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Information from other sources

Implementation Committee

Correspondence as a result of information provided to the Committee from other sources

The Committee, at its eighth meeting, decided to make available on the Convention's website its correspondence with concerned Parties, as an illustration of the Committee's approach to a specific compliance issue and of a proper and sufficient response from a Party to address the issue. The Committee, at its seventeenth meeting, similarly decided to ask sources of information for their permission to publish their information on the website.

EIA/IC/INFO/y symbols used for follow-up to information provided to the Committee under rule 15 of the operating rules (decision IV/2, annex IV), "y" is an index number.


Convention matters    
EIA/IC/INFO/1 closed Regarding Romania
EIA/IC/INFO/2 closed Regarding Ukraine
EIA/IC/INFO/3 closed Regarding the Republic of Moldova
EIA/IC/INFO/4 closed Regarding Belgium
EIA/IC/INFO/5 closed Information form submitted by Ecoclub, a Ukrainian non-governmental organization, to the Committee on 1 July 2009 regarding a proposed nuclear power plant in Belarus. This matter has been closed, but related information is availalbe further to a submission by Lithuania concerning the same facts (EIA/IC/S/4 Belarus).
EIA/IC/INFO/6 closed Regarding Slovakia
EIA/IC/INFO/7 closed (followed by a Committee initiative) On the basis of information submitted by Ecoclub, a Ukrainian non-governmental organization, to the Committee on 20 April 2011 regarding a proposed extension of the lifetime of nuclear reactors in Ukraine and by the Government, at its twenty-seventh session, the Committee decided to open a Committee initiative (EIA/IC/CI/4 Ukraine)
EIA/IC/INFO/8 closed Regarding Romania
EIA/IC/INFO/9 closed Regarding Lithuania
EIA/IC/INFO/10 closed in 2015 and resumed in 2017 Regarding Ukraine
Information submitted by a Belarusian NGO on the planned construction of nuclear reactors 3 and 4 at the Khmelnytskyi NPP in Ukraine, approximately 150 kilometres from the borders with the Republic of Moldova and Romania, and approximately 350 kilometres from the border with Belarus. 
EIA/IC/INFO/11 closed Information gathering regarding the likely significant adverse transboundary impact of two Azerbaijani projects in the Caspian Sea on other littoral States Party to the Convention (further to the consideration by the Committee of submission EIA/IC/S/5).
EIA/IC/INFO/12 closed (followed by a Committee initiative) Information forms submitted by a German Member of the Parliament and the Irish NGO Friends of the Irish Environment, on 12 March and 27 March 2013, respectively, regarding the planned construction of NPP Hinkley Point C by the United Kingdom. At its thirtieth session, the Committee decided to open a Committee initiative (EIA/IC/CI/5 United Kingdom)
EIA/IC/INFO/13 closed Regarding Ukraine
EIA/IC/INFO/14 closed(followed by a Committee initiative) Information form submitted by the NGO Bankwatch Romania, on 2 April 2014, regarding the planned construction by Serbia of a lignite power plant in north-east Serbia, by the River Danube, close to the border with Romania. At its thirty-third session, the Committee decided to open a Committee initiative (EIA/IC/CI/6 Serbia). The Committee continues its information gathering with regard to the issues raising concerns on compliance by Serbia with the Protocol (see SEA/IC/INFO/1 below).
EIA/IC/INFO/15 closed Information forms submitted by the NGO Greenpeace Netherlands, on 7 May 2014, concerning the extension by the Netherlands of the lifetime of the Borssele NPP.
EIA/IC/INFO/16 closed

Regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina

Information forms submitted by the Center for Environment (Bosnia and Herzegovina), on 18 September 2014, concerning the planned construction of a third block for the thermo-power plant in Ugljevik (Bosnia and Herzegovina), close to the border with Serbia.

EIA/IC/INFO/17 closed

Regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina

Information form submitted by the Center of Environment (Bosnia and Herzegovina), on 18 September 2014, concerning the planned construction of a new thermo-power plant in Stanari (Bosnia and Herzegovina), close to the border with Croatia. 

EIA/IC/INFO/18 closed (followed by a Committee initiative)

Regarding Belgium

Information form submitted by German federal states of North Rhine-Westfalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, on 8 March 2016, regarding the extension of the lifetime for reactors 1 and 2 at the Doel nuclear power plant and reactor 1 at the Tihange nuclear power plant (Belgium).

EIA/IC/INFO/19 closed (followed by a Committee initiative) Information form submitted jointly by four NGOs (Oekobuero, Global 2000, Jihočeské matky (South Bohemian Mothers) and Calla) on 27 July 2016 and information form received from the NGO Aarhus Konvention Initiative Germany on 9 August 2016 concerning the extension of the lifetime of several reactors at the Dukovany nuclear power plant (Czechia).
EIA/IC/INFO/20 open Information form submitted by Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Bankwatch Network on 1 August 2016 regarding the lifetime extensions of reactor 3 at the Rivne nuclear power plant, three reactors at the South-Ukrainian nuclear power plant, five reactors at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant and two reactors at the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant (Ukraine).
EIA/IC/INFO/21 open Initiated by the Committee further to its deliberations on the follow-up by Belarus with decision VI/2 regarding the Ostrovets NPP (EIA/IC/S/4) and the information provided by the international consultants to the secretariat on 17 February 2017 in relation to the recent adoption by Belarus of the law and subsequent regulations on EIA, SEA and State ecological expertise.
EIA/IC/INFO/22 closed Regarding Spain

Information form submitted by the Portuguese political party Pessoas-Animais-Natureza (People-Animals-Nature) on 27 January 2017 concerning the planned construction of individual temporary storage for radioactive waste at the Almaraz nuclear power plant. 
EIA/IC/INFO/23 closed

Regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Information form submitted by the non-governmental organization Ecotim (Bosnia and Herzegovina) on 14 April 2017 concerning the planned construction by Bosnia and Herzegovina of a thermal power plant in Banovici, close to the borders of Croatia and Serbia.

