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New example agreement between customs administrations and national associations now available

4 March 2020
At its seventy-second session (5-6 February 2020), the TIR Administrative Committee (AC.2) endorsed a new version of the example agreement between customs administrations and national associations to replace the existing version, contained in Chapter 6.2 of the TIR Handbook. The example agreement has been prepared by the TIR Executive Board (TIRExB) to assist parties in the legal requirement of Annex 9, Part 1, paragraph 1 (d) of the Convention “to establish a written agreement or any other legal instrument between the association and the competent authorities of the contracting party in which it is established, including the acceptance by the association of its duties, set out in Annex 9, Part I, paragraph 3”.
The purpose of the updated and amended example agreement is to provide guidance to contracting parties that have recently acceded to the Convention or that are in the process of renegotiating their existing agreement. Pending the publication of the next version of the TIR Handbook, the text of the agreement can now be consulted and downloaded from the TIR website in English, French and Russian.