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7th meeting

Informal Group on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles - Sub group safety (HFCV-SGS)
7th meeting (Ottawa, Canada, 21-23 September 2009)

SGS-7-11 -Draft HFCV gtr
English only DOC (1059 KB) PDF (542 KB)
SGS-7-10 - Working draft HFCV gtr - 8-11-09
English only PPT (644 KB) PDF (58 KB)
SGS-7-9 - (JASIC) Proposal on drafting hydrogen storage system part of the HFCV-gtr (September 2009)
English only PPT (175 KB) PDF (35 KB)
SGS-7-8 - (JASIC) Proposal on drafting hydrogen storage system part of the HFCV-gtr (July 2009)
English only ---- PDF (709 KB)
SGS-7-7 - (OICA) Draft proposal for compressed hydrogen storage system requirements - Fuel cell vehicle global technical regulation
English only ---- PDF (471 KB)
SGS-7-6 - (JASIC) JASIC comments to SGS 6-03 Draft proposal
English only ---- PDF (338 KB)
SGS-7-5 - (JASIC) JASIC comment for ISO table comparison of H Tank standards
English only ---- PDF (335 KB)
SGS-7-4 - (Hysafe) Allowable hydrogen permeation rate for automotive applications
English only ---- PDF (2219 KB)
SGS-7-3 - Draft minutes
English only DOC (123 KB) PDF (88 KB)
SGS-7-2 - Draft action items (collected from the draft minutes)
English only DOC (25 KB) PDF (8 KB)
SGS-7-1 - Agenda of the 7th meeting of the subgroup on safety (SGS)
English only DOC (38 KB) PDF (8 KB)