EIA/IC/INFO/24 closed Information form submitted by the non-governmental organization Ecotim on 14 April 2017 concerning the planned construction by Bosnia and Herzegovina of unit 7 of the thermal power plant in Tuzla, close to the border with Croatia and Serbia. 
EIA/IC/INFO/25 closed Information form submitted by a German civil initiative on 20 June 2017 concerning the planned by Switzerland changes at the Zurich airport, close to the border with Germany, including construction of taxiways and modifications of the operating regulations.
EIA/IC/INFO/26 closed Regarding Spain

Information form dated 17 August 2017 from the Portuguese political party Pessoas Animais Natureza concerning the extension by Spain of the lifetime of the Santa Maria de Garona nuclear power plant.
EIA/IC/INFO/27 closed

Regarding Serbia

Information form dated 18 June 2018 from Belgium Branch of the nongovernmental organization ClientEarth regarding the extension by Serbia of the open pit mine at Drmno and the Committee initiative with regard to construction of a third block of the Kostolac lignite power plant by Serbia (EIA/IC/CI/6). 

EIA/IC/INFO/28 closed (followed by a Committee initiative)

Regarding Bulgaria 

Information form submitted by the Romanian non-governmental organization Actiunea pentru Renasterea Craiovei (ARC) on 13 March 2013 regarding the extension by Bulgaria of the lifetime of units 5 nad 6 at Kozloduy nuclear power plant, close to the border with Romania.

EIA/IC/INFO/29 closed

Regarding Ukraine

Information form submitted by the Swiss non-governmental organization Bruno Master Fonds on 28 November 2018 with regard to the construction of a large tourism complex at Svydovets mountain range in western Ukraine, close to the border with Hungary and Romania.

EIA/IC/INFO/30 closed

Regarding the Nord Stream 2 

Information submitted by Ukraine on 22 January 2019 regarding the construction of a natural gas pipeline from the Russian Federation to Germany (Nord Stream 2 project) with Denmark, Finland, Germany and Sweden as Parties of origin. 

EIA/IC/INFO/31 closed

Regarding Serbia 

Information form submitted by Bulgarian NGO the Balkanka Association on 10 February 2019 concerning the compliance by Serbia with its obligations under the Convention with regard to the construction of an experimental facility to test flotation technology for processing copper, lead and zinc ore in Karamanica. Case is linked with the submission by Bulgaria EIA/IC/S/6

EIA/IC/INFO/32 open

Regarding France

Information form submitted by Greenpeace France on 9 March 2020 regarding the non-application of the Convention by France to the planned lifetime extensions of 32 units of eight nuclear power plants in the period 2020–2026. 

EIA/IC/INFO/33 closed

Regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina

Information form submitted jointly by four NGOs (Aarhus centar in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Centre for Environment, Green Home and Environmental movement Ozon) on 15 May 2020 regarding the compliance of Bosnia and Herzegovina with its obligations under the Convention with regards to construction of the Buk Bijela hydropower plant.

EIA/IC/INFO/34 closed

Regarding Spain

Information received from the Portuguese political party, Pessoas–Animais–Natureza, expressing concerns about the non-application of the Convention by Spain to the planned lifetime extensions of two units of Almaraz nuclear power plant

EIA/IC/INFO/35 open

Regarding Germany

Information received from the German NGO Deutsche Umwelthilfe on 29 June 2023, expressing concerns about the non-application of the Convention by Germany to the construction of a liquefied natural gas terminal in the Bay of Pomerania in the Baltic Sea, near the coastal waters of Denmark, Poland and Sweden. 

EIA/IC/INFO/36 open

Regarding North Macedonia

 Information received from the Bulgarian NGO “Balkanka Association” on 19 July 2023, expressing concerns about the non-application of the Convention by North Macedonia to the development of a new gold-copper mine, close to the border with Bulgaria.

EIA/IC/INFO/37 open

Regarding Bulgaria

Information received from the Bulgarian NGO “Balkanka Association” on 14 August 2023, expressing concerns about the non-application of the Convention by Bulgaria to several planned mining activities, close to the border with Greece. 

Protocol matters    
SEA/IC/INFO/1 closed

Regarding Serbia

Following its consideration of information-gathering procedure EIA/IC/INFO/14, which led to a Committee initiative (EIA/IC/CI/6) regarding the application of the Convention by Serbia with regard to the planned construction of a new block at the Kostolac lignite power plant, the Committee opened information gathering procedure regarding the application of the Protocol by Serbia in relation to the carrying out of the SEA procedures for the Serbian Energy Development Strategy and its Spatial Plan. 

SEA/IC/INFO/2 closed As a result of the follow-up on decision VI/2 regarding the planned construction of the Metsamor NPP by Armenia (EIA/IC/S/3), the Committee initiated information gathering procedure in relation to the Programme of the Government adopted by Decision 511-A of 19 May 2014 to establish whether the Government programme should have been a subject to an SEA. 
SEA/IC/INFO/3 closed

Regarding Ukraine 

Information form submitted by the International Environmental Association of River Keepers Eco - TIRAS (Republic of Moldova) on 24 March 2017 concerning the Programme of Ukraine for Hydro Energy Development for the Period until 2026

SEA/IC/INFO/4 open Information submitted by a member of the German Parliament, on 11 February 2020 regarding the compliance by Poland with the Protocol with respect to not carrying out transboundary consultations with Germany regarding the draft of the Energy Policy of Poland until 2040 (hereinafter referred to as "the Policy").