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Presentation, Apostolos Kasapis (Elstat, Greece)

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Leaving no Child Behind: The 2021 Population- Housing Census in Greece

Apostolos Kasapisa

a Director - President’s Office, Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT)

[email protected]

Expert meeting on statistics on children Annual session of UNICEF's TransMonEE network

Geneva, Switzerland, 4–6 March 2024

1. The Census in Greece (1821-2021)


1. The Population and Housing Census in Greece

• After 1951, the Population Census takes places every ten years.

• The purpose is to collect up-to-date and valid data on the demographic, economic and social characteristics of the population and its housing conditions.

• Within the scope of the 2021 Censuses was included also the compilation of Statistical Registers for Buildings and Population.


1. The Population and Housing Census in Greece

• Based on the impact assessment and given that the Census of 2021 had to be done with the traditional (door-to-door) method, where the whole population would be approached, the collection of variables which will serve as unique IDs and will be used as "keys" for linking the census data with the appropriate administrative registers, was decided.

• These variables were the Tax Identification Number (TIN Number or ΑΦΜ) and the Social Security Number (AMKA).


1. The Population and Housing Census in Greece

Data regarding special groups (hard-to-reach or marginalized populations) was in the spotlight.


2. Legal and Institutional Framework

• A very important aspect of the 2021 Population-Housing Census was the strong legal statistical framework with a solid democratic legitimization in line with the best chosen scientific statistical practices.


2. Legal and Institutional Framework

The General Censuses of 2021 were carried out in accordance with the following


– European Union Legislation

• Regulation (EC) No 763/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council

• Implementing Regulations (EC) No 543/2017 and No 881/2017

• Regulation (EC) No 712/2017 of the European Parliament and of the Council

• Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council

• GDPR Regulation (EU) 679/2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council

– National Legislation

• The Census Law 4772/2021 regulating the Census

• The Greek Statistical Law 3832/2010

• The Law 4624/2019 implementing GDPR in Greece

• Regulatory Decisions of the President of ELSTAT

– United Nations Recommendations

• United Nations Recommendations for the Population - Housing Censuses of 2020 round 7

2. Legal and Institutional Framework

• For the first time, following preparation and consultation by ELSTAT, a designated draft bill was submitted to Parliament, which was voted into law (Census Law 4772/2021) by the vast majority of its members, gaining broad support from both government and opposition parties.

• The Census Law was offered for public consultation, as all proposed laws in Greece, for more than a month and ELSTAT was able to explain the scope and answer all the questions arising within the parliamentary committees.

• ELSTAT also had the opportunity to discuss questions arising from the citizens regarding the necessity of the Census, the variables and their justified agony regarding the pandemic and how this might affect the Census.

• The aim of the bill was to provide a long-term and comprehensive legal basis for the population statistics, in Greece, to meet evolving user needs and exploit the opportunities provided by the growing usage of administrative data sources and new methods.


2. Legal and Institutional Framework

• The bill was written aspiring to prevent any kind of problems that aroused in previous Censuses in Greece or abroad and to prepare the ELSS for future obligations regarding statistical information and data provision.

• The Census Law specified:

– the purpose of the Census

– the subject,

– the statistical definitions and the variables,

– the budget,

– the methodology,

– data collection,

– post-census activities

– creation of the statistical registers

• Special clauses allowed for the President of the ELSTAT to be able to make all the appropriate adaptations regarding the data collection period, the variables and the people working for the Censuses.


3. The Population and Housing Census 2021

New approach

• Electronic self-enumeration of the households via a specially designed (in-house) web application.

• For the households where the electronic self-enumeration was not possible, as well as people in reception facilities, nursing homes, hospitals, camps etc., the Census was conducted through a face-to-face or phone interview in compliance with the applicable public health protection measures.

• The enumerators were responsible for helping, via phone, the representatives of the, around 120-150, enumerated households with their questions and visit again the households that didn’t self-enumerate to arrange a physical or telephone interview.


3. The Population and Housing Census 2021

• Preparatory Phase: The Building Census

• Phase A: Population and Housing Census – Electronic self-enumeration

• Phase B: Population and Housing Census – Data Collection via interview

• Phase C: Population and Housing Census – Electronic self-enumeration for those who didn’t manage to contact their enumerator


3.1 The Questionnaire

• The Census questionnaire included all the variables in accordance with

the European Regulation (EU) 763/2008 on Population and Housing

Censuses, while it also included variables that meet national

requirements in statistical information.

