 5,89



18,255,49 2,62


5,49 1,58




Household Budget Survey 2018 Susenas 2018


Correlation: 0,9812 Correlation: 0,9788

Correlation: 0,9741 Correlation: 0,9659

The larger the year gap between the HBS and Susenas, the less correlation in the weights produced by the two data sources

The correlation of HBS 2018 and Susenas

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

Su se

na s 2

01 8

HBS 2018

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

Su se

na s 2

01 9

HBS 2018





0 1 2 3 4 5

Su se

na s 2

02 1

HBS 2018

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

Su se

na s 2

02 0

HBS 2018






2018 2019 2020 2021

Food, Beverages, and Tobacco

4,35 4,59 4,42 3,55








2018 2019 2020 2021

Clothing and Footwear

2,61 2,61 2,56 3,19







2018 2019 2020 2021


10,93 11,32 11,48 9,41

2018 2019 2020 2021



5,28 5,25


2018 2019 2020 2021

Information, Communication, and Financial Services

1,57 1,63 1,57 1,2








2018 2019 2020 2021

Recreation, Sport, and Culture

10,77 11,12



2018 2019 2020 2021

Food and Beverage Serving Services/Restaurant

5,58 5,55 5,63


2018 2019 2020 2021

Personal Care and Other Services

The Expenditure Weight by Groups Based on Susenas, 2018-2021 (%)

Changes in Consumption Patterns Between Years Based on Susenas


Using the Susenas Weight to Condutct the Alternative Price Indices








Ja n-


M ar

-1 8

M ay

-1 8

Ju l-1


Se p-


N ov

-1 8

Ja n-


M ar

-1 9

M ay

-1 9

Ju l-1


Se p-


N ov

-1 9

Ja n-


M ar

-2 0

M ay

-2 0

Ju l-2


Se p-


N ov

-2 0

Ja n-


M ar

-2 1

M ay

-2 1

Ju l-2


Se p-


N ov

-2 1

Ja n-


M ar

-2 2

Published CPI Alternative Price Indices

The Comparison of CPI and Susenas Price Index

Validity​ Weight Expenditure​ CPI​

RMSE 1.74 0.39

MAPE 12.11% 0.30%








Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 8

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 9

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 0

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 1

Susenas 01 PUBLISH 01

97 99

101 103 105 107 109

Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 2

Susenas 02 PUBLISH 02







Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 3

Susenas 03 PUBLISH 03





Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 4

Susenas 04 PUBLISH 04






Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 8

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 9

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 0

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 5

Susenas 05 PUBLISH 05







Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 6

Susenas 06 PUBLISH 06






Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 7

Susenas 07 PUBLISH 07

97 99

101 103 105 107 109

Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 8

Susenas 08 PUBLISH 08

95 97 99

101 103 105 107 109 111

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 8

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 9

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 0

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 9

Susenas 09 PUBLISH 09






Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 10

Susenas 10 PUBLISH 10







Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 11

Susenas 11 PUBLISH 11






Conclusion and Implementation Plan


• The HBS-18 and Susenas-18 show similar pattern of expenditure weight • The availability of susenas weight every year allows it to be more responsive to the shifting of

consumption patterns. • As the result of data evaluation (correlation, MAPE, and RMSE), Susenas data can be considered as a

feasible method for generating more frequent of CPI expenditure weight • Household Budget Survey (HBS) is still considered as the most established survey to obtain CPI weight

Implementation Plan

• Future research to approach National Account data (HFCE) and scanner data as the data source recommended in the CPI Manual

• Further studies in building a superlative index to estimate the substitution bias of the CPI • We will continue to review the strategy to implement the Susenas weight or other alternative data

sources in compiling the CPI


The differences in the classification and coverage of commodities in the Susenas data, where the coverage of commodities is more limited and not as detailed as

the commodities in the HBS.

Our Concern

  • Slide Number 1
  • Outline
  • Backgrounds
  • BPS-Statistics Indonesia conducted this preliminary study to examine the feasibility of using Susenas data as an alternative data source to approach household expenditure weights for compiling the CPI. ​
  • Overview of Consumer Price Survey and�Household Budget Survey
  • Overview of National Socio-Economy Survey​
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • The comparison of HBS 2018 Weight & Susenas Weight​
  • The correlation of HBS 2018 and Susenas
  • Changes in Consumption Patterns Between Years Based on Susenas
  • Using the Susenas Weight to Condutct the Alternative Price Indices
  • Slide Number 21
  • Conclusion and Implementation Plan
  • The differences in the classification and coverage of commodities in the Susenas data, where the coverage of commodities is more limited and not as detailed as the commodities in the HBS.​
  • Slide Number 25

The Use of Alternative Data Source as A Proxy to Approach More Frequent Updates of CPI Expenditure Weight, Indonesia

Languages and translations



Fathia Utami Afdi BPS - Statistics Indonesia

Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices

Geneva, 7th-9th June 2023

The Use of Alternative Data Source as A Proxy to Approach More Frequent Updates of CPI Expenditure Weight


Fathia Utami Afdi Fenanda Dwitha Kurniasari

Zaradia Permatasari BPS - Statistics Indonesia






Conclusion and Implementation Plan














Food Materials Prepared food and beverages

Goods and services

Clothing, footwear, and


Parties and ceremonies

Housing and household



W ei

gh t (

% )

Indonesia Expenditure Weight, 2018-2021





The CPI has an important role in determining a country's entire economy

Lesson Learned

From Pandemic


One of the crucial aspects in the CPI calculation is the weighting method

Facing a dynamic and rapid change in consumption behavior, a fixed expenditure weight over a long period can be no longer relevant in describing the enormous shift in household expenditure patterns.

Source: Indonesia- National Socio Economic Survey


BPS-Statistics Indonesia conducted this preliminary study to examine the feasibility of using Susenas data

as an alternative data source to approach household expenditure weights for compiling the CPI.

Objective of This Study


Overview of Consumer Price Survey and Household Budget Survey

Group (11)

Subgroup (43)

Commodity (835)


Headline CPI

Monthly release CPI and inflation

90 cities and national

Fixed basket and weights currently used from HBS 2018

Using the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP)

Held every 5 years

Currently held in 2022 and will be introduced in January 2024

Expenditure on food and non-food household consumptions

Using the Classification of Individual Consumption by

Purpose (COICOP)

Consumer Price Survey

Household Budget Survey

Presentation Notes
Indonesia conducting the HBS every 5 years. Ini masih sejalan dengan rekomendasi pada CPI Manual untuk mengupdate bobot at least 5 tahun 1 kali&#xd;


Overview of National Socio-Economy Survey

Capture household consumption/ expenditure in

city level every year

Availability of data on household welfare, including

education, health, and purchasing power

Using The Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP)

Expenditure on food (15 groups) and non-food (6

groups) household consumptions

02 03






1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology 1


Data Source The Indonesian National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), 2018-2021

Total of commodities 296 commodities, 539 fewer than HBS 2018

Estimating total household consumption value per month by commodity

Aggregrate the expenditure value for 90 cities covered in CPI


1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology



HBS2018 commodities Susenas Commodities

011101001-Rice 2-Rice

011101001-Rice 3-Sticky Rice

011101008-Sweet Potatoes 10-Cassava/Sweet Potatoes

054501001- Checkup Rates 252-Health test/early detection/Medical Check Up

054501001- Laboratorium Rates 252-Health test/early detection/Medical Check Up

For example:



1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology



Notation NK’i : Updated expenditure value for ith commodity based on Susenas NKi(hbs) : expenditure value for ith commodity based on HBS NKj(ssn) : Susenas expenditure value for commodity j which is mapped to ith commodity i : index for commodity in HBS. j : index for commodity in Susenas

Commodities Baskets Expenditure Value based on Susenas Data

011101001-Rice The sum of the rice and sticky rice consumption

011101008-Sweet Potatoes Equals to the Cassava/Sweet Potatoes consumption

054501001- Checkup Rates Use the consumption value of “252-Health test/early detection/Medical Check Up” proportionally based on HBS 2018

054501001- Laboratorium Rates Use the consumption value of “252-Health test/early detection/Medical Check Up” proportionally based on HBS 2018



1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology

Estimating the true value of expenditure

Proportional approach: In this case, the proportion of expenditure on more detailed commodities in the HBS is allocated to broader categories in the Susenas data

Excluding the expenditure value of the insurance, and the party and ceremonies category

Adjustments were carried out to overcome the differences in HBS and Susenas commodity details such as:





1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology


Evaluation the Susenas 2018 weight Calculate the correlation

Identify changes in trends of household expenditure

patterns year to year based on Susenas weight


Presentation Notes
Setelah melakukan berbagai adjustment untuk menyesuaikan Susenas dengan cakupan SBH, dilakukan evaluasi dengan menghitung korelasi


1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology


Elementary Level Indices

Use the same published commodity price change

As BPS-Indonesia’s practice, for elementary level we use the Jevon Formula

Upper Level Indices

Method : modified Laspeyres

Price reference period = weight reference period

Linking the index :

In this study, we started by comparing the published CPI with the Susenas price index, to see how feasible it is that Susenas data can be

used as an approach to calculate the CPI



1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology


Calculate the MAPE and RMSE for :

MAPE Interpretation

<10% Highly Accurate Forecasting

10-19% Good Forecasting

20-49% Reasonable Forecasting

>50% Inaccurate Forecasting


HBS18 weight and Susenas 18 weight in the commodity level

CPI and Alternative Price Indices in 2018





The comparison of HBS 2018 Weight & Susenas Weight​



20,45 5,97




2,15 5,62

8,67 5,89



18,255,49 2,62


5,49 1,58




Household Budget Survey 2018 Susenas 2018


Correlation: 0,9812 Correlation: 0,9788

Correlation: 0,9741 Correlation: 0,9659

The larger the year gap between the HBS and Susenas, the less correlation in the weights produced by the two data sources

The correlation of HBS 2018 and Susenas

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

Su se

na s 2

01 8

HBS 2018

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

Su se

na s 2

01 9

HBS 2018





0 1 2 3 4 5

Su se

na s 2

02 1

HBS 2018

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

Su se

na s 2

02 0

HBS 2018






2018 2019 2020 2021

Food, Beverages, and Tobacco

4,35 4,59 4,42 3,55








2018 2019 2020 2021

Clothing and Footwear

2,61 2,61 2,56 3,19







2018 2019 2020 2021


10,93 11,32 11,48 9,41

2018 2019 2020 2021



5,28 5,25


2018 2019 2020 2021

Information, Communication, and Financial Services

1,57 1,63 1,57 1,2








2018 2019 2020 2021

Recreation, Sport, and Culture

10,77 11,12



2018 2019 2020 2021

Food and Beverage Serving Services/Restaurant

5,58 5,55 5,63


2018 2019 2020 2021

Personal Care and Other Services

The Expenditure Weight by Groups Based on Susenas, 2018-2021 (%)

Changes in Consumption Patterns Between Years Based on Susenas


Using the Susenas Weight to Condutct the Alternative Price Indices








Ja n-


M ar

-1 8

M ay

-1 8

Ju l-1


Se p-


N ov

-1 8

Ja n-


M ar

-1 9

M ay

-1 9

Ju l-1


Se p-


N ov

-1 9

Ja n-


M ar

-2 0

M ay

-2 0

Ju l-2


Se p-


N ov

-2 0

Ja n-


M ar

-2 1

M ay

-2 1

Ju l-2


Se p-


N ov

-2 1

Ja n-


M ar

-2 2

Published CPI Alternative Price Indices

The Comparison of CPI and Susenas Price Index

Validity​ Weight Expenditure​ CPI​

RMSE 1.74 0.39

MAPE 12.11% 0.30%








Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 8

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 9

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 0

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 1

Susenas 01 PUBLISH 01

97 99

101 103 105 107 109

Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 2

Susenas 02 PUBLISH 02







Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 3

Susenas 03 PUBLISH 03





Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 4

Susenas 04 PUBLISH 04






Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 8

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 9

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 0

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 5

Susenas 05 PUBLISH 05







Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 6

Susenas 06 PUBLISH 06






Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 7

Susenas 07 PUBLISH 07

97 99

101 103 105 107 109

Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 8

Susenas 08 PUBLISH 08

95 97 99

101 103 105 107 109 111

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 8

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 9

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 0

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 9

Susenas 09 PUBLISH 09






Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 10

Susenas 10 PUBLISH 10







Ja n-

18 Ap

r- 18

Ju l-1

8 O

ct -1

8 Ja

n- 19

Ap r-

19 Ju

l-1 9

O ct

-1 9

Ja n-

20 Ap

r- 20

Ju l-2

0 O

ct -2

0 Ja

n- 21

Ap r-

21 Ju

l-2 1

O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Group 11

Susenas 11 PUBLISH 11






Conclusion and Implementation Plan


• The HBS-18 and Susenas-18 show similar pattern of expenditure weight • The availability of susenas weight every year allows it to be more responsive to the shifting of

consumption patterns. • As the result of data evaluation (correlation, MAPE, and RMSE), Susenas data can be considered as a

feasible method for generating more frequent of CPI expenditure weight • Household Budget Survey (HBS) is still considered as the most established survey to obtain CPI weight

Implementation Plan

• Future research to approach National Account data (HFCE) and scanner data as the data source recommended in the CPI Manual

• Further studies in building a superlative index to estimate the substitution bias of the CPI • We will continue to review the strategy to implement the Susenas weight or other alternative data

sources in compiling the CPI


The differences in the classification and coverage of commodities in the Susenas data, where the coverage of commodities is more limited and not as detailed as

the commodities in the HBS.

