The Workshop on information management and public participation in transboundary water cooperation was held in St. Petersburg on 8–10 June 2005. The workshop was prepared in cooperation with the Center for Transboundary Cooperation – St.Petersburg and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) International Waters Learning Exchange and Resource Network (IW:LEARN). IW:LEARN, the World Bank Institute and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency funded the workshop.
More than 60 representatives of EECCA countries, experts involved in GEF projects in the region (Danube, Dnipro, Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Kura), EU neighbouring countries, UN organizations, international financial institutions, regional cooperation organizations, bilateral donor agencies, the private sector and civil society participated in the workshop (see list of participants).
The workshop had two main themes. The first was information management for transboundary water cooperation, including information needs for integrated management, information exchange between different actors involved and information utilization for decision–making and for stakeholders’ information. The second theme was public participation, including methods for its development, stakeholders identification and involvement in decision–making information management and public participation.
Participants exchanged experience on information managment and public participation on transboundary waters in the EECCA region, assessed the progress and challenges in these fields, and made recommendations, at the regional, national, local and river basin level. Furthermore they identified major challenges in the region and possible solutions.
The workshop conclusions and reccommendations will be published by autumn 2005.
Working Groups
During the workshop participants were divided in four groups, each focusing on specific river basins selected as case study (Dniester, Daugava and Nemunas, SyrDarya and AmuDarya, and Kura). For each river basin, the current information management and exchange as well as public participation and stakeholders involvement were reviewed and practical recommendations on the way forward were formulated.
Document Title |
Conclusions of the working group on Daugava and Nemunas on information management |
PDF(20KB) |
Conclusions of the working group on Daugava and Nemunas on public participation |
PPT(70KB) |
Conclusions of the working group on the Dniester on public participation |
PDF(10KB) |
Conclusions of the working group on the Kura on information management |
PPT(230KB) |
Conclusions of the working group on the Kura on public participation |
PDF(230KB) |
Workshop Evaluation
Through replies to a questionnaire, participants assessed the workshop's quality, usefulness and the degree of achievement of its objectives. They also provided advices for future CWC and IW:LEARN workshops. The evaluation summary is based on 43 questionnaire replies.
Documents and Presentations
Document title |
Agenda |
List of participants | ||
Background paper on information management in transboundary water cooperation |
Background paper on public participation in transboundary water cooperation |
UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes |
Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters |
The role and use of information in transboundary water management, Susanna Nilsson, Royal Institute of Technology |
Short guidebook for the production of popular state-of-environment report on the web, UNEP/GRID–Arendal |
Presentation title |
CWC project objective and outcome of the first workshop on the legal basis for transboundary water cooperation, Mr. Bo Libert, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |
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Use of Information Management and Public Participation by GEF IW Projects, Mr. Dann Sklarew, GEF IW:LEARN |
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Experience of the Finnish–PDF cooperation over more than 40 years, Ms. Valentina Plyukhina, Federal Agency of Water Resources |
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Lake Peipsi/River Narva basin - working together on the new Eastern border of the EU, Mr. Harry Liiv, Estonian member of the Estonian–PDF Commission |
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Information management |
The Joint Finnish–PDF Commission on Transboundary Waters: Trends in information exchange, Ms. Sirkka Haunia, Finnish Environment Institute |
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Information and transboundary cooperation – challenges and responses, Ms. Francesca Bernardini, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |
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Information obligations arising from the Aarhus Convention and its protocol, Ms. Marianna Bolshakova, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe – Aarhus Convention secretariat |
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Tailor-Made Information in Transboundary Water Management, Mr. Jos Timmerman, Dutch Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment |
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Information as a basis to establish transboundary cooperation: the experience of the Bug pilot project, Ms. Malgorzata Landsberg, Polish Inspectorate of Environmental Protection |
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Information System Support of Transboundary Monitoring in the Bug River Basin, Mr. Vladimir Korneev, Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources |
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Hydrological information exchange in Central Asia, Mr. Sergey Myagkov, Deputy General Director of Uzbekistan Hydromet |
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Interstate Dnipro Basin Environmental Data Base, Mr. Yuriy Nabivanets, Ukraine Hydromet Institute |
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Using web technology: the Information Portal for Water and Environmental Issues in Central Asia, Mr. Iskander Beglov, Scientific Information Centre - Interstate Coordination Water Commission |
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Kazakhstan and Central AsiaInformation in Transboundary Water Cooperation - The Value of National IWRM and Water Efficiency Plans, Mr. Tim Hannan, UNDP |
Automatic information and measuring system in the Tisza river, Mr. Volodomyr Chipak and Mr. Viktor Chub, Zakarpathian Water Management Department |
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Public participation |
Public participation in transboundary water management: trends in the EECCA, Mrs. Natalia Alexeeva, CTC – St. Petersburg |
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The Aarhus Convention as a legal basis for public participation activities, Ms. Marianna Bolshakova, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe - Aarhus Convention secretariat |
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Partnership with NGOs, Ms. Elena Dronova, UNDP–GEF Dnipro Basin Environment Program and Mr. Anatoliy Shvetsov, Belarus NGO "Ecodom" |
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Public participation experience in Central Asia, Mrs. Ulzhan Kanzhigalina, Zhalgas-Counterpart |
Participatory approaches towards water management: transboundary cooperation in the River Lielupe (Latvia/Lithuania), Mrs. Kristina Veidemane, Baltic Environmental Forum |
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Focus Groups, Citizens’ Juries and Open Space method: Innovative tools of public involvement in water management, Ms. Kati Kangur, Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation |
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Public participation in the Danube Basin: approaches, activities, challenges, Ms. Jasmine Bachmann, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River |
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Stakeholder Analysis in the Caspian and Caucasus, Ms. Mary M. Matthews, Innovatia Consulting, Inc. |
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Caspian Environment Programme Public Participation, Ms. Melina Seyfollahzadeh, UNDP GEF Caspian Environment Programme |
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Public Participation in transboundary issues in the Republic of Moldova , Mr. Ilya Trombitsky, International Environmental Association of Dniester River Keepers |
Public Participation in Ukraine, Ms. Svetlana Slesarenok, Mama-86 |
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Workshop conclusions on public participation, Mr. Dann Sklarew, GEF IW:LEARN |
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CWC project: Next stop Tbilisi, Ms. Francesca Bernardini, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |
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