• For the first time, the Population Census included the collection of:

– the tax identification number (TIN Number) and

– the Social Security Number (AMKA)

• The aim is to introduce a unique identification number for each person

that will be used as a “Key” to link the statistical data from the

Population Census to data from administrative registers, in line with the

Digital Transformation Bible in Greece (Law 4727/2020) regarding the

interoperability of the administrative registers. 12

3.1 The Questionnaire

• The purpose was dual:

– to link the variables gathered in the Census with data from administrative

registers, with the aim to verify their quality (for errors/uniqueness and to

ensure full coverage of the entire population) in order to safeguard the

results of the Census and

– to help build a solid basis (together with the results of the 2021 Census) for

the establishment of the statistical Population Register, subject to a

continuous updating with the use of administrative data.


3.2 Processing Census data

• Collected Data

– The data obtained from the Population Census have been inserted in

the database of ELSTAT during the data collection period and were

subject to processing right after the end of the Census.

– The quality of the collected data in terms of completeness and

correctness was of a high level due to the integrated automatic

controls in the questionnaire.

– The data were checked for identification of duplications and missing

values ​​/ variables.


3.2 Processing Census data

• Administrative sources

– The use of administrative sources was part of ELSTAT’s Strategy for

the 2021 General Censuses.

– ELSTAT asked for and used administrative data from the Tax

Authorities (key: TIN Number), Social Security (key: AMKA), the

Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs as regards special groups of the

population (e.g. Roma and homeless people), etc.

– Data from administrative sources were used as a mean to control

and supplement the missing values of main demographic

characteristics of the population, such as place of permanent

residence, age etc. or any missing records.


4. Leaving no one behind

• It is essential to recognize that not all population groups can be adequately reached, such as:

– Monasteries,

– military barracks,

– correctional facilities - reformatories,

– orphanages,

– care homes,

– nursing homes,

– psychiatric hospitals,

– centers for individuals with special needs,

– hospitals,

– migrant/refugee camps,

– Roma camps,

– homeless shelters and

– other marginalized communities. 16

4. Leaving no one behind

• To ensure the comprehensive inclusion of all communities, specialized enumerators were deployed by ELSTAT to visit and conduct interviews in their respective settlements and camps.

• This targeted approach was crucial in overcoming barriers related to digital literacy, language, and trust, which are often prevalent among these marginalized groups.

• By employing skilled enumerators familiar with the cultural and linguistic nuances of these communities, the census authorities facilitated meaningful engagement and accurate data collection.


4.1 Leaving no one behind: Children

• As a group, children have special characteristics that place them at elevated risk to certain vulnerabilities and dangers compared to other groups.

• Their age and often limited or non-existent legal capacity generally means that they lack the ability to make legally binding decisions for themselves and decisions are made by their parents or appointed guardians.

• In the Census, children usually are not considered suitable respondents for the Household.

• Things become more challenging when children reside in collective accommodations or belong to hard-to-reach or marginalized populations.


4.1 Leaving no one behind: Children

• ELSTAT had to be sure that all children in Greece were counted in the Census:

– Use administrative data for those who forgot to enumerate their children (!!)

– Use the Statistical Literacy strategy to inform people that they could trust the Census and the statistics in general

– For children in reformatories, orphanages, centers for individuals with special needs, and hospitals, we had close collaboration with their administrations and ensured to conduct a comprehensive census of all residents living there.

– Refugees: Special Enumerators

– Roma Population: Special Enumerators


4.2 Leaving no one behind: Refugees

• ELSTAT, in collaboration with the Greek Ministry of Migration & Asylum, performed the Census in refugee camps, with special enumerators and questioners, collected data:

– For the number of people living in each Camp.

– For each family, which was considered as a separate household, so they had to answer the special questioner for the “Household in special facilities”,

– For each member of the “household” had to answer the special questioner for the individual (same for all the individuals that took part in the Census) regarding their characteristics with the appropriate disaggregation.