Our Concern

  • Slide Number 1
  • Outline
  • Backgrounds
  • BPS-Statistics Indonesia conducted this preliminary study to examine the feasibility of using Susenas data as an alternative data source to approach household expenditure weights for compiling the CPI. ​
  • Overview of Consumer Price Survey and�Household Budget Survey
  • Overview of National Socio-Economy Survey​
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • The comparison of HBS 2018 Weight & Susenas Weight​
  • The correlation of HBS 2018 and Susenas
  • Changes in Consumption Patterns Between Years Based on Susenas
  • Using the Susenas Weight to Condutct the Alternative Price Indices
  • Slide Number 21
  • Conclusion and Implementation Plan
  • The differences in the classification and coverage of commodities in the Susenas data, where the coverage of commodities is more limited and not as detailed as the commodities in the HBS.​
  • Slide Number 25

The Use of Alternative Data Source As a Proxy to Approach More Frequent Updates of CPI Expenditure Weight, Indonesia

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is one of the key economic indicators widely used as a guide to make decisions and determine government policy effectiveness. This index is the most well-known inflation indicator that shows the household's price level of goods and services. BPS-Statistics Indonesia updates CPI monthly, and the compilation uses the expenditure weight from the Household Budget Survey held every five years.

Languages and translations

The Use of Alternative Data Source As a Proxy to Approach More Frequent Updates of CPI Expenditure Weight

Fathia Utami Afdi1, Fenanda Dwitha2, Zaradia Permatasari3 1Statistics Indonesia ([email protected]) 2Statistics Indonesia ([email protected]) 3Statistics Indonesia ([email protected]) Abstract. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is one of the key economic indicators widely used as a guide to make decisions and determine government policy effectiveness. This index is the most well-known inflation indicator that shows the household's price level of goods and services. BPS-Statistics Indonesia updates CPI monthly, and the compilation uses the expenditure weight from the Household Budget Survey held every five years. Facing a dynamic and rapid change in consumption behavior, using a fixed expenditure weight over a long period can be no longer relevant in describing the enormous shift in household expenditure patterns. The updated expenditure weight data would continuously provide the data user needs. However, conducting more frequent HBS requires additional cost. Regarding the importance of CPI, the index’s quality and measurement approach are necessarily improved and revised, including the methodologies and data sources. In Statistics Indonesia, one of the alternative data sources that portrays household expenditure is National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS). The focus on this study is to exercise the approach in compile new CPI using weight expenditure derived from the alternative data sources, which are more frequently updated. The updated weights show slightly different of consumption pattern compared to the existing CPI weights. The CPI obtained from the updated weight are evaluated with distribution pattern, Relative Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Mean Percentage Absolute Error (MAPE). The alternative CPI is closely similar to some points of the existing CPI series, in which MAPE are 12.11% for weight expenditure and 0.30% for CPI. also, RMSE are 1.74 and 0.39 for the same indicators. It may conclude that using Susenas data as alternative data sources can be considered as a feasible method for generating more frequent of CPI expenditure weight, since particularly it can address towards latest condition in society and more relevant to updated consumption patterns in force majeure conditions specifically, such as The Covid-19 pandemic. However, this study is subject to several limitations. It can only update consumption expenditure despite the basket of commodities and challenges faced in mapping commodities captured from the alternative data source. BPS- Statistics Indonesia will continue to review the strategy to implement the alternative weight in compiling CPI and we will conduct further studies as necessary.

Keywords: CPI, inflation, expenditure weight, annually re-weight

1. Introduction


The calculation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is one of the main indicators used to measure changes in the price level of goods and services consumed by the public. The CPI is the most commonly used tools to measure inflation and deflation, which is important indicator of an economy’s health1. An accurate and up-to-date CPI plays an important role in economic policy analysis, business decision-making, measuring purchasing power, and monitoring inflation in a country.

One of the crucial aspects in the calculation of CPI is the weighting method used. These weights refer to the relative weight given to each commodity included in the commodity package as the basis for CPI calculation. The weight attached to each good or service determines the impact that its price change will have on the overall index2.

In Indonesia, CPI calculation weights are obtained from the Household Budget Survey (HBS) which is conducted every 5 years. The five-year period between surveys causes limitations in representing dynamic changes in the structure of household expenditure. In a dynamic economy, consumer preferences and spending patterns also change over time.

In recent years, we know that many countries from all over have faced big challenges since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has caused significant shifts in consumption patterns. Lockdowns and social restrictions have affected accessibility to certain goods and services and changed consumption preferences. Some sectors of the economy experienced a drastic decline, while others increased. Just for example, the tourism and transportation sectors have been severely affected by the travel restrictions. In this context, the changes of consumption patterns have shown the need for more frequent weight updates to obtain accurate CPI data.

In this study, a new approach is taken using the National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) data as an alternative data source to obtain more accurate and more frequently updated CPI calculation weights. SUSENAS is a household survey conducted periodically by Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS)-Indonesia that includes more information on the socioeconomic characteristics of households as well as comprehensive information on household expenditures, including prices and quantities of goods consumed.

By utilizing Susenas data as an alternative data source, this study aims to develop an alternative method in calculating the CPI by updating the weights more frequently. This approach is expected to provide a more accurate picture of changes in consumption patterns that occur in households. By considering SUSENAS data available every year, the resulting CPI can reflect more representative price changes and provide more accurate information for economic decision-making.

This study also aims to analyze the effectiveness of using Susenas data for update the CPI weight in Indonesia. In this study, the process of selecting commodities, calculating weights, evaluating the quality of Susenas data, and comparing the results of CPI calculations using the weight from HBS and the Susenas-based method are carried out.

The use of Susenas data as an alternative data source in CPI calculation is expected to help overcome the challenges faced by HBS, such as the cost and time required in conducting more frequent surveys. In the context of a fast-changing economy, the ability to update CPI calculation weights more regularly can provide significant benefits in monitoring inflation, planning price policies, and better understanding public consumption trends. This also relates to the empirical support found by Austalia Bureau of Statistics that higher frequency re-weighting of the CPI better captures consumer’ substitution effects3.

Overview of Household Budget Survey and Consumer Price Survey in Indonesia Consumer Price Survey (CPS), conducted by Statistics Indonesia, is a survey of transactional

price between seller (retailer) and buyer (consumer). This survey aims to provide Consumer Price Index (CPI), one of strategic indicators collected by Statistics Indonesia for policy making. The difference in percentage of CPI, known as inflation or deflation rate, is essential economic indicators.

In history, CPS was held for the first time in 1953 in Jakarta. In 1968 CPI was calculated in eight selected capital cities. Starting from 2018 until now, CPS has been held in 90 cities in Indonesia. Statistics Indonesia releases CPI and inflation/deflation every month, disseminated in 90 cities and in national level.4

In calculating the headline CPI in a city, aggregation is done from a top-down approach, as seen in the figure below.

Figure 1.1. CPI structure

1. Price The data collected is transactional price data between sellers and buyers at the retail level. Prices are collected in traditional and modern markets. Microdata are not disseminated.

2. Commodity Commodity is the types of goods or services whose prices are monitored in consumer price survey. The number of commodities in the basket is different for each city, according to the consumption pattern of the society in each region. The lowest level index of the CPI is calculated at the commodity level. Currently, at the national level there are 835 commodities.

3. Subgroup All commodities are grouped to a higher level based on Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP), with minor modification for Indonesia. Based on the HBS 2018, there are a total of 43 subgroups.

4. Group Based on HBS 2018, there are 11 groups of household expenditure. Detailed descriptions of the 11 groups for national are as follows.

Table 1. The CPI Classification by Groups

Code Group The number of subgroups

The number of

commodities 01 Food, Beverages, and Tobacco 4 348 02 Clothing and Footwear 2 101 03 Housing, Water, Electricity, and Household Fuel 4 39

04 Furnishings, Household Equipment, and Routine Household Maintenance 6 76

05 Health 4 27 06 Transport 4 39

07 Information, Communication, and Financial Services 4 27

08 Recreation, Sport, and Culture 6 37 09 Education 4 15 10 Food and Beverage Serving Services/Restaurant 1 68 11 Personal Care and Other Services 4 58

Total 43 835

5. Headline CPI Headline CPI is the highest level of the index containing all groups, all subgroups, and all commodities, calculated at the city and national level. The change in headline CPI called inflation/deflation shows the rate of increase/decrease in the price of goods/services in general at the level of dissemination.

In Indonesia, the current CPI is disseminated for 90 cities and at the national level. The basket of

goods/services and the weights are obtained from Household Budget Survey (HBS). HBS is a household consumption expenditure survey to obtain patterns of consumption as a material for preparing weights and basket commodities in the CPI calculation. HBS is held for a full year to capture an overview of consumption patterns throughout the year. The data collected includes expenditure on food and non-food consumption. HBS was first held in 1977/1978, and continued in 1988/1989, 1996, 2002, 2007, 2012, and the last is 2018. Currently, the CPI is calculated based on the HBS 2018, which is the 7th survey since it was first implemented. Household Budget Survey (HBS) held every five years. So, the fixed weights are used for five years until the next HBS.

Overview of National Socio-Economy Survey (SUSENAS)

Statistics Indonesia is responsible for the availability of data needed for sectoral and cross- sectoral development planning. One of the data sources needed especially for planning in the Socio- Economic Population sector is the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) which is held by BPS every year. In general, the purpose of data collection through the Susenas is the availability of data on household welfare, including education, health, and purchasing power.

Susenas was first held in 1963. Susenas collects KOR data (main information) and module data (special information). Module data is collected once every 3 years covering the population consumption and income module, the social, cultural, and educational module, and the housing and health module. Since 2015, Susenas has captured the Household Consumption/Expenditure Module every semester, data will be collected every year in March and September. Data on semiannual enumeration results can only be presented in September for both the national and provincial levels, while for March the data can be presented up to the district/city level. Therefore, the data analyzed in this study is data from the Susenas in March, from household consumption/expenditure modul.5

The household consumption module captures food and non-food consumption expenditures. The grouping of goods and services captured in the consumption module Susenas is also guided by the COICOP, the same as was done for the HBS and CPS. Therefore, this data can be used as an alternative approach to annual CPI reweighting. Expenditure Persentage 2018 2019 2020 2021 Cereals and Tubers 6.45 6.08 5.97 6.14 Fish/shrimp/common squid/shells, Meat, Eggs, and Milk 8.76 8.80 8.80 9.20 Vegetables and Fruits 6.06 5.61 6.16 6.33 Legumes, Oil, and Coconut 2.21 2.10 2.11 2.31 Spices and Miscellaneous food items 1.87 1.79 1.83 2.05 Beverages Stuff and Alcoholic Beverage 1.53 1.44 1.50 1.54 Tobacco and betel (Cigarettes) 5.82 6.05 5.99 6.06 Prepared food and beverages 16.82 17.26 16.87 15.63 Housing and household facilities 25.29 25.49 25.19 26.33 Goods and services 12.39 12.40 12.42 12.17 Clothing, footwear, and headgear 2.92 3.03 2.95 2.51 Durable goods 5.14 5.04 4.96 4.60 Taxes and insurance 2.81 3.01 3.38 3.92 Parties and ceremonies 1.94 1.89 1.90 1.21 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

According to Susenas data, consumption patterns have changed from year to year. For example,

from 2018 to 2019, there has been a significant shift in consumption patterns from the grains and tubers group to the prepared food group. In 2018, grains and tubers were originally 6.45%, down to 6.08%, and processed food increased from 16.82% to 17.26%. Entering the COVID-19 pandemic, food consumption began to fall. In 2020 it fell to 16.87% and 2021 15.63%. People reduce buying prepared food to minimize contact with people and choose to cook at home. For four years, the consumption of protein in the community has continued to increase, as seen in the percentage of the fish, meat, eggs, and dairy group which has consistently increased, 8.76% in 2018 to 9.20% in 2021. From 2019 to 2020 and 2021, entering the COVID-19 pandemic, people tend to reduce spending on non-food items, meanwhile people still need to eat. This causes the percentage of food expenditure to increase, and non-food expenditure to decrease. For example, the percentage of consumption for the clothing, footwear and headgear group decreased from 3.03% in 2019 to 2.95% in 2020 and 2.51% in 2021. Another example is the consumption of durable goods which fell from 5.04 in 2019 to 4.96% in 2020 and 4.60% ini 2021. In 2021, when the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, large-scale social restrictions were implemented causing spending on parties and ceremonies to drop significantly from 1.90% to 1.21%.

It should be a concern that consumption patterns have changed even in just one year, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic which has caused people's lifestyles to change. Susenas data available every year can be an alternative to capture information gaps of changes in consumption patterns between years, from one HBS to the next.

2. Methodology Scope

The data used for this study is micro data from Susenas–The Indonesian National Socio- economic survey, an annual household survey conducted by Statistics Indonesia every March and September. Statistics Indonesia collected social and demography data, specifically to measure poverty indicator, education, health, consumption, housing, and other socio-economic indicators through this survey. The susenas questionnaire consists of many modules, each of which is asked according to the needs of the indicators to be generated [3].

In this study, we use the Susenas dataset for 2018-2021. This is in line with the research objective which is to capture differences in consumption patterns in this period, including during the covid-19. Besides, we focused on consumption and expenditure’s modul in Susenas’ questionnaire to obtain consumption value in each commodity that available in Susenas. The number of commodities collected from this survey is 296 commodities, 539 fewer than collected commodities in HBS.

