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Press Releases

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Iran has become the sixth contracting party to the TIR Convention to connect its national customs system with the eTIR international system, which was developed by UNECE to modernize and facilitate the cross-border transportation of goods in transit.   Iran's successful interconnection with
Iraq’s has become the 78th contacting party to the TIR Convention. All its neighbours: the Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, the Syrian Arab Republic, Saudi Arabia and Türkiye, are also contracting parties, opening up perspectives for more efficient and secure flow of goods across
The new legal framework for the full digitalisation of the TIR system (the so-called eTIR) enters into force today, opening eTIR to 77 countries across five continents. This landmark change will allow for completely paperless cross-border transit of goods, under the customs guarantee of the TIR
Recognizing the vital importance of mobility and connectivity for sustainable economic development and taking stock of key challenges, UNECE has consolidated its work in this cross-cutting area to help countries leverage its tools to steer recovery efforts towards the Sustainable Development Goals
The legal provisions providing the legal basis for the complete digitalization of the United Nations TIR Convention (the so-called eTIR) - the only global customs transit system, facilitating trade and the seamless and secure movement of goods across borders –will enter into force on