• Special Enumerators were chosen by the Camp facility, accompanied by translators to help the respondents.

• At the same time, social workers as special enumerators, collected data, in the whole country, regarding refugees (and unaccompanied children) who weren’t living in camps, but is dedicated houses provided by the Greek Ministry of Migration & Asylum.


4.3 Leaving no one behind: Roma People

• ELSTAT, in collaboration with the General Secretariat for Social Solidarity & the Fight Against Poverty of the Greek Ministry of Labor, performed the Census in Roma settlements, with special enumerators and questioners, collected data:

– For the number of people living in each settlement.

– For each family, which was considered as a separate household, so they had to answer the special questioner for the “Household in special facilities”,

– For each member of the “household” had to answer the special questioner for the individual (same for all the individuals that took part in the Census) regarding their characteristics with the appropriate disaggregation.

• To ensure trust among Roma, the Special Enumerators were Roma themselves and were suggested by the General Secretariat for Social Solidarity & the Fight Against Poverty.

• For the Roma people living in houses, they participated in the Census as the rest of the population, without any question characterizing them as “Roma”. (no sensitive personal data in the Census).


4. Leaving no one behind

• Moreover, concerns regarding the sensitive nature of personal data posed additional challenges in identifying and enumerating hard-to- reach or marginalized populations.

• Keeping in mind that Censuses are not the appropriate statistical task to collect sensitive data and in order to address indirectly revelation of sensitive personal data ELSTAT had:

– To be in close collaboration with trusted community organizations played a vital role in building trust and encouraging participation.

– Implemented strict protocols to safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of respondents, particularly those belonging to vulnerable groups.

• Data protection measures were meticulously designed to comply with international standards and regulations, ensuring that sensitive information (which was gathered indirectly), was handled with utmost care and discretion.


5. Why the Census is so important?

• Reliable data and official statistics are key to developing successful policy strategies.

• Data that can be disaggregated allow for non-obvious trends to be identified, highlight the visibility of vulnerable groups and assist policymakers and stakeholders in their evaluations of measures taken by the State.

• The Census is not only a (very detailed) spotlight. The Census provides the sample frames for all the statistical surveys of the next years so helps official statistics to include the whole population spectrum with their disaggregated characteristics.


Ευχαριστώ πολύ Thank you

UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Road Safety in Athens to meet officials and support the first-ever UNHCR Road Safety Project in Greece

The UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Road Safety, Mr. Jean Todt, is in Athens on 26 and 27 September to meet several high-level officials in Greece such as the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Citizen Protection, the Minister of Infrastructure & Transports, the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs and the Secretary General for Transport Affairs.  

Challenges and prospects of the Hellenic Statistical System 2021 population and housing census and beyond, Hellenic Statistical Authority (Greece)

Languages and translations

Group of Experts on Population and Housing Censuses UNECE, Geneva 21-23 September 2022

Challenges and prospects of the Hellenic Statistical System: 2021 Population-Housing Census and beyond


Vasiliki Kyprioti – Benaki, General Director of Statistics Apostolos Kasapis, Director – President’s Office


Scope and methodology

Institutional Framework

Outline 2

The Census in Greece (1821-2021) 3

The Census in Greece (1821-2021) 4

1821-2001: De Facto population, 2011-2021: Resident population. * Population estimation through the 1828 Census ** Provisional Data Web:








Population Census Results in Greece (1821-2021)

The Population and Housing Census in Greece 5


✓ to collect up-to-date and valid data on the demographic, economic and social characteristics of the population and its housing conditions

✓ to identify the country's building stock and the buildings’ use and their characteristics

✓ compilation of Statistical Registers for Buildings and Population

The Population and Housing Census in Greece

The 2021 Population-Housing Census, initially was to be conducted following the traditional, door-to-door, method by fill in a paper questionnaire through an interview.

The combined census model was not a straightforward choice because of:

✓ the lack of suitable Registers at national level

✓ the lack of a unique ID for both citizens and dwellings that made any linkage between administrative

and statistical registers a burdensome undertaking

✓ the strict data protection regulations among different administrations


The Population and Housing Census in Greece 7

Collection of variables which will provide unique IDs and will be used as "keys" for linking the census data with the appropriate administrative registers

These variables were:

✓ the Tax Identification Number (TIN Number or ΑΦΜ), and

✓ the Social Security Number (AMKA).

