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Press Releases

Displaying 221 - 240 of 1707

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Faced with rising challenges for sustainable development, UNECE Regional Forum concludes with renewed commitment to deliver on the SDGs

How to build back better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the UNECE Region? Around 1000 key stakeholders including governments, UN agencies, intergovernmental organisations, business representatives …

Launch of the Circular STEP Network

UNECE launches platform for policy dialogue on circular economy

Almost all countries in the UNECE region, covering US, Canada, Eastern and Western Europe, the Balkans, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, have adopted national policies which are directly or indirectly related to the sustainable management of natural resources and the circular economy.


UNECE and UEFA sign sustainability-based Memorandum of Understanding

UNECE and the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of showing how football and hosting UEFA events can support cities to become more sustainable.

To celebrate the agreement, a side event entitled ‘Football as accelerator…

SDG Report 2022

На полпути к 2030 году: доклад ЕЭК ООН показывает, что мы должны ускорить прогресс для достижения ЦУР в регионе

По мере приближения к отметке на полпути между принятием и осуществлением Повестки дня в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 года, становится очевидным, что регион находится на правильном пути к решению только 26 из 169 задач ЦУР. Это видно из опубликованного сегодня доклада ЕЭК ООН…

SDG Report 2022

À mi-parcours, un nouveau rapport montre que les progrès doivent s’accélérer pour atteindre les ODD dans la région de la CEE-ONU

Alors que nous approchons de la mi-parcours entre l'adoption et la ligne d'arrivée de l'Agenda 2030 pour le développement durable, la région est en passe d'atteindre seulement 26 des 169 cibles des ODD, selon le rapport d'étape de la CEE-ONU 2022 publié aujourd'hui. Pour toutes les autres cibles…

SDG Report 2022

A mitad de camino hacia 2030, el informe de la CEPE demuestra que debemos acelerar el progreso para alcanzar los ODS en la región paneuropea

Mientras nos acercamos a la mitad del camino entre la adopción y la meta de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, la región está en camino de lograr sólo 26 de las 169 metas de los ODS, según el informe de la CEPE 2022 sobre el progreso de los ODS publicado hoy. Para todas las demás…

SDG Report 2022

Halfway to 2030: UNECE report shows we must accelerate progress to achieve SDGs in the region

As we approach the halfway mark between the adoption and finish line of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the region is on track to achieve only 26 of 169 SDG targets, according to the UNECE 2022 SDG progress report released today. For all other measurable targets, the region must…

Cover publication Housing

UNECE supports transition of Bishkek to a smart, sustainable and resilient city

To support Bishkek in moving towards more sustainable, inclusive and resilient urban growth, the UNECE is advancing several smart sustainable city projects in partnership with the capital of Kyrgyzstan.

Bishkek faces multiple challenges, ranging from rapid population growth, continued…

Industrial accident Ukraine

UNECE warns of high risks of industrial accidents in Ukraine and recalls need for prevention

UNECE notes with concern the attacks on industrial facilities in Ukraine since the beginning of the war and calls for a prompt end of the hostilities and the prevention of technological disasters, which could affect the population and environment of Ukraine and neighbouring countries.

Georgia Landscape

UNECE supports Georgia’s commitment to applying strategic environmental assessment

A pilot project in Georgia was kicked off as part of UNECE’s longstanding support to enhancing the country’s strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and transboundary environmental impact assessment systems in accordance with the UNECE Protocol on SEA and the Convention on Environmental Impact…

World Water Day

UNECE to promote transboundary water cooperation at 9th World Water Forum in Dakar

The centrality of transboundary water cooperation for peace and sustainable development has been stressed in recent years at the global and regional levels, notably in the Sustainable Development Goals, at the United Nations Security Council, and at the African Ministers’ Council on Water.…


Electronic FIATA Multimodal Bill of Lading data standard available as open-source

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the International Federation of Freight-Forwarders Associations (FIATA) announce the official release of the electronic FIATA Multimodal Bill of Lading (eFBL) data standard.

The data standard, created on the basis of the…

Trees in city

Geneva, Lausanne, Nice and Bordeaux aim to bring the forest to the city

Geneva, Lausanne, Nice and Bordeaux are among the latest cities to make tree planting and urban forestry management pledges to support greener, more sustainable and more climate resilient cities as part of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Trees in Cities Challenge.…

Raw material aluminium

Opening of public consultation on the application of the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) in Europe



The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) welcomes comments to support the implementation of a universally applicable scheme for the sustainable management of all energy and mineral resources.

web PR_Standard Trade

UNECE launches world’s largest repository of standards mapped to the SDGs

UNECE is launching an expanded version of the Portal on Standards for SDGs, which allows users to identify standards which can contribute to the realization of individual Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Portal has been updated from 1,600 standards mapped across five SDGs to 20,000…

tyres new regulation

New UN Regulation harmonizes identification and snow performance of studded tyres

Good winter tyres are indispensable for driving safely on snowy or icy roads, and many countries impose specific winter tyre requirements. These vary from country to country, but usually define winter tyres as those identified with special markings. The entry-level winter tyres are marked M+S (…

Signature of MoU _Urban Development

UNECE and Geneva Cities Hub strengthen their cooperation for sustainable urban development

From the climate crisis to inequalities, urban areas play an increasingly central role in tackling key sustainable development challenges. Strengthening the connections between city-level actors and facilitating their engagement in international policy debates is therefore vital to scale up…

Publication statistics Machine Learning

Machine learning for official statistics; buzz, must or bust?

A UNECE guide, Machine Learning for Official Statistics, released today, will help national and international statistical organizations to harness the power of machine learning (ML) to modernize the production of official statistics.

As found by a 2021 project led by the United Kingdom…


La nueva norma de CEPE promocionará el comercio internacional de las granadas

Originaria del sur de Asia, Persia y Afganistán, la granada es una fruta ancestral cultivada por muchas culturas durante miles de años en toda la región del Mediterráneo de Asia, África y Europa. El comercio internacional de las granadas se verá facilitado gracias a la nueva norma de CEPE,…


New UNECE standard will boost international trade in pomegranate

Originating from the south of Asia, Persia, and Afghanistan, pomegranate is an ancient fruit that has been cultivated by many cultures for thousands of years throughout the Mediterranean region of Asia, Africa, and Europe.  International trade in pomegranate will be facilitated thanks to a new…