Using National Socio-Economic Survey to Conduct Alternative Expenditure Weight 1. Data Processing

First, we process raw data of Susenas, consists of information on household expenditure, including the price, amount, and quantity of goods and services consumed. The Susenas data used in this study is Susenas data for 2018-2021. In this stage, appropriate statistical data processing techniques are used to obtain relevant and representative information.

2. Conducting the alternative weight based on Susenas data In order to obtain new weights for CPI calculation from alternative data sources (Susenas), it is necessary to establish commodity baskets and updated weight based on Susenas data, as was done when processing data from the Household Budget Survey. In updating the new weights, there are several challenges, they are: a. Mapping the Commodities

In categorizing goods and services, there are differences in classification between the commodity coverage of Susenas and SBH 2018. To overcome the mismatch between Susenas and SBH commodity codes, a commodity code mapping process was carried out, by connecting or linking commodities in the Susenas data with commodities in the SBH 2018. This was done to ensure conformity and consistency in the grouping of goods and services and the determination of their weights. During the mapping process, several conditions occurred, (1) one commodity in Susenas matched to 1 commodity in SBH, (2) one commodity in Susenas was mapped to 2 or more commodities in SBH, (3) two or more commodities in Susenas were mapped to 1 commodity in SBH, (4) there were commodities covered by SBH that were not included in Susenas. This condition is affected by the differences in commodity details between Susenas and SBH, which SBH collects more detailed commodity data than Susenas.

b. Calculating the Consumption Value and Imputation Process The formula used for calculating the expenditure value of the commodity baskets based on Susenas data is

&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;′ = &#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;


∑ &#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d456;&#x1d456; (ℎ&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;)

1,2,…&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c; × �&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d457;&#x1d457;


Notation : NK’i : Updated expenditure value for ith commodity based on Susenas NKi(hbs) : expenditure value for ith commodity based on HBS NKj(ssn): Susenas expenditure value for commodity j which is mapped to ith commodity i : index for commodity in HBS j : index for commodity in Susenas To complete the expenditure value of commodities that not covered in Susenas, imputations were made by utilizing available information, the household expenditure weights for those commodities based on SBH2018 results. Using imputation techniques, missing values were filled in with reasonable estimates, thus ensuring data completeness and consistency in the formation of weights.

c. Adjustments In developing the new weights based on Susenas data, adjustments are also needed to obtain more accurate weights. Adjustments are made with the intention of considering changes in consumption patterns or consumer preferences over time.

Differences in HBS and Susenas commodity details

In the HBS, the list of commodities is larger and more detailed, while in the Susenas data, the coverage of commodities is more limited, and some commodities are combined as one unit without more specific details. The limited commodity detail in Susenas may cause expenditure on certain commodities to be aggregated into one broader category, resulting in lower expenditure values than actual. If expenditure on certain commodities is lower than it should be, then the weight on other higher commodities may be too large.

To overcome this problem, it is necessary to adjust the process of developing commodity weights. This adjustment aims to ensure that the resulting commodity weights reflect a more accurate proportion of expenditure and are not distorted by an underestimate of expenditure on certain commodities. Adjustments were carried out such as: a. estimating the true value of expenditure based on other information in the Susenas data

or using more detailed HBS data. b. Proportional approach: used to adjust commodity weights by considering differences in

commodity classification between Susenas and HBS data. In this case, the proportion of expenditure on more detailed commodities in the HBS is allocated to broader categories in the Susenas data.

Adjustments in the Insurance commodity, as well as the party and ceremonies category The Insurance Cost commodity covered in Susenas has a different concept from HBS2018. Insurance costs covered in HBS 2018 are only administrative costs, while insurance costs covered in Susenas include premi and other costs. The commodities in the party/event category covered in Susenas are also not covered in SBH as household expenditure. Therefore, for these commodities, adjustments were made by excluding the expenditure value from the new weight calculation.

3. Evaluation the weight based on Susenas Data

At this stage, the results of the weight conducted from Susenas Data are evaluated. The evaluation is carried out by comparing the expenditure weight from HBS-2018 with the expenditure weight from Susenas-2018. The purpose of this comparison is to ensure the suitability and accuracy of the weights generated from the Susenas data with the published weights from HBS 2018. In

addition, an analysis of the weight movement between Susenas periods is also conducted to identify changes in trends of household expenditure patterns year to year. In statistics, there are several tests and procedures that can be done in a study, where one of them is determining the level of correlation between variables. Correlation itself is one of method that studies the degree of relationship between two or more variables. to determine the level of relationship between the two variables, we can evaluate from the size of the correlation value or what is commonly referred to as the correlation coefficient. The pearson correlation, is a correlation which coefficient measures the linear relationship between pairs of numerical codes for categories of each variable. In this study, we calculate the correlation of the elementary weights (in commodity level) between HBS 2018 and Susenas. The formula used as follow:

&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d465;&#x1d465;&#x1d465;&#x1d465; = &#x1d450;&#x1d450;&#x1d450;&#x1d450;&#x1d450;&#x1d450;(&#x1d465;&#x1d465;,&#x1d466;&#x1d466;) &#x1d70e;&#x1d70e;&#x1d465;&#x1d465;&#x1d70e;&#x1d70e;&#x1d465;&#x1d465;

4. Compiling the Alternative Price Indices

After evaluating the Susenas data to be an alternative data source in determining household expenditure weights, the weights are used to create the alternative price indices, which is then compared to the published CPI. The expenditure data from Susenas is available every year, enabling expenditure weights to be derived annually for the approach of CPI weights. Thus, the expenditure weights can be updated periodically and can captured the changes of household consumption patterns reflected in the Susenas data each year. This is yet another challenge to update the CPI weight regularly every year. In term of implementing the annually update of CPI weight, it needs to be considered whether the weights that have been formed based on Susenas data will be directly used as the weights for CPI calculation. Another choice is by using the Susenas weight movement to update the HBS expenditure in the commodity level. This practice is in line with the ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) which updates the CPI weights annually using the HFCE data movements. Meanwhile in this preliminary study, we started by comparing the published CPI with the Susenas price index, to see the feasibility of using the Susenas data as an approach to calculate the CPI. Further research is needed to determine the method that will be used to update the HBS weights continuously. The alternative price index for all groups (headline CPI) is constructed using the weighted index of 835 commodities. The method used to construct the alternative price index at both the elementary level index and the upper level index is the same as that used in the published CPI. a. Elementary Level Indices

Both series, the published CPI and the alternative price index, use the same published commodity price change in the city level. In practice, Indonesia use the Jevon formula to calculate the indices in the elementary level

&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d460;&#x1d460;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f; 0;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; = � �


&#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;0 � 1/&#x1d460;&#x1d460;


&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d460;&#x1d460;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f; 0;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; =

∏ �&#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;� 1/&#x1d460;&#x1d460;


∏ �&#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;0� 1/&#x1d460;&#x1d460;


Where, &#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; = price in current period &#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;0= price in base period

b. Upper Level Indices As the current method used to compile the published CPI in Indonesia is Modified

Laspeyres, the updated price index also uses the same method, which the weight reference period is the same with the price reference period. Since the Susenas expenditure data

collected on March, so the reference period for the updated price index is on March every year. The formula of the Modified Laspeyres is shown as below:

&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; = ∑ &#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;&#x1d45e;&#x1d45e;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;0&#x1d460;&#x1d460; &#x1d456;&#x1d456;=1

∑ &#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;0&#x1d45e;&#x1d45e;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;0&#x1d460;&#x1d460; &#x1d456;&#x1d456;=1

The availability of expenditure weight for every year, means there are several new CPI series

with the difference reference period. As the new weights are introduced, the new series is not comparable to the previous series. However, to fulfill the user's need for a CPI time series that covers a long period of time and provides historical content, we will need to link the series together. In line with CPI Manual (2020), if this linking process continues for multiple years, the linking factors for each year must be derived from the indices on the fixed index reference period or made cumulative by chaining the annual series through time. For example, in this study we make the long CPI series with the index reference period on 2018, so the chain linking method can be expressed as:

&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;19/21 = &#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;18/19 &#x1d465;&#x1d465; &#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;19/20 &#x1d465;&#x1d465; &#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;20/21

Where, &#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;19/21= continuous chain-linking factor for annual indexes from 2018-2019 to 2020-2021

5. Validation

For testing the method used, we compare result of IHK based on Susenas’ expenditure weight with HBS’. MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error), introduced by Lewis (1982) are performed as the base of prediction test [4]. In addition, MAPE can be used to evaluate the accuracy of Susenas’ sampled data as more frequent alternative expenditure weight before we estimate IHK further in the following years. Similarly, RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) is alternative method measuring the error of prediction model. The formula of MAPE and RMSE are shown as follows,

&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d440; = ∑ �&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;ℎ − &#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d460;&#x1d460;

&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;ℎ �

&#x1d45b;&#x1d45b; × 100% … 1)

&#x1d445;&#x1d445;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d445;&#x1d445;&#x1d440;&#x1d440; = � (&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;ℎ − &#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d460;&#x1d460;)2

&#x1d45b;&#x1d45b; … 2)

&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;ℎ represents the monthly IHK based on HBS’ expenditure weight, whereas &#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d460;&#x1d460; based on Susenas’. N is the total number of observations, which is 12 months in this study. As a result, we also can interpret the MAPE value according to Lewis’ categorization (1982) as shown in Table X. Meanwhile, small RMSE value explains that predicted model is fitted to its true value, in this study represented by IHK based on HBS.

MAPE Interpretation

<10% Highly accurate forecasting 10-19% Good Forecasting 20-49% Reasonable Forecasting >50% Inaccurate forecasting

3. Result

HBS-2018 and Susenas Obtaining the new expenditure value of the commodity packages based on Susenas-18 data, we

conduct the comparative analysis betweeen the resulted weight and the published weight. This comparison is carried out to see the suitability between the two data sources in forming the weight of household expenditure used in the CPI calculation. A comparison of group level expenditure weights for HBS-18 and Susenas-18 is shown in the table below.

Table 3.1. Expenditure Weight in Group Level fos HBS-18 and Susenas-18

Code Group HBS-18 Susenas-18 01 Food, Beverages, and Tobacco 25,01 29,49 02 Clothing and Footwear 5,41 4,37 03 Housing, Water, Electricity, and Household Fuel 20,45 18,25

04 Furnishings, Household Equipment, and Routine Household Maintenance 5,97 5,49

05 Health 2,62 2,62 06 Transport 12,38 10,82

07 Information, Communication, and Financial Services 5,83 5,49

08 Recreation, Sport, and Culture 2,15 1,58 09 Education 5,62 5,52 10 Food and Beverage Serving Services/Restaurant 8,67 10,77 11 Personal Care and Other Services 5,89 5,60

Total 100 100

From the table above, we can see that in the group level category, the HBS-18 and Susenas-18 show similar pattern of expenditure weight. Both based on HBS 2018 and Susenas 2018, household consumption is dominated by expenditure on the food, beverages, and tobacco group, which amounted to 25.01% based on HBS 2018 and 29.49% based on Susenas 2018. the next largest consumption is followed by the Housing, Water, Electricity, and Household Fuel group, which amounted to 20.45% and 18.25% based on HBS 2018 and Susenas 2018, respectively. The transportation group contributed the 3rd largest consumption value based on both data sources. And the group with the smallest percentage of consumption value based on both surveys is the recreation, sport and culture group. These results show that, although there are slight differences in the percentage of expenditure value between the two data sources, there are similarities in the composition and consumption patterns between groups. This comparison provides valuable information regarding the potential use of Susenas data as an alternative in forming expenditure weights.

In addition to descriptively comparing the weights between HBS 2018 and Susenas 2018, we also tried to see how closely the two weights match and relate. At the commodity level, the SBH-18 and Susenas-18 results have a correlation value of 0.9812, which means a very strong correlation. This indicate the methods used to adjust the Susenas data to obtain alternative weight for CPI give consistent result to those derived from household budget survey.

Furthermore, we will compare HBS-18 with the following year's Susenas. HBS-18 with Susenas- 19, Susenas-20, and Susenas-21. The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate how far the weight generated from SBH 2018 can represent changes of household consumption patterns in the following years. The correlation value at the commodity level can be seen in the table below.

Figure 2. The scatter plot of HBS 2018 and Susenas 2018-2021

Table 3.2 Correlation Coefficient between HBS-18 and Susenas 2018-2021

Year of Susenas Correlation with HBS-18 at Commodity Level

2018 0.9812

2019 0.9788

2020 0.9741

2021 0.9659

Based on the correlation test results, it can be seen that there is a strong correlation between the

HBS-2018 weights and the updated weights of Susenas 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. However, the further the year difference between the HBS-2018 and Susenas, the lower the correlation. For example, between HBS 2018 and Susenas 2019, the correlation decreased from 0.9812 to 0.9788. Then when there is a 2-year gap, the correlation further decreases to 0.9741, and after 3 years the correlation again decreases to 0.9659. The larger the year gap between the HBS and Susenas, the less conformity in the weights produced by the two data sources. This also strengthens the hypothesis that using a fixed expenditure weight for years can be no longer relevant in describing the enormous shift in household expenditure patterns.

