Seventh meeting of the Interdepartmental Coordinating Council for the National Dialogue on Water Policy in Kazakhstan
14 December 2022
Astana, Kazakhstan
38218 _ Mathematical simulation model as a basis for management of the Pritashkentsky transboundary aquifer, V. Rakhimova, National expert, Kazakhstan _ 374991 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372133 _ pdf
38218 _ Regulation of the water and energy complex in Central Asia, A. Akhunbayev, Eurasian Development Bank _ 374993 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372136 _ pdf
38218 _ Sources and risks of accidental pollution of the Syrdarya river, E. Orolbaev, Consultant, UNECE _ 374995 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372139 _ pdf
38218 _ Support for the development of transboundary cooperation by the Convention on Transboundary Waters, T, Kutonova, A. Belokurov, UNECE _ 374996 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372141 _ pdf
38218 _ Protocol on Water and Health: Main obligations and benefits of accession, N. Nikiforova, UNECE _ 374999 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372146 _ pdf
38218 _ OECD activities in Kazakhstan and Energy, Water and Land-use Nexus in Central Asia, M. Griffiths, Senior Program Manager, OECD _ 375001 _ English _ 773 _ 372148 _ pdf
38218 _ USAID contribution to IWRM application in Kazakhstan, G. Azhetova, USAID _ 375002 _ English _ 773 _ 372149 _ pdf
38218 _ Country climate and development report: Recommendations on water, pastures, arable land, L. Kogutenko, Kazakh-German University _ 375003 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372150 _ pdf