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Download Documents for 13th Baltic Sea Subregional Meeting under the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention)

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Document Filename Document File Language Document Information
Agenda.pdf Agenda.pdf (application/pdf, 196.54 KB) English Agenda
13th Espoo Baltic Sea subregion meeting_summary_.pdf 13th Espoo Baltic Sea subregion meeting_summary_.pdf (application/pdf, 303.49 KB) English Meeting report
Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_overview of activities_VP.pdf Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_overview of activities_VP.pdf (application/pdf, 318.97 KB) English An overview of ongoing activities regarding cooperation in marine regions, including the finalization of the Report on synergies and possible cooperation activities in marine regions
Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_LT_INPP_DGR status.pdf Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_LT_INPP_DGR status.pdf (application/pdf, 1.04 MB) English Presentation of the Overview of the initial site selection phase of the deep geological repository (DGR) project
Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_PL_NPP_projects.pdf Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_PL_NPP_projects.pdf (application/pdf, 1.05 MB) English Ongoing planned nuclear power projects in Poland
Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_LT_nuclear_notification.pdf Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_LT_nuclear_notification.pdf (application/pdf, 253.02 KB) English National intentions and plans in the field of nuclear energy - Lithuania
Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_LT_Ignitis Renewables_OWF_EIA.pdf Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_LT_Ignitis Renewables_OWF_EIA.pdf (application/pdf, 1.58 MB) English Balancing nature and energy: JSC Ignitis Renewables Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) journey for Lithuanian offshore wind farms. Experiences on EIA for offshore wind planning in the Baltic Sea
Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_LV_notification.pdf Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_LV_notification.pdf (application/pdf, 412.05 KB) English Broad notification about planned projects under the EIA and draft documents under the SEA within Baltic Sea - Latvia
Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_DE_BASE_site_selection_RW_0.pdf Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_DE_BASE_site_selection_RW_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.16 MB) English The Site Selection Procedure for High-level Radioactive Waste in Germany
Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_DE_BSH_offshore_wind.pdf Espoo_Baltic_Sea_meeting_DE_BSH_offshore_wind.pdf (application/pdf, 1.12 MB) English Offshore wind development in Germany
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