Changes in Consumption Patterns Between Years Based on Susenas Susenas which is available annually, can be an alternative data source to capture changes in household consumption over time. We can analyze and evaluate changes in expenditure patterns over a year by comparing the latest susenas with the previous period. The following table shows the percentage of expenditure by group, based on Susenas data from 2018 to 2021. It can be seen that there are changes in consumption patterns from year to year. Some expenditure groups have increased or decreased, which may be influenced by several factors, such as changes in consumer preferences, or events that have an economic impact, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Table 3.3. Result of Expenditure Weight with Alternative Data Sources Susenas 2018 2019 2020 2021

Food, Beverages, and Tobacco 29.49 28.35 29.33 30.57

Clothing and Footwear 4.35 4.59 4.42 3.55

Housing, Water, Electricity, and Household Fuel 18.24 18.71 18.24 19.72

Furnishings, Household Equipment, and Routine Household Maintenance 5.47 5.45 5.15 5.61

Health 2.61 2.61 2.56 3.19

Transport 10.93 11.32 11.48 9.41

Information, Communication, and Financial Services 5.48 5.28 5.25 5.64

Recreation, Sport, and Culture 1.57 1.63 1.57 1.20

Education 5.50 5.40 5.56 5.57

Food and Beverage Serving Services/Restaurant 10.77 11.12 10.80 9.67

Personal Care and Other Services 5.58 5.55 5.63 5.88

The weight of food, beverage, and tobacco group decreased from 2018 to 2019, while in 2020 and

2021 it increased. One of the reasons for this significant increase in 2021 is the COVID-19 pandemic, where people tend to spend more time at home, and reduce nonfood consumption. Large-scale social restrictions, restaurant closures, and health concerns may have encouraged people to make and consume more food at home. This phenomenon is also in line with the percentage of consumption in the food and beverage service / restaurant group, which has decreased in 2021. For four years, 2018 to 2021, the commodites with the biggest decrease weight are rice with side dishes –0.468 and meatballs ready to eat –0.121.

On the other hand, the clothing and footwear group shows a downward trend from 2019 to 2021. Factors such as changes in fashion trends, reduced social activities, and decreased purchasing power due to the pandemic may affect the interest and need for new clothing and footwear.

Furthermore, the health expenditure group showed a significant increase in 2021. This could be related to the COVID-19 pandemic and people's increasing need for health service, including medical expenses and the purchase of medicines and vitamins. The increasing awareness of the importance of health could also be a factor influencing changes in health spending. Weight increasing for some commodities in health group can be seen in table 3.4.

Table 3.4. Result of weight increasing in Health Group in 2018-2021

Commodities in Health Group Increase of Weight 2021 from 2018

Check Up 0.292 Vitamin 0.118 Laboratory 0.118 Hospital 0.050 Medicines By Prescription 0.036 Jamu (Herb) 0.005 Cough Medicine 0.005 Cold Medicine 0.003

The transportation group showed a drastic decline in 2021 due to reduced mobility and the prohibition of domestic and international flights. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, where travel restrictions, working from home, and decreased social activities led to a reduced need for daily transportation. The gasoline consumption decreased by –0.493. Air transport fell by around –0.473. Consumption of online taxibike decreased by –0.123, city transportation decreased by –0.122, and inter-city transportation decreased by –0.069 (more details in the table below).

Table 3.5. Result of weight decreasing in Transportation Group in 2018-2021

Commodities in Transportation Group Decrease of Weight 2021 from 2018

Gasoline -0.493

Air Transportation Rates -0.473 Online Taxibike -0.123 City Transportation -0.122 Inter-City Transportation -0.069 Car -0.068 Train -0.058 Motorcycle -0.052 Online Taxi -0.047 Rental Vehicles -0.034 Taxi -0.014 Travel -0.012 Sea Transportation -0.009

The development of technology and expansion of the digital economy can also be shown by the increasing percentage of spending on the information, communication, and financial services group. This is especially shown in the increase in spending in 2021. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic has also had an impact on increasing community activities that require internet services, such as online schooling and working from home, shown in table below.

Table 3.6. Result of weight increasing in Information, Communication, and Financial Services

Group in 2018-2021 Commodities in Information, Communication, and Financial Services Group

Increase of Weight 2021 from 2018

Internet Subscription Fees 0.954 Laptop/Notebook 0.009

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is also reflected in the expenditure of recreation, sports, and culture group, which showed a decline in 2021. Large-scale social restrictions led to the closure of recreational venues, and a shift in household preferences in spending leisure time. The consumption in recreation decreased –0.198 and bioskop was decrease around –0.036 (2021 from 2018).

It can be concluded that changes in consumption patterns reflected in Susenas data show trends related to phenomena that occur in the year concerned, such as the Covid-19 pandemic which began to have an economic effect in 2020 and 2021. Such shifts may indicate significant economic changes in the pattern of consumer purchases. In addition, changes in consumer needs and preferences, technological developments, price fluctuations and socioeconomic developments can also affect changes in the composition and pattern of expenditure. Alternative CPI using Annual Updated CPI Weight

Based on the evaluation of annual updated weight conducted by comparing the weights of Susenas 2018 and SBH 2018, it can be said that there are similarities in consumption patterns from both sources. In addition, changes in consumption patterns captured based on Susenas 2018-2021 data can also describe the phenomena that occur. This means that Susenas data can be used as an alternative to describe household consumption patterns and as an approach to obtain annual updates of CPI weights.

A comparison of the headline CPI from both sources can be seen in the graph below, which the alternative price indexes conducted appear similar and close to the published CPI.

Figure 3. Index Comparison between Susenas and HBS.

From the graph above, we can see that there is no significant difference between the published CPI (based on the SBH 2018 weight) and the Susenas prices indexes throughout 2018. It means that the expenditure weight from Susenas-18 can predict the published CPI throughout 2018 appropriately. The similar conditions of household expenditure in 2018 depicted in the two data sources provide similar results in the CPI. The similarity of the 2018 CPI data generated from both sources indicates that using the Susenas weights directly can be considered as a method to update the HBS weights periodically. However, further research should be conducted to corroborate these hypotheses.

From the graph above, in some points, the two series indexes began to show slight differences, especially in 2020 and 2021, where the covid pandemic greatly affected changes in people's consumption patterns. Overall, the publish CPI and the alternative index grew by 10,25% and 10,63% respectively from Januari 2018 to March 2022.

We already know that during a pandemic, the weight of several commodities changed significantly, such as increased consumption of the health and communication information group and decreased consumption of the transportation, recreation, and restaurant group. Just for example, the increased demand of health goods and services, causing the prices of several goods in health group to increase. The increase in the price of these commodity should have a significant impact during the pandemic and result in a higher headline CPI, due to the higher portion of expenditure for the commodities.


We check validity Susenas dataset as alternative data source whether appropriate to use them to produce new expenditure weight. According to our result, as predictor consumption pattern, represented by weight expenditure in the same year in 2018, RMSE has small or nearly zero value. In accordance with this result, MAPE also show relatively small value at 12.11% which means that consumption pattern of Susenas’ sampled data in 2018 can be used as predictor for consumption pattern of HBS in the same year.

The table below also depicts the feasibility of alternative price indices through alternative data sources (Susenas). The RMSE of alternative price indices is approximately zero (0.43), that means no difference between alternative price indices as resulted of Susenas and published CPI. It is followed







110,00 Ja

n- 18

M ar

-1 8

M ay

-1 8

Ju l-1

8 Se

p- 18

N ov

-1 8

Ja n-

19 M

ar -1

9 M

ay -1

9 Ju

l-1 9

Se p-

19 N

ov -1

9 Ja

n- 20

M ar

-2 0

M ay

-2 0

Ju l-2

0 Se

p- 20

N ov

-2 0

Ja n-

21 M

ar -2

1 M

ay -2

1 Ju

l-2 1

Se p-

21 N

ov -2

1 Ja

n- 22

M ar

-2 2

Published CPI Alternative Price Indices

Price reference periode : 2018=100

also with the value of MAPE of 0.34% so that we can conclude this predicted PI is highly accurate forecasting for the CPI in 2018.

Validity Weight Expenditure CPI

RMSE 1.74 0.39 MAPE 12.11% 0.30%

In summary, using an alternative dataset is able to describe consumption patterns and predict the price index as accurately as using SBH data. Based on these results, we have a stronger belief that to describe consumption patterns and the consumer price index, we can also use Susenas data in subsequent years.

4. Conclusion and Implementation Plan

Conclusion Indonesia currently updated expenditure weights through Household Budget Survey every five

years at the commodity level. Using alternative data sources can be considered as a feasible method for generating more frequent of CPI expenditure weight, since particularly it can address towards latest condition in society and more relevant to updated consumption patterns in force majeure conditions specifically, such as The Covid-19 pandemic.

In this study, the alternative data source used is Susenas, which is available every year. The alternative weight and CPI conducted from the Susenas data show a price index that is more dynamic and responsive to changes in household consumption patterns. We also conducted empirical testing through validity tests, with MAPE and RMSE indicators, where Susenas data can be considered as an alternative data source for generating CPI expenditure weight annually to describe consumption patterns and conduct the consumer price index.

This study is expected to be a preliminary to the development of a more up-to-date and accurate CPI calculation methodology, as well as strengthening the understanding of the use of alternative data sources in compiling the CPI. However, since Household Budget Survey (HBS) can capture the whole picture of household expenditure and provide more detailed data, it is considered as the most established survey to obtain CPI weight. More frequent of HBS is still expected as the main source to compile the CPI.

Implementation Plan

Through this study, we can see the feasibility of Susenas data that can be used as an alternative source to describe household expenditure patterns. Further studies can be conducted in building a superlative index to estimate the substitution bias of the CPI. We also plan for future research to approach National Account data, namely HFCE as another data source that also captures household consumption expenditure, as one of the surveys recommended in the CPI manual.

Since BPS-Indonesia currently used the modified Laspeyres method for compiling the current Indices, we also plan to exercise the annual updated CPI using the alternative method, Young or Lowe. This study is the preliminary of BPS-Indonesia's plan to conduct more frequent updates of the CPI weight, so we will continue to review the strategy to implement the Susenas weight or other alternative data sources in compiling the CPI.

5. Limitation Susenas is one of the most massive surveys in Indonesia, yet conducted only twice in a year, in

March and September. It captures the consumption and expenditure of households in only those months, whereas HBS is carried out five-yearly and able to capture monthly consumption patterns over a year in the survey period with more detailed commodities.

On the other hand, there are differences in the classification and coverage of commodities in the Susenas data, where the coverage of commodities is more limited and not as detailed as the commodities in the HBS. This causes less coverage of expenditure on some commodities, which also has implications for the expenditure weights. BPS-Indonesia will continue to review the adjustment methods used to solve these issues.

6. Reference

[1] Masterson, V. 2022. What is a consumer price index and why is it important?, World Economic Forum. Available at: consumer-price-index/.

[2] Graf, B. 2020. Consumer Price Index Manual 2020 Expenditure Weights and Their Sources. Washington DC : International Monetary Fund

[3] ABS (Australia Bureau of Statistics). 2017. An Implementation Plan to Annually re-weight the Australian CPI. Australia.

[4] Lewis, C.D. 1982. Industrial and business forecasting methods. London: Butterworths. [5] Statistics Indonesia. [6] ABS (Australia Bureau of Statistics). 2016. Information Paper: Increasing the Frequency of

CPI Expediture Class Weight Updates,. Australia [7] Household Budget Survey Metadata 2018 and Consumer Price Survey Metadata 2020 and

2021. [8] National Socio-Economy Survey Metadata. 2020.

The Use of Alternative Data Source as A Proxy to Approach More Frequent Updates of CPI Expenditure Weight, Indonesia

Languages and translations



Fathia Utami Afdi Dr. Windhiarso Ponco Adi BPS - Statistics Indonesia

Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices

Geneva, 7th-9th June 2023

The Use of Alternative Data Source as A Proxy to Approach More Frequent Updates of CPI Expenditure Weight


Fathia Utami Afdi Fenanda Dwitha Kurniasari

Zaradia Permatasari BPS - Statistics Indonesia






Conclusion and Impementation Plan














Food Materials Prepared food and beverages

Goods and services

Clothing, footwear, and


Parties and ceremonies

Housing and household



W ei

gh t (

% )

Indonesia Expenditure Weight, 2018-2021





The CPI has an important role in determining a country's entire economy

Lesson Learned

From Pandemic


One of the crucial aspects in the CPI calculation is the weighting method

Facing a dynamic and rapid change in consumption behavior, a fixed expenditure weight over a long period can be no longer relevant in describing the enormous shift in household expenditure patterns.

Source: Indonesia- National Socio Economic Survey


BPS-Statistics Indonesia conducted this preliminary study to examine the feasibility of using Susenas data

as an alternative data source to approach household expenditure weights for compiling the CPI.