Legal and Institutional Framework 8

EU legal framework provides a consistent set of regulations on population statistics under the umbrella of the E.C Regulation 223/2009

At National level the Greek Statistical Law 3832/2010 as well as a special Census Law (4772/2021) set this framework ensuring the access of ELSTAT to relevant administrative sources.

Institutional arrangements special agreements have been concluded in the form of memoranda of cooperation with the administrative data holders, while good cooperation/working relations have been established with them, which is a precondition for ensuring the regular use of this data in the context of official statistics.

ELSTAT introduced a special Census Law

✓ the national law 4772/2021, was voted by the vast majority of the members of the Hellenic


It was the first time that the General Censuses in Greece were conducted by virtue of a legal act

that enjoys democratic legitimization to that extent.

Up until the 2021 Census, the Censuses were held with a Presidential (or Royal) Decree and

Ministerial Acts.

Legal and Institutional Framework 9

The Census Law 10

The aim of introducing a special Census Law was:

✓to provide a long-term and comprehensive legal basis for population statistics

✓to meet evolving user needs, and

✓to exploit the opportunities provided by the growing usage of administrative data sources and new methods.

The Census Law

The Census Law specified:

✓ the purpose of the Census

✓ the subject,

✓ the statistical definitions and the variables,

✓ the budget,

✓ the methodology,

✓ data collection,

✓ post-census activities

✓ creation of the statistical registers

Special clauses allowed for the President of the ELSTAT to be able to make all the appropriate adaptations regarding the data collection period, the variables and the people working for the Censuses.


The Census Law

Future obligations:

✓ the creation, for the first time in Greece, of the Building and Population registers

✓ clear provisions that all the Authorities/Bodies in Greece are obliged to provide administrative data to ELSTAT.

Overall, ELSTAT enjoyed full independence regarding the Census since the President of ELSTAT was the sole decision-maker regarding the timetables, the procedures, the variables etc.


The Census Law 13

Legal and Institutional Framework 14

A very important aspect of the 2021 Population-Housing Census was the strong

legal statistical framework with a solid democratic legitimization in line with the best chosen scientific statistical practices.

This feature indicates the recognition of the professional independence of ELSTAT and

provides a solid basis for the Hellenic Statistical System (ELSS) to be able to meet

both current and future challenges.

The Census Law 15

is in line with the Digital Transformation Bible in Greece (Law 4727/2020) as regards the interoperability of the administrative registers

is providing to the President of ELSTAT the flexibility and freedom of choice regarding the times, the procedures and even the variables of the Census.

is ensuring the smooth provision of administrative data and their effective use for statistical purposes nowadays and at the future

The Population and Housing Census 2021 16

New approach for the data collection and a new data collection period as a result of the

covid 19 pandemic

▪ Electronic self-enumeration of the households via a specially designed (in-house)

web application.

▪ face-to-face or phone interview only for the households where the electronic

self-enumeration was not possible, as well as people in reception facilities,

nursing homes, hospitals, camps etc.

➢ Preparatory Phase: The Building Census

✓ In addition to building characteristics, information on building coordinates was collected and lists of buildings were compiled identifying the dwellings/households to be enumerated

➢ Phase A: Population and Housing Census – Electronic self-enumeration

The Population and Housing Census 2021 17

➢ Phase B: Data Collection via interview

❑ The enumerators could identify the residents who were not self-enumerated in Phase A,

they had to visit them again to arrange a phone or face-to-face interview

❑ The enumerators at this stage were using paper questionnaires and they were obliged to

do the data entry in ELSTAT’s dataset via a web application

➢ Phase C: Electronic self-enumeration for few cases of citizens who didn’t manage to contact

their enumerator

The Population and Housing Census 2021 18

Electronic Management and Monitoring System 19

Hierarchical Structure of the 2021 Population-Housing Census in Greece

The management of the entire Census project was performed electronically, by level of responsibility of the Census bodies,

with a parallel control of the completeness and correctness of the data collected.

