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(GE.3) Group of Experts on drafting a new legal instrument on the use of automated vehicles in traffic (6th session)

04 - 05 May 2023
Geneva Switzerland

Palais des Nations, Room XVIII

(In the absence of sponsor, no remote simultaneous interpretation (RSI) service will be provided, therefore the session takes place in person only.)


39308 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.1/GE.3/2023/1/Rev.1 - Revised Agena _ 377324 _ English _ 773 _ 378098 _ pdf
39308 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.1/GE.3/2023/1 - Agenda _ 376579 _ English _ 773 _ 376209 _ pdf
39308 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.1/GE.3/2023/1 - Agenda _ 376579 _ French _ 780 _ 376489 _ pdf
39308 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.1/GE.3/2023/1 - Agenda _ 376579 _ Russian _ 864 _ 376490 _ pdf


39309 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.1/GE.3/2023/2 - Report _ 378551 _ English _ 773 _ 381238 _ pdf
39309 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.1/GE.3/2023/2 - Report _ 378551 _ French _ 780 _ 397359 _ pdf
39309 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.1/GE.3/2023/2 - Report _ 378551 _ Russian _ 864 _ 397360 _ pdf

Informal documents

39311 _ Informal document No. 1, GE.3-06-01 - (Bureau) Running order of the sixth session of GE.3 _ 378061 _ English _ 773 _ 379784 _ docx GE.3-06-01e.pdf (application/pdf, 88.08 KB) pdf
39311 _ Informal document No. 4, GE.3-06-08 - (Canada) Proposed Plan - GE3 Comprehensive Needs Assessment for a legal instrument on use of automated vehicles in traffic _ 378246 _ English _ 773 _ 380462 _ docx GE.3-06-08e.pdf (application/pdf, 140.26 KB) pdf


39312 _ Presentation 1, GE.3-06-04 - (Sweden) To put the drafting volunteers informal writing into a science perspective _ 378062 _ English _ 773 _ 379787 _ pptx Presentation 1.pdf (application/pdf, 522.06 KB) pdf
39312 _ Presentation 2, GE.3-06-05 - (Finland, the Netherlands) Contribution from the drafting volunteers towards the assessment of needs _ 378140 _ English _ 773 _ 380013 _ pptx Presentation 2.pdf (application/pdf, 171.81 KB) pdf
39312 _ Presentation 4, GE.3-06-07 - (Secretariat) General information and highlights from the 85th session of ITC and 86th session of WP.1 _ 378211 _ English _ 773 _ 380236 _ pptx Presentation 4.pdf (application/pdf, 301.56 KB) pdf
39312 _ Presentation 5, GE.3-06-09 - (CLEPA, OICA) Industry views on assessment activities towards realising a new legal instrument for automated vehicles in traffic _ 378256 _ English _ 773 _ 380502 _ pdf Presentation 5.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 108.3 KB) pptx
39312 _ Presentation 5/Rev.1, GE.3-06-09/Rev.1 - (CLEPA, OICA) Industry views on assessment activities towards realising a new legal instrument for automated vehicles in traffic _ 378353 _ English _ 773 _ 380625 _ pptx Presentation 5-Rev.1_0.pdf (application/pdf, 192.88 KB) pdf
39312 _ Presentation 6, GE.3-06-10 - (Secretariat) Activities until November 2023 (agreed) _ 378373 _ English _ 773 _ 380697 _ pptx Presentation 6.pdf (application/pdf, 509.75 KB) pdf