Objective of This Study


Overview of Consumer Price Survey and Household Budget Survey





Headline CPI

Monthly release CPI and inflation

90 cities and national

Fixed basket and weights currently used from HBS 2018

Using the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP)

Held every 5 years

Currently held in 2022 and will be introduced in January 2024

Expenditure on food and non-food household consumptions

Using the Classification of Individual Consumption by

Purpose (COICOP)

Consumer Price Survey

Household Budget Survey

Presentation Notes
Indonesia conducting the HBS every 5 years. Ini masih sejalan dengan rekomendasi pada CPI Manual untuk mengupdate bobot at least 5 tahun 1 kali&#xd;


Overview of National Socio-Economy Survey

Capture household consumption/ expenditure in city level every year in March

Availability of data on household welfare, including

education, health, and purchasing power

Using The Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP)

Expenditure on food and non-food

household consumptions

02 03






1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology 1


Data Source The Indonesian National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), 2018-2021

Total of commodities 296 commodities, 596 fewer than HBS 2018

Estimating total household consumption value per month by commodity

Aggregrate the expenditure value for 90 cities covered in CPI


1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology



HBS2018 commodities Susenas Commodities

011101001-Rice 2-Rice

011101001-Rice 3-Sticky Rice

011101008-Sweet Potatoes 10-Cassava/Sweet Potatoes

054501001- Checkup Rates 252-Health test/early detection/Medical Check Up

054501001- Laboratorium Rates 252-Health test/early detection/Medical Check Up

For example:



1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology



Notation NK’i : Updated expenditure value for ith commodity based on Susenas NKi(hbs) : expenditure value for ith commodity based on HBS NKj(ssn) : Susenas expenditure value for commodity j which is mapped to ith commodity i : index for commodity in HBS. j : index for commodity in Susenas

Commodities Baskets Expenditure Value based on Susenas Data

011101001-Rice The sum of the rice and sticky rice consumption

011101008-Sweet Potatoes Equals to the Cassava/Sweet Potatoes consumption

054501001- Checkup Rates Use the consumption value of “252-Health test/early detection/Medical Check Up” proportionally based on HBS 2018

054501001- Laboratorium Rates Use the consumption value of “252-Health test/early detection/Medical Check Up” proportionally based on HBS 2018



1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology

Estimating the true value of expenditure

Proportional approach: In this case, the proportion of expenditure on more detailed commodities in the HBS is allocated to broader categories in the Susenas data

Excluding the expenditure value of the insurance, and the party and ceremonies category

Adjustments were carried out to overcome the differences in HBS and Susenas commodity details such as:





1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology


Evaluation the Susenas 2018 weight Calculate the correlation

Identify changes in trends of household expenditure

patterns year to year based on Susenas weight


Presentation Notes
Setelah melakukan berbagai adjustment untuk menyesuaikan Susenas dengan cakupan SBH, dilakukan evaluasi dengan menghitung korelasi


1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology


Elementary Level Indices

Use the same published commodity price change

As BPS-Indonesia’s practice, for elementary level we use the Jevon Formula

Upper Level Indices

Method : modified Laspeyres

Price reference period = weight reference period

Linking the index :

In this study, we started by comparing the published CPI with the Susenas price index, to see how feasible it is that Susenas data can be

used as an approach to calculate the CPI



1 2a 2b 2c 3 4 5Methodology


Calculate the MAPE and RMSE for :

MAPE Interpretation

<10% Highly Accurate Forecasting

10-19% Good Forecasting

20-49% Reasonable Forecasting

>50% Inaccurate Forecasting


HBS18 weight and Susenas 18 weight in the commodity level

CPI and Alternative Price Indices in 2018





The comparison of HBS 2018 Weight & Susenas Weight​



20,45 5,97




2,15 5,62

8,67 5,89



18,255,49 2,62


5,49 1,58




Household Budget Survey 2018 Susenas 2018


Correlation: 0,9812 Correlation: 0,9788

Correlation: 0,9741 Correlation: 0,9659

The larger the year gap between the HBS and Susenas, the less correlation in the weights produced by the two data sources

The correlation of HBS 2018 and Susenas

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

Su se

na s 2

01 8

HBS 2018

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

Su se

na s 2

01 9

HBS 2018





0 1 2 3 4 5

Su se

na s 2

02 1

HBS 2018

0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

Su se

na s 2

02 0

HBS 2018






2018 2019 2020 2021

Food, Beverages, and Tobacco

4,35 4,59 4,42 3,55








2018 2019 2020 2021

Clothing and Footwear

2,61 2,61 2,56 3,19







2018 2019 2020 2021


10,93 11,32 11,48 9,41

2018 2019 2020 2021



5,28 5,25


2018 2019 2020 2021

Information, Communication, and Financial Services

1,57 1,63 1,57 1,2








2018 2019 2020 2021

Recreation, Sport, and Culture

10,77 11,12



2018 2019 2020 2021

Food and Beverage Serving Services/Restaurant

5,58 5,55 5,63


2018 2019 2020 2021

Personal Care and Other Services

The Expenditure Weight by Groups Based on Susenas, 2018-2021 (%)

Changes in Consumption Patterns Between Years Based on Susenas


Using the Susenas Weight to Condutct the Alternative Price Indices








Ja n-


M ar

-1 8

M ay

-1 8

Ju l-1


Se p-


N ov

-1 8

Ja n-


M ar

-1 9

M ay

-1 9

Ju l-1


Se p-


N ov

-1 9

Ja n-


M ar

-2 0

M ay

-2 0

Ju l-2


Se p-


N ov

-2 0

Ja n-


M ar

-2 1

M ay

-2 1

Ju l-2


Se p-


N ov

-2 1

Ja n-


M ar

-2 2

Published CPI Alternative Price Indices

The Comparison of CPI and Susenas Price Index

Validity​ Weight Expenditure​ CPI​

RMSE 1.74 0.39

MAPE 12.11% 0.30%







Conclusion and Implementation Plan


• The HBS-18 and Susenas-18 show similar pattern of expenditure weight • The availability of susenas weight every year allows it to be more responsive to the shifting of

consumption patterns. • As the result of data evaluation (correlation, MAPE, and RMSE), Susenas data can be considered as a

feasible method for generating more frequent of CPI expenditure weight • Household Budget Survey (HBS) is still considered as the most established survey to obtain CPI weight

Implementation Plan

• Future research to approach National Account data (HFCE) as one of the data source recommended in the CPI Manual

• Further studies in building a superlative index to estimate the substitution bias of the CPI • We will continue to review the strategy to implement the Susenas weight or other alternative data

sources in compiling the CPI


Susenas only capture the household expenditure in only one month. The differences in the classification

and coverage of commodities in the Susenas data, where the coverage of commodities is more limited and not as detailed as the commodities in the HBS.

Our Concern

  • Slide Number 1
  • Outline
  • Backgrounds
  • BPS-Statistics Indonesia conducted this preliminary study to examine the feasibility of using Susenas data as an alternative data source to approach household expenditure weights for compiling the CPI. ​
  • Overview of Consumer Price Survey and�Household Budget Survey
  • Overview of National Socio-Economy Survey​
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • Methodology
  • The comparison of HBS 2018 Weight & Susenas Weight​
  • The correlation of HBS 2018 and Susenas
  • Changes in Consumption Patterns Between Years Based on Susenas
  • Using the Susenas Weight to Condutct the Alternative Price Indices
  • Conclusion and Implementation Plan
  • Susenas only capture the household expenditure in only one month. The differences in the classification and coverage of commodities in the Susenas data, where the coverage of commodities is more limited and not as detailed as the commodities in the HBS.​
  • Slide Number 24

The Use of Alternative Data Source as a Proxy to Approach More Frequent Updates of CPI Expenditure Weight, Indonesia

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is one of the key economic indicators widely used as a guide to make decisions and determine government policy effectiveness. This index is the most well-known inflation indicator that shows the household's price level of goods and services. BPS-Statistics Indonesia updates CPI monthly, and the compilation uses the expenditure weight due to the Household Budget Survey held every five years.

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The Use of Alternative Data Source As a Proxy to Approach More Frequent Updates of CPI Expenditure Weight

Fathia Utami Afdi1, Fenanda Dwitha2, Zaradia Permatasari3 1Statistics Indonesia ([email protected]) 2Statistics Indonesia ([email protected]) 3Statistics Indonesia ([email protected]) Abstract. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is one of the key economic indicators widely used as a guide to make decisions and determine government policy effectiveness. This index is the most well-known inflation indicator that shows the household's price level of goods and services. BPS-Statistics Indonesia updates CPI monthly, and the compilation uses the expenditure weight due to the Household Budget Survey held every five years. Facing a dynamic and rapid change in consumption behavior throughout five years, using a fixed expenditure weight is no longer relevant in describing the enormous shift in household expenditure patterns. The updated expenditure weight data would continuously provide the data user needs. However, conducting more frequent HBS requires additional cost. Regarding the importance of CPI, the index’s quality and measurement approach are necessarily improved and revised, including the methodologies and data sources. In Statistics Indonesia, one of the alternative data sources that portrays household expenditure is National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS). The focus on this study is to exercise the approach in compile new CPI using weight expenditure derived from the alternative data sources, which are more frequently updated. The updated weights show slightly different of consumption pattern compared to the existing CPI weights. The CPI obtained from the updated weight are evaluated with distribution pattern, Relative Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Mean Percentage Absolute Error (MAPE). The alternative CPI is closely similar to some points of the existing CPI series, in which MAPE and RMSE are approximately <15% and 0.01 respectively, but slightly different for other points. It may conclude that using Susenas data as alternative data sources can be considered as a feasible method for generating more frequent of CPI expenditure weight, since particularly it can address towards latest condition in society and more relevant to updated consumption patterns in force majeure conditions specifically, such as The Covid-19 pandemic. However, this study is subject to several limitations. It can only update consumption expenditure despite the basket of commodities and challenges faced in mapping commodities captured from the alternative data source.

Keywords: CPI, inflation, expenditure weight, annually re-weight

1. Introduction


The calculation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is one of the main indicators used to measure changes in the price level of goods and services consumed by the public. The CPI is the most commonly used tools to measure inflastion and deflation, which is important indicator of an economy’s health1. An accurate and up-to-date CPI plays an important role in economic policy analysis, business decision-making, measuring purchasing power, and monitoring inflation in a country.

One of the crucial aspects in the calculation of CPI is the weighting method used. These weights refer to the relative weight given to each commodity included in the commodity package as the basis for CPI calculation. The weight attached to each good or service determines the impact that its price change will have on the overall index2.

In Indonesia, CPI calculation weights are obtained from the Household Budget Survey (HBS) which is conducted every 5 years. The five-year period between surveys causes limitations in representing dynamic changes in the structure of household expenditure. In a dynamic economy, consumer preferences and spending patterns also change over time.

In recent years, we know that many countries from all over have faced big challenges since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has caused significant shifts in consumption patterns. Lockdowns and social restrictions have affected accessibility to certain goods and services and changed consumption preferences. Some sectors of the economy experienced a drastic decline, while others increased. Just for example, the tourism and transportation sectors have been severely affected by the travel restrictions. In this context, the changes of consumption patterns have shown the need for more frequent weight updates to obtain accurate CPI data.

In this study, a new approach is taken using the National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) data as an alternative data source to obtain more accurate and more frequently updated CPI calculation weights. SUSENAS is a household survey conducted periodically by Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS)-Indonesia that includes more information on the socioeconomic characteristics of households as well as comprehensive information on household expenditures, including prices and quantities of goods consumed.

By utilizing Susenas data as an alternative data source, this study aims to develop an alternative method in calculating the CPI by updating the weights more frequently. This approach is expected to provide a more accurate picture of changes in consumption patterns that occur in households. By considering SUSENAS data available every year, the resulting CPI can reflect more representative price changes and provide more accurate information for economic decision-making.

This study also aims to analyze the effectiveness of using Susenas data for update the CPI weight in Indonesia. In this study, the process of selecting commodities, calculating weights, evaluating the quality of Susenas data, and comparing the results of CPI calculations using the weight from HBS and the Susenas-based method are carried out.

The use of Susenas data as an alternative data source in CPI calculation is expected to help overcome the challenges faced by HBS, such as the cost and time required in conducting more frequent surveys. In the context of a fast-changing economy, the ability to update CPI calculation weights more regularly can provide significant benefits in monitoring inflation, planning price policies, and better understanding public consumption trends. This also relates to the empirical support found by Austalia Bureau of Statistics that higher frequency re-weighting of the CPI better captures consumer’ substitution effects3.

Overview Household Budget Survey and Consumer Price Survey in Indonesia Consumer Price Survey (CPS), conducted by Statistics Indonesia, is a survey of transactional

price between seller (retailer) and buyer (consumer). This survey aims to provide Consumer Price Index (CPI), one of strategic indicators collected by Statistics Indonesia for policy making. The difference in percentage of CPI, known as inflation or deflation rate, is essential economic indicators.

In history, CPS was held for the first time in 1953 in Jakarta. In 1968 CPI was calculated in eight selected capital cities. Starting from 2018 until now, CPS has been held in 90 cities in Indonesia. Statistics Indonesia releases CPI and inflation/deflation every month, disseminated in 90 cities and in national level.4

In calculating the headline CPI in a city, aggregation is done from a top-down approach, as seen in the figure below.

Figure 1.1. CPI structure

1. Price The data collected is transactional price data between sellers and buyers at the retail level. Prices are collected in traditional and modern markets. Microdata are not disseminated.

2. Commodity Commodity is the types of goods or services whose prices are monitored in consumer price survey. The number of commodities in the basket is different for each city, according to the consumption pattern of the society in each region. The lowest level index of the CPI is calculated at the commodity level. Currently, at the national level there are 835 commodities.

3. Subgroup All commodities are grouped to a higher level based on Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose 2018 (COICOP 2018), with minor modification for Indonesia. Based on the HBS 2018, there are a total of 43 subgroups.

4. Group Based on HBS 2018, there are 11 groups of household expenditure. Detailed descriptions of the 11 groups for national are as follows.

Table 1. The CPI Classification by Groups

Code Group The number of subgroups

The number of

commodities 01 Food, Beverages, and Tobacco 4 348 02 Clothing and Footwear 2 101 03 Housing, Water, Electricity, and Household Fuel 4 39

04 Furnishings, Household Equipment, and Routine Household Maintenance 6 76

05 Health 4 27 06 Transport 4 39

07 Information, Communication, and Financial Services 4 27

08 Recreation, Sport, and Culture 6 37 09 Education 4 15 10 Food and Beverage Serving Services/Restaurant 1 68 11 Personal Care and Other Services 4 58

Total 43 835

5. Headline CPI Headline CPI is the highest level of the index containing all groups, all subgroups, and all commodities, calculated at the city and national level. The change in headline CPI called inflation/deflation shows the rate of increase/decrease in the price of goods/services in general at the level of dissemination.