President of ELSTAT


Senior Supervisors




Assistant Supervisors


Heads of Sectors



The Questionnaire 20

The Census questionnaires have been designed according to

✓ the UNECE Recommendations on Population and Housing Censuses

✓ the European Regulation (EU) 763/2008

✓ the accumulated experience in ELSTAT and the suggestions of other public agencies and


For the first time, the Population Census included the collection of:

❖ the tax identification number (TIN Number) and

❖ the Social Security Number (AMKA)

The aim is to introduce a unique identification number for each person to link the statistical data

from the Population Census to data from administrative registers

The Questionnaire 21

The purpose was dual:

✓ to link the variables gathered in the Census with data from administrative registers, with the

aim to verify their quality (for errors/uniqueness and to ensure full coverage of the entire

population) in order to safeguard the results of the Census and

✓ to build a solid basis (together with the results of the 2021 Census) for the establishment of the

statistical Population Register, subject to a continuous updating with the use of administrative


✓ The quality of the collected data in terms of completeness and correctness is of a high level

✓ The data are checked in terms of quality and completeness and follow “data cleaning”

More precisely the data are checked for identification of:

▪ duplications,

▪ missing values ​​/ variables

and automated corrections are applied

✓ Quality controls as regards the full coverage of the total population are performed

Data from the administrative sources is used as a mean to control and supplement the

missing values ​​of main demographic characteristics of the population, such as place of

permanent residence, gender, age etc. or any missing records

Processing Census data 22

The use of administrative sources was part of the 2021 General Censuses Strategy of ELSTAT.

The purpose is twofold:

✓ quality controls of the census data

✓ creation and maintenance of building and population statistical registers with the use of administrative data

sources such as:

▪ the tax system

▪ the social security system

▪ the ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

▪ the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator S.A (HEDNO S.A.),

▪ Citizens Register of the Minister of Internal Affairs

Use of Administrative sources in the context of the 2021 Population-Housing Census 23

Setting-up of statistical Building and Population Registers 24

The Statistical Register of Buildings and the Statistical Register of Population will be set up on the basis of the 2021 census data


✓ To provide of more detailed, and

✓ more frequent datasets as regards topics characteristics and breakdowns for basic demographic characteristics

✓ To maintain updated sampling frames for the conduct of social statistical surveys

✓ To establish a more flexible statistical system able to adapt to the evolving user needs in the future as regards social


The plan is divided into 3 stages, the data collection from the administrative sources, the data processing and the production stage


The first stage includes the collection of all the files from the administrative sources and their integration in the secure database of ELSTAT

➢ the data is decrypted and transformed into a readable and manageable form by ELSTAT’s staff

➢ checked in terms of quality and completeness and follow

➢ “data cleaning”

➢ “standardization” and

➢ establishment of relations between the files (data controls of first stage)

Plan for the use of administrative data 25


a. Analysis of the structure of the administrative data

As administrative data sources are not normally set up for statistical purposes a transformation process

was performed in order to create a reliable statistical data set

The first step was

➢ to identify the variables that could arise from each data source

➢ to analyze the administrative characteristics in terms of their content

➢ To compare the administrative characteristics with the population and housing characteristics in order

to identify differences in the definitions

b. Data Editing

Plan for the Use of Administrative Data 26


➢ Compilation of the Statistical Register of Buildings and Population

➢ Updating of the statistical registers from administrative and other sources such as surveys on

a regular basis

➢ The registers will be kept in this form frozen and will be further used for the production of

statistics and any statistical work.

➢ historical records will be kept for 30 years from their reference year

Plan for the Use of Administrative Data 27

Conclusions and Next Steps 28

The legal and institutional framework was one of the most important factors that contributed to:

✓ the successful conduct of the 2021 General Census in Greece

✓ the effective respond to the conditions arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, adapting the original design to a new approach

✓ laying the foundations for the establishment and maintenance of Statistical Registers for Population and Buildings by introducing, for the first time, two unique variables as keys (identifiers) to administrative data sources

✓ ensure that the Census questionnaire could include, for the first time, variables that would help both in the controls and in the interconnection with other data sources for the creation of the necessary statistical registers

Finally, this legal framework and the trust that ELSTAT has been enjoying in recent years, that allows administrative data to be provided, sets the required institutional environment that will help the whole ELSS to respond to the increasing needs for statistical information.