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Subregional cooperation and capacity-building

Subregional cooperation and capacity-building

Activities under the Espoo EIA Convention and its Protocol on SEA

(period between 6th and 7th Meetings of the Parties, 2014-2017)



Subregional cooperation and capacity-building to strengthen contacts between the Parties and others, including States outside the UNECE region.
See also the previous activity relating to subregional cooperation and capacity development:

Subactivity Expected Results
Subregional cooperation and capacity-building to strengthen contacts between the Parties and others, including States outside the ECE region. For all subregions:
(a) Possible evaluation of relevant guidance;
(b) Possible guidance on subregional issues such as public participation and the role of NGOs;
(c) Common understanding of elements of application and possible multilateral agreements.

South-Eastern Europe subregion
1. Workshop(s) on implementation of the Convention, Protocol and Bucharest Agreement in the subregion: workshop to prepare for the first Meeting of the Parties to the Bucharest Agreement.

Lead country: Romania

Workshop reports and possible reports on specific issues.

Mediterranean subregion, including Adriatic Sea
2. Carried forward workshop for the Mediterranean.

Lead country: Morocco, with support from other interested countries.

Workshop report.
Baltic Sea subregion
3. Holding of three meetings on:
(a) SEA for programmes of measures under the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (art. 13) and the experience of large-scale transboundary projects;
Workshop reports and possible reports on specific issues.

(b) (i) Assessment and reduction of transboundary impacts on transboundary watercourses and international lakes in the context of the Espoo Convention, the Protocol on SEA and the Helsinki Convention;
(ii) Effective public participation in SEA/EIA in the context of the Espoo Convention, the Protocol on SEA and the Aarhus Convention;
(c) (topics to be identified by the lead country).
Lead countries: Germany, Latvia and Lithuania.

4. Subregional coordination and experience-sharing events to share successes, challenges, solutions and experiences as well as the results of capacity-building activities on SEA and EIA, followed by the dissemination of seminar results in all countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, including to the public and NGOs. The events can focus one or several challenges in SEA or EIA implementation (e.g., public participation; monitoring; interministerial cooperation/consultations) or on a sector (energy, mining, etc.) Countries to propose themes/ topics for the events: Dissemination of seminar results: All countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
(a) Practical experience in application of SEA to various plans and programmes in the EU countries, comparison of legal, institutional and procedural frameworks;  
(b) Lessons learned from national and subregional reviews of legal and institutional frameworks for application of EIA and SEA;  
(c) Lessons learned from the SEA pilot projects in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.  
5. Joint capacity-building activities with the Aarhus Convention for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia on public participation in decision-making, including to strengthen the capacities of national Aarhus Centres and the regional Aarhus Centres Network in the EIA and SEA processes. Use the Good Practice Recommendations on Public Participation on SEA and the general guidance on enhancing systemic consistency. Capacity-building and training materials.
(a) Development and compilation of capacity-building materials;  
(b) Regional and national training workshops.