In Indonesia, the current CPI is disseminated for 90 cities and at the national level. The basket of

goods/services and the weights are obtained from Household Budget Survey (HBS). HBS is a household consumption expenditure survey to obtain patterns of consumption as a material for preparing weights and basket commodities in the CPI calculation. HBS is held for a full year to capture an overview of consumption patterns throughout the year. The data collected includes expenditure on food and non-food consumption. HBS was first held in 1977/1978, and continued in 1988/1989, 1996, 2002, 2007, 2012, and the last is 2018. Currently, the CPI is calculated based on the HBS 2018, which is the 7th survey since it was first implemented. Household Budget Survey (HBS) held every five years. So, the fixed weights are used for five years until the next HBS.

Overview National Socio-Economy Survey (SUSENAS)

Statistics Indonesia is responsible for the availability of data needed for sectoral and cross- sectoral development planning. One of the data sources needed especially for planning in the Socio- Economic Population sector is the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) which is held by BPS every year. In general, the purpose of data collection through the Susenas is the availability of data on household welfare, including education, health, and purchasing power.

Susenas was first held in 1963. Susenas collects KOR data (main information) and module data (special information). Module data is collected once every 3 years covering the population consumption and income module, the social, cultural, and educational module, and the housing and health module. Since 2015, Susenas has captured the Household Consumption/Expenditure Module every semester, data will be collected every year in March and September. Data on semiannual enumeration results can only be presented in September for both the national and provincial levels, while for March the data can be presented up to the district/city level. Therefore, the data analyzed in this study is data from the Susenas in March, from household consumption/expenditure modul.5

The household consumption module captures food and non-food consumption expenditures. The grouping of goods and services captured in the consumption module Susenas is also guided by the 2018 COICOP, the same as was done for the HBS and CPS. Therefore, this data can be used as an alternative approach to annual CPI reweighting. Expenditure Persentage 2018 2019 2020 2021 Cereals and Tubers 6.45 6.08 5.97 6.14 Fish/shrimp/common squid/shells, Meat, Eggs, and Milk 8.76 8.80 8.80 9.20 Vegetables and Fruits 6.06 5.61 6.16 6.33 Legumes, Oil, and Coconut 2.21 2.10 2.11 2.31 Spices and Miscellaneous food items 1.87 1.79 1.83 2.05 Beverages Stuff and Alcoholic Beverage 1.53 1.44 1.50 1.54 Tobacco and betel (Cigarettes) 5.82 6.05 5.99 6.06 Prepared food and beverages 16.82 17.26 16.87 15.63 Housing and household facilities 25.29 25.49 25.19 26.33 Goods and services 12.39 12.40 12.42 12.17 Clothing, footwear, and headgear 2.92 3.03 2.95 2.51 Durable goods 5.14 5.04 4.96 4.60 Taxes and insurance 2.81 3.01 3.38 3.92 Parties and ceremonies 1.94 1.89 1.90 1.21 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

According to Susenas data, consumption patterns have changed from year to year. For example,

from 2018 to 2019, there has been a significant shift in consumption patterns from the grains and tubers group to the prepared food group. In 2018, grains and tubers were originally 6.45%, down to 6.08%, and processed food increased from 16.82% to 17.26%. Entering the COVID-19 pandemic, food consumption began to fall. In 2020 it fell to 16.87% and 2021 15.63%. People reduce buying prepared food to minimize contact with people and choose to cook at home. For four years, the consumption of protein in the community has continued to increase, as seen in the percentage of the fish, meat, eggs, and dairy group which has consistently increased, 8.76% in 2018 to 9.20% in 2021. From 2019 to 2020 and 2021, entering the COVID-19 pandemic, people tend to reduce spending on non-food items, meanwhile people still need to eat. This causes the percentage of food expenditure to increase, and non-food expenditure to decrease. For example, the percentage of consumption for the clothing, footwear and headgear group decreased from 3.03% in 2019 to 2.95% in 2020 and 2.51% in 2021. Another example is the consumption of durable goods which fell from 5.04 in 2019 to 4.96% in 2020 and 4.60% ini 2021. In 2021, when the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, large-scale social restrictions were implemented causing spending on parties and ceremonies to drop significantly from 1.90% to 1.21%.

It should be a concern that consumption patterns have changed even in just one year, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic which has caused people's lifestyles to change. Susenas data available every year can be an alternative to capture information gaps of changes in consumption patterns between years, from one HBS to the next.

2. Methodology Scope

The data used for this study is micro data from Susenas–The Indonesian National Socio- economic survey, an annual household survey conducted by Statistics Indonesia every March and September. Statistics Indonesia collected social and demography data, specifically to measure poverty indicator, education, health, consumption, housing, and other socio-economic indicators through this survey. The susenas questionnaire consists of many modules, each of which is asked according to the needs of the indicators to be generated [3].

In this study, we use the Susenas dataset for 2018-2021. This is in line with the research objective which is to capture differences in consumption patterns in this period, including during the covid-19. Besides, we focused on consumption and expenditure’s modul in Susenas’ questionnaire to obtain consumption value in each commodity that available in Susenas. The number of commodities collected from this survey is 296 commodities, 539 fewer than collected commodities in HBS.

Using National Socio-Economic Survey to Conduct New CPI Weight 1. Data Processing

First, we process raw data of Susenas, consists of information on household expenditure, including the price, amount, and quantity of goods and services consumed. The Susenas data used in this study is Susenas data for 2018-2021. In this stage, appropriate statistical data processing techniques are used to obtain relevant and representative information.

2. Update the new weight based on Susenas data In order to obtain new weights for CPI calculation from alternative data sources (Susenas), it is necessary to establish commodity baskets and updated weight based on Susenas data, as was done when processing data from the Household Budget Survey. in updating the new weights, there are several challenges, they are: a. Mapping commodity

In categorizing goods and services, there are differences in classification between the commodity coverage of Susenas and SBH 2018. To overcome this, a commodity code mapping process was carried out, namely connecting or linking commodities in the Susenas data with commodities in the SBH 2018. This was done to ensure conformity and consistency in the grouping of goods and services and the determination of their weights.

b. Consumption Value Calculation and Imputation Process To overcome the mismatch between Susenas and SBH commodity codes, commodity code mapping was conducted to obtain a new commodity package to be adjusted with Susenas data. During the mapping process, several conditions occurred, (1) one commodity in Susenas matched to 1 commodity in SBH, (2) one commodity in Susenas was mapped to 2 or more commodities in SBH, (3) two or more commodities in Susenas were mapped to 1 commodity in SBH, (4) there were commodities covered by SBH that were not included in Susenas. This condition is affected by the differences in commodity details between Susenas and SBH, which SBH collects more detailed commodity data than Susenas. The formula used for calculating the expenditure value based on Susenas data is

&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;′ = &#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;


∑ &#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d456;&#x1d456; (ℎ&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;)

1,2,…&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c; × �&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d457;&#x1d457;


Notation : NK’i : Updated expenditure value for ith commodity based on Susenas NKi(hbs) : expenditure value for ith commodity based on HBS NKj(ssn): Susenas expenditure value for commodity j which is mapped to ith commodity

i : index for commodity in HBS. If commodity in HBS is mapped to one commodity in Susenas, the index will fulfill conditions i=j j : index for commodity in Susenas To complete the expenditure value of commodities that not covered in Susenas, imputations were made by utilizing available information, namely household expenditure weights for those commodities based on SBH2018 results. Using imputation techniques, missing values were filled in with reasonable estimates, thus ensuring data completeness and consistency in the formation of weights.

c. Adjustments In developing the new weights based on Susenas data, adjustments are also needed to obtain more accurate weights. Adjustments are made with the intention of considering changes in consumption patterns or consumer preferences over time.

Differences in HBS and Susenas commodity details

In the HBS, the list of commodities is larger and more detailed, while in the Susenas data, the coverage of commodities is more limited, and some commodities are combined as one unit without more specific details. The limited commodity detail in Susenas may cause expenditure on certain commodities to be aggregated into one broader category, resulting in lower expenditure values than actual. If expenditure on certain commodities is lower than it should be, then the weight on other higher commodities may be too large.

To overcome this problem, it is necessary to adjust the process of developing commodity weights. This adjustment aims to ensure that the resulting commodity weights reflect a more accurate proportion of expenditure and are not distorted by an underestimate of expenditure on certain commodities. Adjustments were carried out such as: a. estimating the true value of expenditure based on other information in the Susenas data

or using more detailed HBS data. b. Proportional approach: used to adjust commodity weights by considering differences in

commodity classification between Susenas and HBS data. In this case, the proportion of expenditure on more detailed commodities in the HBS is allocated to broader categories in the Susenas data.

Adjustments in the Insurance commodity, as well as the party and ceremonies category The Insurance Cost commodity covered in Susenas has a different concept from HBS2018. Insurance costs covered in HBS 2018 are only administrative costs, while insurance costs covered in Susenas include premiums and other costs. The commodities in the party/event category covered in Susenas are also not covered in SBH as household expenditure. Therefore, for these commodities, adjustments were made by excluding the expenditure value from the new weight calculation.

3. Evaluation the weight based on Susenas Data

At this stage, the results of the weight conducted from Susenas Data are evaluated. The evaluation is carried out by comparing the expenditure weight from HBS-2018 with the expenditure weight from Susenas-2018. The purpose of this comparison is to ensure the suitability and accuracy of the weights generated from the Susenas data with the published weights from HBS 2018. In addition, an analysis of the weight movement between Susenas periods is also conducted to identify changes in trends of household expenditure patterns year to year. In statistics, there are several tests and procedures that can be done in a study, where one of them is determining the level of correlation between variables. Correlation itself is one of method that studies the degree of relationship between two or more variables. to determine the level of

relationship between the two variables, we can evaluate from the size of the correlation value or what is commonly referred to as the correlation coefficient The pearson correlation, is a correlation which coefficient measures the linear relationship between pairs of numerical codes for categories of each variable. In this study, we calculate the correlation of the elementary weights (in commodity level) between HBS 2018 and Susenas. The formula used as follow:

&#x1d45f;&#x1d45f;&#x1d465;&#x1d465;&#x1d465;&#x1d465; = &#x1d450;&#x1d450;&#x1d450;&#x1d450;&#x1d450;&#x1d450;(&#x1d465;&#x1d465;,&#x1d466;&#x1d466;) &#x1d70e;&#x1d70e;&#x1d465;&#x1d465;&#x1d70e;&#x1d70e;&#x1d465;&#x1d465;

4. Validation

For testing the method used, we compare result of IHK based on Susenas’ expenditure weight with HBS’. MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error), introduced by Lewis (1982) are performed as the base of prediction test [4]. In addition, MAPE can be used to evaluate the accuracy of Susenas’ sampled data as more frequent alternative expenditure weight before we estimate IHK further in the following years. Similarly, RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) is alternative method measuring the error of prediction model. The formula of MAPE and RMSE are shown as follows,

&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d440; = ∑ �&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;ℎ − &#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d460;&#x1d460;

&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;ℎ �

&#x1d45b;&#x1d45b; × 100% … 1)

&#x1d445;&#x1d445;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d445;&#x1d445;&#x1d440;&#x1d440; = � (&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;ℎ − &#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d440;&#x1d440;&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d460;&#x1d460;)2

&#x1d45b;&#x1d45b; … 2)

&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;ℎ represents the monthly IHK based on HBS’ expenditure weight, whereas &#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d43c;&#x1d43c;&#x1d441;&#x1d441;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f;&#x1d460;&#x1d460; based on Susenas’. N is the total number of observations, which is 12 months in this study. As a result, we also can interpret the MAPE value according to Lewis’ categorization (1982) as shown in Table X. Meanwhile, small RMSE value explains that predicted model is fitted to its true value, in this study represented by IHK based on HBS.

