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Guidelines on producing leading, composite and sentiment indicators

Leading, composite and sentiment indicators make it possible for official statistics to shed new light on aspects of the economy and the society, for instance through compilation of leading indicators on the economic development or composite indicators measuring the well-being of households.
This publication gives guidance to statistical offices that produce or consider producing leading, composite and sentiment indicators. The Guidelines provide a typology of the indicators and offer a structured decision-making process based on the Principles of Official Statistics that statistical offices may use when deciding whether to engage in the production of such indicators.
For statistical offices that already produce or decide to produce leading composite and sentiment indicators, the Guidelines give practical guidance on how to produce the indicators and how to communicate them to users of statistics. The Guidelines include practical examples from countries that can serve as inspiration for developing and communicating LCS indicators. The publication is targeted principally at national statistical offices, others interested in the compilation and use of LCS indicators will also find it useful.
ISBN: 978-92-1-117219-5 eISBN: 978-92-1-004517-9 Sales No.: E.20.II.E.5 
Download: ENG (3.9 MB)