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GGP Management

GGP Management and Organization
The Generations and Gender Programme was initiated in 2000 by UNECE and a consortium of leading demographic organizations from across Europe.  This Consortium has now grown to twelve organizations, coordinated since 2009 by the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI).  Members of the Consortium Board, along with a number of expert working groups, steer the development of the programme, including designing and testing the survey instruments, organizing data user events, strategic and financial planning, and dissemination of key findings.
UNECE manages the transfer of survey data from the survey-implementing countries to the GGP coordinators, and the dissemination of survey data to researchers, by means of written agreements.  To obtain access to the GGP data for use in your research, please visit the main GGP website.
UNECE’s Population unit also manages a Council of Partners comprising national focal points from governmental institutions, national statistical offices, and population research institutes from countries participating in the Programme. The meetings of this working group, known as the ‘network of national focal points’ (NNFP) are an important bridge between the Consortium Board and its working groups, on the one hand, and those who implement the programme in the participating countries, on the other hand.
Other key partners in the organization of the GGP are the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, which is in charge of the contextual database, and the Institut National d’Études Démographiques (INED), which hosts the online data archive and online analysis tools.