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Third review of implementation of the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (2016–2018)

Third review of implementation of the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (2016–2018)

Third review SEA Protocol

Available in English, French, and Russian, this electronic-only publication contains the Third review of the implementation of the Protocol on SEA (2016-2018), as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol at its fourth session (Vilnius (online), 8–11 December 2020).  It examines responses to a questionnaire on countries’ implementation of the Protocol on SEA in the period 2016–2018. The Meeting of the Parties noted the findings of the review (presented in section IV of the Review) and requested the Implementation Committee of the Convention and the Protocol to take into account general and specific compliance issues identified in the Review when assessing compliance by Parties with their obligations under the Protocol.

In addition to constituting a valuable source of information for the Implementation Committee, the present Review also provides useful information for Parties wishing to strengthen their implementation of the Protocol, for States considering acceding to the Protocol in their legal and administrative preparations, and for others wishing to understand better how the Protocol is implemented in national legislation and applied in practice.