MAPE Interpretation

<10% Highly accurate forecasting 10-19% Good Forecasting 20-49% Reasonable Forecasting >50% Inaccurate forecasting

5. Annual Update of CPI weight

After evaluating the Susenas data to be an alternative data source in determining household expenditure weights, the next challenge is how to update the CPI weight regularly every year. The expenditure data from Susenas is available every year, enabling expenditure weights to be derived annually for the approach of CPI weights. It needs to be considered whether the updated weights that have been formed based on Susenas data will be directly used as the weights for CPI calculation. In this study, expenditure weights based on Susenas data are used as annual update of CPI weights. Thus, the expenditure weights can be updated periodically and can captured the changes of household consumption patterns reflected in the Susenas data each year. The annually updated CPI weights are then used to form an alternative price index. The alternative price index for all groups (headline CPI) is constructed using the sweighted index of 835 commodities. The method used to construct the alternative price index at both the elementary level index and the upper level index is the same as that used in the published CPI. a. Elementary Level Indices

Both series, the published CPI and the alternative price index, use the same published commodity price change. In practice, Indonesia use the Jevon formula to calculate the indices in the elementary level

&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d460;&#x1d460;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f; 0;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; = � �


&#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;0 � 1/&#x1d460;&#x1d460;


&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d43d;&#x1d460;&#x1d460;&#x1d44f;&#x1d44f; 0;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; =

∏ �&#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;� 1/&#x1d460;&#x1d460;


∏ �&#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;0� 1/&#x1d460;&#x1d460;


Where, &#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; = price in current period &#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;0= price in base period

b. Upper Level Indices As the current method used to compile the published CPI in Indonesia is Modified

Laspeyres, the updated price index also uses the same method, which the weight reference period is the same with the price reference period. Since the Susenas expenditure data collected on March, so the reference period for the updated price index is on March every year. The formula of the Modified Laspeyres is shown as below:

&#x1d436;&#x1d436;&#x1d461;&#x1d461; = ∑ &#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;&#x1d461;&#x1d461;&#x1d45e;&#x1d45e;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;0&#x1d460;&#x1d460; &#x1d456;&#x1d456;=1

∑ &#x1d45d;&#x1d45d;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;0&#x1d45e;&#x1d45e;&#x1d456;&#x1d456;0&#x1d460;&#x1d460; &#x1d456;&#x1d456;=1

The availability of expenditure weight for every year, means there are several new CPI series

which are different from the published CPI reference period. As the new weights are introduced, the new series is not comparable to the previous series. However, to fulfill the user's need for a CPI time series that covers a long period of time and provides historical content, we will need to link the series together. In line with CPI Manual (2020), if this linking process continues for multiple years, the linking factors for each year must be derived from the indices on the fixed index reference period or made cumulative by chaining the annual series through time. For example, in this study we make the long CPI series with the index reference period on 2018, so the chain linking method can be expressed as:

&#x1d436;&#x1d436;19/21 = &#x1d436;&#x1d436;18/19 &#x1d465;&#x1d465; &#x1d436;&#x1d436;19/20 &#x1d465;&#x1d465; &#x1d436;&#x1d436;20/21

Where, &#x1d436;&#x1d436;19/21= continuous chain-linking factor for annual indexes from 2018-2019 to 2020-2021

3. Result

HBS-2018 and Susenas After obtaining the new expenditure value of the commodity packages based on Susenas-18 data,

we conduct the comparative analysis betweeen the resulted weight and the published weight. This comparison is carried out to see the suitability between the two data sources in forming the weight of household expenditure used in the CPI calculation. A comparison of group level expenditure weights for HBS-18 and Susenas-18 is shown in the table below.

Table 3.1. Expenditure Weight in Group Level fos HBS-18 and Susenas-18

Code Group HBS-18 Susenas-18 01 Food, Beverages, and Tobacco 25,01 29,49 02 Clothing and Footwear 5,41 4,37 03 Housing, Water, Electricity, and Household Fuel 20,45 18,25

04 Furnishings, Household Equipment, and Routine Household Maintenance 5,97 5,49

05 Health 2,62 2,62 06 Transport 12,38 10,82

07 Information, Communication, and Financial Services 5,83 5,49

08 Recreation, Sport, and Culture 2,15 1,58 09 Education 5,62 5,52 10 Food and Beverage Serving Services/Restaurant 8,67 10,77 11 Personal Care and Other Services 5,89 5,60

Total 100 100

From the table above, we can see that in the group level category, the HBS-18 and Susenas-18 show similar pattern of expenditure weight. Both based on HBS 2018 and Susenas 2018, household consumption is dominated by expenditure on the food, beverages, and tobacco group, which amounted to 25.01% based on HBS 2018 and 29.49% based on Susenas 2018. the next largest consumption is followed by the Housing, Water, Electricity, and Household Fuel group, which amounted to 20.45% and 18.25% based on HBS 2018 and Susenas 2018, respectively. The transportation group contributed the 3rd largest consumption value based on both data sources. And the group with the smallest percentage of consumption value based on both surveys is the recreation, sport and culture group. These results show that, although there are slight differences in the percentage of expenditure value between the two data sources, there are similarities in the composition and consumption patterns between groups. This comparison provides valuable information regarding the potential use of Susenas data as an alternative in forming expenditure weights.

In addition to descriptively comparing the weights between HBS 2018 and Susenas 2018, we also tried to see how closely the two weights match and relate. At the commodity level, the SBH-18 and Susenas-18 results have a correlation value of 0.9812, which means a very strong correlation. This indicate the methods used to adjust the Susenas data to obtain alternative weight for CPI give consistent result to those derived from household budget survey.

Furthermore, we will compare HBS-18 with the following year's Susenas. HBS-18 with Susenas- 19, Susenas-20, and Susenas-21. The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate how far the weight generated from SBH 2018 can represent changes of household consumption patterns in the following years. The correlation value at the commodity level can be seen in the table below.

Figure 2. The scatter plot of HBS 2018 and Susenas 2018-2021

Table 3.2 Correlation Coefficient between HBS-18 and Susenas 2018-2021

Year of Susenas Correlation with HBS-18 at Commodity Level

2018 0.9812

2019 0.9788

2020 0.9741

2021 0.9659

Based on the correlation test results, it can be seen that there is a strong correlation between the

HBS-2018 weights and the updated weights of Susenas 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. However, the further the year difference between the HBS-2018 and Susenas, the lower the correlation. For example, between HBS 2018 and Susenas 2019, the correlation decreased from 0.9812 to 0.9788. Then when there is a 2-year gap, the correlation further decreases to 0.9741, and after 3 years the correlation again decreases to 0.9659. The larger the year gap between the HBS and Susenas, the less conformity in the weights produced by the two data sources. This also strengthens the hypothesis that using a fixed expenditure weight for years can be no longer relevant in describing the enormous shift in household expenditure patterns.

Changes in Consumption Patterns Between Years Based on Susenas Susenas which is available annually, can be an alternative data source to capture changes in household consumption over time. We can analyze and evaluate changes in expenditure patterns over a year by comparing the latest susenas with the previous period. The following table shows the percentage of expenditure by group, based on Susenas data from 2018 to 2021. It can be seen that there are changes in consumption patterns from year to year. Some expenditure groups have increased or decreased, which may be influenced by several factors, such as changes in consumer preferences, or events that have an economic impact, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Table 3.3. Result of Expenditure Weight with Alternative Data Sources Susenas 2018 2019 2020 2021

Food, Beverages, and Tobacco 29.49 28.35 29.33 30.57

Clothing and Footwear 4.35 4.59 4.42 3.55

Housing, Water, Electricity, and Household Fuel 18.24 18.71 18.24 19.72

Furnishings, Household Equipment, and Routine Household Maintenance 5.47 5.45 5.15 5.61

Health 2.61 2.61 2.56 3.19

Transport 10.93 11.32 11.48 9.41

Information, Communication, and Financial Services 5.48 5.28 5.25 5.64

Recreation, Sport, and Culture 1.57 1.63 1.57 1.20

Education 5.50 5.40 5.56 5.57

Food and Beverage Serving Services/Restaurant 10.77 11.12 10.80 9.67

Personal Care and Other Services 5.58 5.55 5.63 5.88

The weight of food, beverage, and tobacco group decreased from 2018 to 2019, while in 2020 and

2021 it increased. One of the reasons for this significant increase in 2021 is the COVID-19 pandemic, where people tend to spend more time at home, and reduce nonfood consumption. Large-scale social restrictions, restaurant closures, and health concerns may have encouraged people to make and consume more food at home. This phenomenon is also in line with the percentage of consumption in the food and beverage service / restaurant group, which has decreased in 2021. For four years, 2018 to 2021, the commodites with the biggest decrease weight are rice with side dishes –0.468 and meatballs ready to eat –0.121.

On the other hand, the clothing and footwear group shows a downward trend from 2019 to 2021. Factors such as changes in fashion trends, reduced social activities, and decreased purchasing power due to the pandemic may affect the interest and need for new clothing and footwear.

Furthermore, the health expenditure group showed a significant increase in 2021. This could be related to the COVID-19 pandemic and people's increasing need for health service, including medical expenses and the purchase of medicines and vitamins. The increasing awareness of the importance of health could also be a factor influencing changes in health spending. Weight increasing for some commodities in health group can be seen in table 3.4.

Table 3.4. Result of weight increasing in Health Group in 2018-2021

Commodities in Health Group Increase of Weight 2021 from 2018

Check Up 0.292 Vitamin 0.118 Laboratory 0.118 Hospital 0.050 Medicines By Prescription 0.036 Jamu (Herb) 0.005 Cough Medicine 0.005 Cold Medicine 0.003

The transportation group showed a drastic decline in 2021 due to reduced mobility and the prohibition of domestic and international flights. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, where travel restrictions, working from home, and decreased social activities led to a reduced need for daily transportation. The gasoline consumption decreased by –0.493. Air transport fell by around –0.473. Consumption of online taxibike decreased by –0.123, city transportation decreased by –0.122, and inter-city transportation decreased by –0.069 (more details in the table below).

Table 3.5. Result of weight decreasing in Transportation Group in 2018-2021

Commodities in Transportation Group Decrease of Weight 2021 from 2018

Gasoline -0.493 Air Transportation -0.473

Online Taxibike -0.123 City Transportation -0.122 Inter-City Transportation -0.069 Car -0.068 Train -0.058 Motorcycle -0.052 Online Taxi -0.047 Rental Vehicles -0.034 Taxi -0.014 Travel -0.012 Sea Transportation -0.009

The development of technology and expansion of the digital economy can also be shown by the increasing percentage of spending on the information, communication, and financial services group. This is especially shown in the increase in spending in 2021. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic has also had an impact on increasing community activities that require internet services, such as online schooling and working from home, shown in table below.

Table 3.6. Result of weight increasing in Information, Communication, and Financial Services

Group in 2018-2021 Commodities in Information, Communication, and Financial Services Group

Increase of Weight 2021 from 2018

Internet Subscription Fees 0.954 Laptop/Notebook 0.009

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is also reflected in the expenditure of recreation, sports, and culture group, which showed a decline in 2021. Large-scale social restrictions led to the closure of recreational venues, and a shift in household preferences in spending leisure time. The consumption in recreation decreased –0.198 and bioskop was decrease around –0.036 (2021 from 2018).

It can be concluded that changes in consumption patterns reflected in Susenas data show trends related to phenomena that occur in the year concerned, such as the Covid-19 pandemic which began to have an economic effect in 2020 and 2021. Such shifts may indicate significant economic changes in the pattern of consumer purchases. In addition, changes in consumer needs and preferences, technological developments, price fluctuations and socioeconomic developments can also affect changes in the composition and pattern of expenditure. Alternative CPI using Annual Updated CPI Weight

Based on the evaluation of annual updated weight conducted by comparing the weights of Susenas 2018 and SBH 2018, it can be said that there are similarities in consumption patterns from both sources. In addition, changes in consumption patterns captured based on Susenas 2018-2021 data can also describe the phenomena that occur. This means that Susenas data can be used as an alternative to describe household consumption patterns and as an approach to obtain annual updates of CPI weights.

A comparison of the headline CPI from both sources can be seen in the graph below, which the alternative price indexes conducted appear similar and close to the published CPI.

Figure 3. Index Comparison between Susenas and HBS.

From the graph above, we can see that there is no significant difference between the published CPI (based on the SBH 2018 weight) and the alternative prices indexes (based on the Susenas 2018 weight) throughout 2018. Meanwhile, entering March 2019, when the annually updated weights began to be applied, the two series indexes began to show slight differences, especially in 2020 and 2021, where the covid pandemic greatly affected changes in people's consumption patterns. Overall, the publish CPI and the alternative index grew by 10,25% and 10,80% respectively from Januari 2018 to March 2022.

We already know that during a pandemic, the weight of several commodities changed significantly, such as increased consumption of the health and communication information group and decreased consumption of the transportation, recreation, and restaurant group. Just for example, the increased demand of health goods and services, causing the prices of several goods in health group to increase. The increase in the price of these commodity should have a significant impact during the pandemic and result in a higher headline CPI, due to the higher portion of expenditure for the commodities.


We check validity Susenas dataset as alternative data source whether appropriate to use them to produce new expenditure weight. According to our result, as predictor consumption pattern, represented by weight expenditure in the same year in 2018, RMSE has small or nearly zero value. In accordance with this result, MAPE also show relatively small value at 12.11% which means that consumption pattern of Susenas’ sampled data in 2018 can be used as predictor for consumption pattern of HBS in the same year.

The table below also depicts the feasibility of alternative price indices through alternative data sources (Susenas). The RMSE of alternative price indices is approximately zero (0.43), that means no difference between alternative price indices as resulted of Susenas and published CPI. It is followed also with the value of MAPE of 0.34% so that we can conclude this predicted PI is highly accurate forecasting for the CPI in 2018.





Ja n-

18 Fe

b- 18

M ar

-1 8

Ap r-

18 M

ay -1

8 Ju

n- 18

Ju l-1

8 Au

g- 18

Se p-

18 O

ct -1

8 N

ov -1

8 De

c- 18

Ja n-

19 Fe

b- 19

M ar

-1 9

Ap r-

19 M

ay -1

9 Ju

n- 19

Ju l-1

9 Au

g- 19

Se p-

19 O

ct -1

9 N

ov -1

9 De

c- 19

Ja n-

20 Fe

b- 20

M ar

-2 0

Ap r-

20 M

ay -2

0 Ju

n- 20

Ju l-2

0 Au

g- 20

Se p-

20 O

ct -2

0 N

ov -2

0 De

c- 20

Ja n-

21 Fe

b- 21

M ar

-2 1

Ap r-

21 M

ay -2

1 Ju

n- 21

Ju l-2

1 Au

g- 21

Se p-

21 O

ct -2

1 N

ov -2

1 De

c- 21

Ja n-

22 Fe

b- 22

M ar

-2 2

Published CPI Alternative CPI

Validity Weight Expenditure CPI

RMSE 1.74 0.39 MAPE 12.11% 0.30%

In summary, using an alternative dataset is able to describe consumption patterns and predict the price index as accurately as using SBH data. Based on these results, we have a stronger belief that to describe consumption patterns and the consumer price index, we can also use Susenas data in subsequent years.

4. Conclusion dan Recommendation

Conclusion Indonesia currently updated expenditure weights through Household Budget Survey every five

years at the commodity level. Using alternative data sources can be considered as a feasible method for generating more frequent of CPI expenditure weight, since particularly it can address towards latest condition in society and more relevant to updated consumption patterns in force majeure conditions specifically, such as The Covid-19 pandemic.

In this study, the alternative data source used is Susenas, which is available annualy. The alternative weight and CPI conducted from the Susenas data show a price index that is more dynamic and responsive to changes in household consumption patterns. We also conducted empirical testing through validity tests, with MAPE and RMSE indicators, where Susenas data can be considered as an alternative data source for generating CPI expenditure weight annually to describe consumption patterns and conduct the consumer price index.

This study is expected to be a preliminary to the development of a more up-to-date and accurate CPI calculation methodology, as well as strengthening the understanding of the use of alternative data sources in compiling the CPI. However, since Household Budget Survey (HBS) is considered as the most established survey to obtain CPI weight, more frequent of HBS is still expected as long as possible.

Recommendation dan Implementation Plan:

Through this study, we can see the feasibility of Susenas data that can be used as an alternative source to describe household expenditure patterns. Further studies can be conducted in building a superlative index to estimate the substitution bias of the CPI. We also plan for future research to approach National Account data, namely HFCE as another data source that also captures household consumption expenditure, as one of the surveys recommended in the CPI manual.

Since BPS-Indonesia currently uses the modified Laspeyres method for compiling the current Indices, we also plan to exercise the annual updated CPI using the alternative method, Young or Lowe. This study is the preliminary of BPS-Indonesia's plan to conduct more frequent updates of the CPI weight, so we will continue to review the strategy to implement the Susenas weight or other alternative data sources in compiling the CPI.

5. Limitation We acknowledge some limitations under this research that we expect can be improved in the

future. Susenas is one of the most massive surveys in Indonesia, yet conducted only twice in a year, in March and September. It captures the consumption and expenditure of households in only those months, whereas HBS is carried out five-yearly and able to capture monthly consumption patterns over a year in the survey period with more detailed commodities.

On the other hand, there are differences in the classification and coverage of commodities in the Susenas data, where the coverage of commodities is more limited and not as detailed as the

commodities in the HBS. This causes less coverage of expenditure on some commodities, which also has implications for the expenditure weights.

6. Reference

[1] Masterson, V. 2022. What is a consumer price index and why is it important?, World Economic Forum. Available at: consumer-price-index/.

[2] Graf, B. 2020. Consumer Price Index Manual 2020 Expenditure Weights and Their Sources. Washington DC : International Monetary Fund

[3] ABS (Australia Bureau of Statistics). 2017. An Implementation Plan to Annually re-weight the Australian CPI. Australia.

[4] Lewis, C.D. 1982. Industrial and business forecasting methods. London: Butterworths. [5] Statistics Indonesia. [6] ABS (Australia Bureau of Statistics). 2016. Information Paper: Increasing the Frequency of

CPI Expediture Class Weight Updates,. Australia [7] Household Budget Survey Metadata 2018 and Consumer Price Survey Metadata 2020 and

2021. [8] National Socio-Economy Survey Metadata. 2020.

Indonesian NDP Adjusted for Depletion of Environmental Assets

Indonesian NDP Adjusted for Depletion of Environmental Assets

Languages and translations

Indonesian NDP Adjusted for Depletion of Environmental Assets

Ria Arinda [email protected] Senior Statistician BPS – Statistics Indonesia

Geneva, 26 April 2023


UNECE Meeting of the Group of Experts on National Accounts

Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash

CONTENTS Background1

SEEA implementation in Indonesia2

Environmental asset accounts3

Integrated environmental-economic accounts4

Issues and future work5




Natural Inputs, Ecosystem Services



Individual Environmental Assets

e.g. land, water, mineral and energy, soil.

ECONOMY Economic Units

Enterprises, Households, Government

Activities Production, Consumption,


Instruments Taxes/Subsidies, Pemits,

Resource Rent

Transboundary Environmental

Flows Import / Export

Economic activities has impacts on environment by: • Extraction of natural resources • Generation of residuals

released to the environment

The environment has contribution to the economy by supplying natural inputs and ecosystem services.




SEEA provides a structure to compare and contrast source data and allows the development of aggregates, indicators and trends across a broad spectrum of environmental and economic issues.

SEEA is a conceptual framework that describes the interactions between the economy and the environment, and

the stocks and changes in stocks of environmental assets.

SEEA contains the internationally agreed standard concepts, definitions, classifications, and accounting rules.

SEEA was designed to be coherent with and complementary to other international standards, recommendations and classifications.





1990 1993 2001 2003 2012 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2021 2022 2023

2012 SEEA-CF adopted at UNSC as international statistical standard



1990 Indonesia started to compile Sistem Terintegrasi Neraca Ekonomi Lingkungan (Sisnerling) (Integrated system of environmental-economic

accounts of Indonesia

1993 UNSD published Handbook of National Accounting: Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting

1993 Handbook adopted in Sisnerling Indonesia

2003 UN updated SEEA 2014-2015 Indonesia selected

in testing SEEA-Agri (SEEA AFF)

National plan (roadmap) to advance environmental- economic accounting

Dec 2015/Jan 2016 WAVES program Indonesia approved by World Bank (Peat Ecosystem Accounts)

2012 SEEA-CF implemented in Sisnerling Indonesia

2017 Indonesia compiled flows accounts with TA from UNSD and Statistics Denmark

2019-2020 BPS conducted in- depth study on Sustainable Tourism

2021-2022 BPS conducted in-depth study Ocean Account

BPS involve in G20 New-DGI Rec. 1 and 2

2018 BPS conducted in-depth study on SEEA AFF

2023 BPS conducting in- depth study on Biodiversity Account and Climate Change



BPS regularly publishes Indonesia System of Integrated Environmental-Economic Accounting (SISNERLING) comprising asset accounts for land, timber, mineral and energy resources.

Inter-Agency Coordination Mechanism

In addition to SISNERLING, BPS also publishes physical energy flow accounts and GHG emission accounts.

Sisnerling Publication Flow Accounts Publication

Sectoral Data

Monetary Accounts

Physical Accounts

Government Regulation No. 46/2017 about Environmental Economic Instrument

Topics of In-depth


SEEA for Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery

Sustainable Tourism

Ocean Accounts

2016-2017 2018 2019-2020 2021-2022 2023

Biodiversity Accounts

Climate Change


Green Economy


SISNERLING – Sistem Terintegrasi Neraca Ekonomi dan Lingkungan (Integrated System of Environmental-Economic Accounting) Is one of regular BPS publication that published annually to inform users and policy makers on the state of environment assets in Indonesia and its role in supporting economic activity. Environmental-economic indicators such as depletion-adjusted GDP and SDGs also derived in this book.




Sisnerling presents information on natural capital accounts in Indonesia


Environmental Assets Coverage of Physical Asset Accounts

Coverage of Monetary Asset Accounts

Mineral and energy resources


Soil resources

Timber resources

Aquatic resources

Other biological resources

Water resources













• Data on reserves, resources, and production of mineral and energy from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

• Data on resources and production of timber from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the State Forest Enterprise

• Land cover satellite imagery from Geospatial Institute

• Government bond rate for discount rate Directorate General Of Budget Financing and Risk Management – Ministry of Finance

• National accounts data from BPS



The measurement of returns on

environmental assets

The determination of the expected pattern of resource rents based on

expected extraction profiles and prices

The estimation of the asset life

The selection of a rate of return on produced


The choice of discount rate




q Resource Rent is estimated using residual value method

&#x1d449; =# "#$

% &#x1d445;&#x1d445;

1 + &#x1d45f; "

V= NPV of the asset RR = resource rent

T = asset life in years


1111 (Equals) Resource rent

Depletion Net return to environmental assets

(Less) User costs of produced assets Consumption of fixed capital (depreciation) Return to produced assets

(Equals) Gross operating surplus, for the derivation of resource rent

(Plus) Specific taxes on extraction

(Less) Specific subsidies on extraction

(Equals) Gross operating surplus (SNA basis)

(Less) Operating costs Intermediate consumption Compensation of employees Other taxes on production plus other

subsidies on production

Ouput (basic price)

LAND PHYSICAL ASSET ACCOUNT An indicator to monitor SDG 15.1.1


Percentage of Forest Cover to

Land Area (%)

2017 2021 Sumatera 34,02 33,38

Jawa 19,52 20,40

Kalimantan 53,63 52,42

Sulawesi 60,46 61,54 Bali-Nusa Tenggara

34,41 37,49

Maluku 85,00 85,99

Papua 79,35 77,91

INDONESIA 53,30 52,80

Global Indicator : Forest area as a proportion of total land area (15.1.1) In order to describe forest area as a proportion of total land area, this indicator is approximated by national indicator, i.e. proportion of forest cover to total land area






Bali & Nusa Tenggara

18,86 1,07%







Total area (Million Ha) 2021 Forest cover change (percent) 2017-2021


7,89 0,99%


















Herbaceous crops



In the 2017-2021 period, some land cover classes had their area decreased. Those

classes were woody crops, tree-covered areas, herbaceous crops, and mangroves. In contrast, land cover classes whose area

increased in the 2017-2021 period were shrub-covered areas, multiple or layered

crops, shrubs and/or herbaceous vegetation, aquatic, or regularly flooded,

sparsely natural vegetated areas, terrestrial barren land.

Woody crops

Tree-covered areas

Inland water bodies

Coastal water bodies and intertidal areas


Artificial surfaces (including urban and associated areas)

Terrestrial barren land

Sparsely natural vegetated areas

Shrubs and/or herbaceous vegetation, aquatic, or regularly flooded

Multiple or layered crops

Shrub-covered areas


4.494 4.366 4.044 3.971 3.890

2017 2018 2019 2020* 2021**

During 2017-2021, stock of timber resources in Indonesia has declining trends.

“ * Preliminary figure ** Very preliminary figure

Java teak (million m3)

121 124 127 131


2017 2018 2019 2020* 2021** 516

527 537 541


2017 2018 2019 2020* 2021**

3.856 3.716 3.380 3.299


2017 2018 2019 2020* 2021**

Java non-teak timber (million m3)

Outside-java timber (million m3)

Stock of timber resources by timber type

Stock of timber resources in Indonesia (million m3)

*Preliminary figure **Very preliminary figure

Coal (billion ton)


Oil (million barrel)

7 530

3 950

Natural gas (TSCF)



24 36

Gold (ton) 1 987

Tin (thousand ton)

3 888

Silver (thousand ton)

6 12

Copper (million ton)



677 2 166

Nickel (million ton)

62 57

Bauxite (million ton)



2017 2021 2017 2021


Energy resources Mineral resources


Integrated systems of environmental-economic accounts describe an integrated economic and environmental accounts by presenting macroeconomic indicators, in this case the NDP, adjusted for the effects of environmental depletion.

The valuation of monetary asset accounts in BPS is based on a prioritization of natural resources that have a significant impact on the Indonesian economy. Specifically, BPS's monetary asset accounts focus on ten key natural resources:

The calculation of environmentally adjusted national accounts is only carried out up to the generation of NDP1, namely the NDP adjusted for natural resource depletion.




Natural gas








NDP-1 = GDP – CFC – Depletion of Natural Capital


Coal 63,68%

Oil 14,76%

Natural gas…

Energy Resources

Gold 19,50%

Silver 0,45%

Copper 50,67%

Tin 8,70%

Nickel 4,72%

Bauxite 15,96%

Mineral Resources

Java non-teak 0,90%

Outside-java non teak 97,79%

Java teak 1,31%

Timber Resources


Percentage of Monetary energy and minerals assets in 2021


218,01 245,70




2017 2018 2019 2020* 2021**

Depletion value for selected environment assets in Indonesia (trillion rupiah)


Monetary value of environment asset in Indonesia

Environmental assets

Nilai Moneter (triliun rupiah)

2017 2021

Coal 4 126,24 6 863,82

Gas 2 081,92 2 324,77

Oil 1 442,79 1 590,55

Copper 228,65 673,48 Gold 376,61 259,12

Bauksit 51,93 212,08 Tin 78,63 115,60

Nickel 282,95 62,74 Silver 12,62 6,01


Description Value in 2021 (trillion rupiah)

GDP 16 970,79 CFC 3 146,41 NDP 13 824,38 Depletion of natural capital 327,04 NDP-1 13 497,34


14.838,76 15.832,66 15.438,02


10.940,88 11.793,03

12.341,08 12.228,05


2017 2018 2019 2020* 2021** GDP NDP 1

GDP and NDP-1 Indonesia, 2017-2021 (trillion rupiah)

NDP-1 is depletion-adjusted net domestic product which is derived by subtracting consumption of fixed capital (CFC) and depletion of natural capital from GDP

NDP-1 = GDP – CFC – Depletion of Natural Capital


Net Domestic Product 1 (NDP1)



Issues Future works

Land account to be accounted for monetary value. The data provider is now open to share the data. Target: completed by the end of 2023 To take more aspects of environmental damages into account To work together with Ministry of Directorate General of State Assets Management (MoF) to update environmental asset valuation approach including discount rate to be used for environmental asset valuation Development of regional (provinces) environmental economic accounts

The data needed is not yet fully available. The available data are dispersed across multiple institutions, it is necessary to ensure compliance of concept and methodology with international standards. Not all environmental damages are included Government bond rate used (>7%) is relatively high for environmental assets valuation

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